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2022年湖北省恩施州中考一模英语试题学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、单项选择1Zhang Guimei is _ unusual teacher. She set up the first free girls high school in 2008.AaBanCthe2 Lily, is this blue pencil box Steves?No, it isnt. _ is black.AMineBHersCHis3 Dad, what is the loudspeaker (喇叭) saying? It is to the _. The flight to Wuhan is boarding now.AcustomersBpassengersCtourists4According to the new regulation (规定), school students _ take their cell phones to the classroom.AwouldntBneedntCmustnt5The high-speed train between Enshi and Laifeng travels faster now. The train ride _ only about an hour and a half.AtakesBspendsCcosts6In daily life, everyone should _ the lies. After all, being honest comes first.Apay attention toBget used toCstay away from7You dont need to take any cash(现金)when shopping. You may pay by _ Alipay (支付宝)_ WeChat(微信).Aeither, orBneither; norCnot; but8I wonder if Li Hua _ to the hospital to receive COVID-19 vaccinations (疫苗接种).Im sure he will if he _ time.Agoes; will haveBwill go; will haveCwill go; has9It was the Dragon Boat Festival last Sunday. I drove to Xuanen to watch the boat races._, but I didnt see you there.ASo do IBSo did ICNeither did I10Can you go to the movies with me tonight?_. I have to prepare for my English test.AId love toBYes, I canCIm afraid not二、完形填空Several years ago, I attended a meeting in Washington DCI decided to eat at a nearby food stall (摊位) during the lunch break. The area was crowded, _11_ it took me a lot of time to find an empty table. A few _12_ later, an elderly gentleman came along with a plate of food, looking for a place to sit. Then I stood up and invited him to sit beside me. He thanked me as he sat down. We began to _13_ during lunch.To my surprise, the elderly gentleman was _14_ in the field of success. He had written four books, each of which contained (包含) 250 rules of _15_ that he had gotten from his research. I had read the four books once. After we chatted for a while, I asked him the _16_ that many people in this situation would ask, “Of all the rules of success you have gotten, which do you think is the most important?” He smiled and replied, “The most important rule was _17_ many years ago. Do what you should do whether you like it or not.” He continued, “I find many rules of success, and I _18_ find none of them will work if there is no self-discipline (自律).” Its _19_ self-discipline is the key to success. We can hardly succeed _20_ self-discipline. I will never forget this meaningful conversation.11AorBsoCbutDif12AsecondsBminutesChoursDdays13AfightBdrinkCshoutDtalk14AfamousBcommonCcarefulDserious15AstudyBsurveyCinfluenceDsuccess16AquestionBproblemCanswerDmatter17AwonderedBdisagreedCdiscoveredDrefused18AneverBhardlyCalsoDluckily19AimpossibleBtrueCinterestingDstrange20AfromBexceptCaboutDwithout三、多句选词填空词汇运用:仔细阅读下面五个句子,然后用方框中所给的单词或短语填空,使每个句子在结构、句义和逻辑上正确。(提示:选项中有一个是多余的。)Astay upBturn offCas long asDfind outE. conditionF. are proud of21Would you please _ the light? I cant sleep well with it on.22We are going for a picnic tomorrow if the weather _ is fine.23Before traveling wed better _ what time the train leaves.24Toms parents _ him because he won the first place in the English test again.25I think your dream will be realized _ you work hard and never give up.四、语法填空短文填空:阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。It was the afternoon before Chinese New Years Eve. To celebrate the upcoming Spring Festival, I was _26_ (write) the Chinese character “Fu (福) ” at home. A question _27_ (sudden) arose in my mind: What does “Fu” mean exactly? I put the question to my father. He thought for a while and said, “To me, Fu means that every family member _28_ happy and healthy. I hope you and your mom can always wear a smile on your face.” My mom happened to hear our conversation and said, “To me, Fu means a nap after several _29_ (day) of tiring work.” “Ding-dong!” The doorbell rang. It was the food deliveryman. I smiled gratefully at _30_ (he). Due to the pandemic, we had decided not to return _31_ our hometown. Many non-native medical workers, community workers, deliverymen and volunteers had decided _32_ (stay) in Shanghai, too, to help people spend a safe and enjoyable Spring Festival holiday. I _33_ (take) the milk tea from his hand and said cheerfully, “Look! This is my Fu!” My parents were surprised. “A cup of milk tea?” they asked. “To me, this milk tea represents countless unsung heroes. Many people are
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