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2021-2022年一年级英语上册 Module 3 Unit 2(2) 教案 外研版课题Module 3 Unit2 How many girls?课时2-1教材分析It contains numbers and a sentence pattern in unit 1. Count numbers from 1 to 10. And use “How many?” to municate with others. And the noun of plural form.教学目标1.Be able to tell the noun of plural form from the noun of singular form.2.Be able to municate with others by “How many?”3.Be able to have a sense a co-operation.课前准备Word cards, pictures, courseware, pointer板书设计Module 3 Unit 1 How many girls? girl boy dogHow many girls / boys / dogs?教 学 活 动 设 计设 计 意 图Warm-up1. Greet students and let students greet each other.2. Sing a song. (Ten little Indian boys)RevisionT: My friends are ing. (Raise hands which have smile faces on fingers.)Now lets count. One, two, three ten. How many girls? (Let students count them.)S: Nine. T: yes. Nine girls.Instruct students to count : one girl, two girls, three girls) Then, How many boys? S: One boy. Presentation1. Show the class some pictures on the page of students book .To show them the difference of “girl” and “girls”.2. Let students practice to ask and answer “How many” in chains. 3. Listen to the tape and repeat.4. Ask some questions about things in our classroom. ( How many books/pencils?)Practice1.Group co-operation municate with your partner.2. Activity: Group of girls and boys. When teacher says “girl” , Each girl stands up. When teacher says “girls”, Many girls stand together.Consolidation and extension 1. group co-operation .Practice “How many? ”2. Sing a song (Ten little Indian boys)3. Finish the activity book.When students say “one boys” , teacher waves her hand and show no “s”. In order to give them a deep impression.作 业设 计1. Singing and dancing the song.2. Count how many things in your house.教 学反 思本节课的重点是复数的教学,所以我采取了直观的教学方法,通过数一数班级男生女生的数量来学习复数,如one boy , two boys, three boys 同时注意纠正学生的发音,boys 和girls 后面的s要发/z/,效果不错,孩子们能够理解并自己数一数。附送:2021-2022年一年级英语上册 Uint5 Numbers(1)教案 人教新起点教学目标1能够在本单元涉及的情景条件下听懂并说出英语数字110。2能够说有关数字的歌谣。3能够初步用英语询问年龄并能表达自己的年龄。4能够听懂并初步用英语进行10以内的加法计算。5能够听懂并初步用英语说房间号和电话号码。6能够识记几个重要的电话号码。7能够知道在用手势表达数字时,中外表达方法是不同的。课前准备1教学挂图。2教学投影片。3教学录音磁带。4数字卡片(教师、学生各自准备)。5图片和实物(用于学生数数)。6制作五角星的材料和工具,如剪刀,纸等。教学内容A. Look, listen and chant1通过歌谣和国旗上的五颗星,引入英语数字15。2让学生用英语数一数图上的小朋友。B. Lets make and chant1组织学生进行五角星的小制作。2听录音,手指教材上的星星数数:one star, two stars. 3本部分的录音已涉及到数字6,如果教师认为本课的数字应限制在15的范围内,就可以使用补充录音材料。4本部分将涉及到单词的复数形式,不必讲解,只要能正确说出即可。教学建议1教师可以选择多种方法引入英语数字1-5的学习,以下几种方法供参考:(1)利用教材给出的情景。如,教师可以使用天安门升旗仪式的录像片引出鲜艳的五星红旗,然后问:What do you see in the picture? A flagThis is our national flagThere are some yellow stars on itHow many stars? How many stars do you see? Lets countOne, two, three, four, fiveWe see five yellow stars(2)利用看图说话的形式引入15英文数字的学习。出示图画,画面内容应该是学生会说的单词,如:文具或动物。画面呈现的内容应该包含15的数量,如one rabbit, two monkeys, three birds., 可以利用第21课A项的挂图。请学生说一说看到了什么?T: What do you see in the picture? Ss: . 教师接着指图问:How many rabbits (monkeys, birds, . )do you see?此时学生并不会回答,教师可以自问自答:We see one rabbit, two monkeys, three birds. 教师在自问自答的同时将数字15出示在相应的动物图下。教师指图重复说出数字15。(3)利用学习用具。如教师出示铅笔,对学生说:I have five pencilsOne, two, three, four, five, five pencilsShow me your pencilsHow many pencils do you have?在学生出示自己的铅笔时,教师帮助学生说出数词。(4)利用复习导入数词的学习。如:T: Show me your pencil (ruler, eraser, . )T: Show me two pencils教师在说的同时出示相应数量的物品,并帮助学生说出数词。2引入数词的学习后,教师应先从听力上帮助学生熟悉15的英文表达。以下方法供参考:(1)看图听歌谣。教师在学生听歌谣的同时做出相应的形体动作。(2)TPR活动。学生根据听到的举起相应数量的物品或数字卡片等。3学生初步听录音说歌谣。教师可以根据需要替换A项歌谣中stars一词。4教师帮助学生数周围的物品,如学习用具,直观理解和记忆数字15 的英语表达。如教师手拿钢笔或书说:One pencil (book), two pencils (books)., 或教师手拿实物问How many books? 学生边数边答One, two, three. 5本课的B部分应当组织小组活动进行五角星的制作。在制作过程中,学生可以边做边进行说唱活动。教师必须在学生进行小组活动时进行指导和行为调整。6如果学生的接受能力较强,教师可以补充材料中的歌谣。7录音材料:A项:CHANTHow many stars can you see?Can you count them 1, 2, 3?I see 45 I seeCan you count the stars with me?B项:CHANTOne star, Two stars, Three stars, fourOne, two, Three, four, Five stars more8补充材料:A项:CHANT 1Stars high, Stars low, 1, 2, 3, Stars growStars low, Stars high, 3, 4, 5, In the skyCHANT 21 little, 2 little, 3 little stars3 little, 4 little, 5 little stars1, 2, 3, 4, 5, I seeCan you count the stars with me?B项:CHANTOne star, two stars, three stars, fourFive stars, six starsAre there more?课堂学习评价1引导学生把掌握英语数字15的情况用 和 符号记入学习档案。2教师具体而简要地记录学生当堂表现:积极学习歌谣的学生在全班占多大比例?各小组制作五角星的表现如何?踊跃地做出话语反映的学生有多少人?他们是谁?有没有其它特别的表现?3本课对学生掌握学习内容情况的评定方法:教师播放录音,请学生听录音,并根据听到的录音做手势。教师进行现场记录。鼓励学生听录音模仿单词,同时用手势表达出来。教师进行现场记录。学生听歌谣并进行表演,检查学生是否掌握有关数字的单词。教师读单词,让学生举出单词卡片。也可让学生以pair work或group work的形式进行活动。教师进行现场记录。教师出示单词卡片,请学生快速说出有关数字单词。教师
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