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本文格式为Word版,下载可任意编辑词汇记忆方法 第一篇 词汇记忆方法 词根词缀 辅音字母框架 辅音字母组合 字母的脱落 字母的换位 辅音字母框架 ? 辅音框架SM表示“类似,好像” ? same ? similar ? simulate ?simjuleit vt.模仿, 模拟 ? assimilate ?simileit vt.吸收;同化 ? dissimilate v. (使)变得不同 ? resembleri?zembl vt.像, 类似于 ? assemble vt.装配, 组合 ? 辅音框架MD表示“中等,中介” ? middle ? medium n.媒介adj.中等的, 适中的 ? media n.媒体 ? modest adj.谦逊的;适度的 ? mediocre ?mi:di:?k?平庸的;普遍的 ? Mediterranean adj. 地中海的 ? modem n. 调制解调器 ? 辅音框架 BND 表示“捆绑” ? band b?nd n.一群, 一伙;乐队 ? bandage n.绷带 ? ? ? ? bind baind vt.捆绑, 捆扎 bundle n.捆, 包, 束 bond n. 纽带 辅音框架I =self=isl 表示个人、隔离 ? care=cherish vt. 珍爱, 珍视, 保护 ? campaign-champion冠军 字母的换位 ? star-astr(星星) ? asteroid n. 小行星 ? astronaut 宇航员 ? disaster 灾难,灾祸 ? catastrophe 灾难,大祸 ? tall-atl(高) ? altitude n 高度,海拔 ? alto ?lt? n 男高音 altar ?:lt? n 祭坛 ? call-cla ? claim vt. 声称, 断言 ? clamor n. 喧嚣,叫嚷 ? clamorous 吵闹的 ? exclaim 叫喊;大声说 ? proclaim 公布;声明 ? reclaim vt. 要求收回 辅音组合 ? 辅音组合:-ump= “笨重或者浩瀚” ? dump vt.倾倒;倾销 ? slump vi. 充实的 ? Toxic chemicals continue to be dumped in the North Sea. ? The driver bumped the kerb while reversing. ? He is very tired so he slumped into a chair. ? The excitement made her heart thump. 1 ? Island n. 岛, 岛屿 ? isolate ?ais?leit vt.使隔离, 使孤立 ? isolated ?ais?leitid adj.孤立的, 单独的 ? insulate ?insjuleit vt.使绝缘, 使隔热 ? solo n.独唱(曲), 独奏(曲) ? sole adj. 唯一的 ? 辅音框架vlv= roll 旋转 ? revolve vi.(使)旋转;环绕;转动 ? involve vt.牵涉;牵连;卷入 ? evolve v. 进化 ? valve n.阀, 活门, 阀门, ? volume n.音量, 响度卷; 册, 书卷 ? revolution n.革命 辅音脱落:c-ch h音脱落 ? hard = arduous adj.艰辛的;吃力的 ? channel海峡=canal水道 ? call = challenge ? care=charity n. 和蔼, 怜恤 第一篇 词汇记忆方法 词根词缀 辅音字母框架 辅音字母组合 字母的脱落 字母的换位 ? 辅音组合:-ip = “轻快或微小” ? flip v. 轻抛 ? skip v. 腾跃 ? slip v. 滑倒 ? chip v. 削切 ? nip v. 捏掐 ? dip v. 微降 ? sip v. 抿 ? They flipped a coin to decide who would go first. ? He slipped and fell down the stairs. ? Girls like to skip rope. ? House prices dipped in the first three months of the year. ? 辅音组合:fl- = “空中的动作” ? flutter飘动 er结尾的动词表示重复性动作 ? flicker摇曳 ? flap 轻拍 (slap, clap) ? flick轻掸 (click) ? The flags are fluttering in the breeze. ? The candle-light flickered in the wind. ? He flicked the dust from his suit. ? The sails were flapping against the mast. ? 辅音组合:spr- = “向四周分散” ? spray喷雾, ? sprawl曼延,(crawl爬行) ? spring弹出,涌出, ? sprout 发芽, spread传播 ? spr- “to radiate out from a point or to be extended” ? The pipe burst and water was spraying everywhere. ? We cant use these potatoes; theyve all sprouted. ? The refugee camps sprawl across the landscape. ? 辅音组合:sn- = 与鼻子相关 ? sniff(嗅), snore(打鼾), snort(发哼声), snot(鼻涕) sneeze 打喷嚏 ? When Jenney had stopped crying she sniffed and dried her eyes. ? How frightful to have a husband who 2 snores! ? The horse snorted and stamped its hoof impatiently. ? Use a handkerchief when you sneeze. ? 辅音组合:cr- = “爬行” ? crawl vi.爬, 爬行 ? creep vi.蹑手蹑足地走;爬行, 匍匐 ? crocodile n.鳄鱼 ? crab n.蟹 ? reptile n.爬行动物, 爬虫 (creep=crept,字母c脱落) ? cripple n.瘸子,伤残人士 ? 辅音组合:str- = “拉伸” ? string细绳,弦 ? street ? stream(大)溪 ? stripe 条纹 ? stretch 拉伸 ? strain拉紧绷紧 ? straighten把弄直 ? stress n.压力, 慌张 ? 汉语谐音 “死拽” ? an exercise to stretch the leg muscles ? They strained the wire between two posts. ? Theres a series of bends, then the road straightens out. ? 辅音组合:gl- = “光” ? glitter vi.闪烁, 闪动, 闪光 ? glisten vi.湿物闪动, 闪亮 ? gleam vi.发微光 ? glare vi.发强光 (stare) ? Stars glittered in a clear sky. ? The lake glistens in the moonlight. ? The furniture gleamed after being polished. ? The glare of the headlights almost blinded us. ? Gl- =glod= light ? 辅音组合:-ash =“猛烈的动作” ? bash v. 猛击 ? clash v. 砰地相撞 ? crash v. 撞毁 ? dash v. 猛撞猛冲 第一篇 词汇记忆方法 词根词缀 辅音字母框架 辅音字母组合 字母的脱落 字母的换位 ? gash v. 划开 ? mash v.捣碎 ? slash v. 鞭打挥砍 ? splash v. 溅 ? The dustbins clashed as people emptied rubbish. ? The plane crashed shortly after takeoff. ? He gashed his arm on a piece of broken glass. ? You can help mash up the potatoes for me. ? Dont slash your horse in that cruel way. ? The children love splashing water over each other. ? 辅音组合:shr=short ? shrink vt. (使)缩水 ? shrimp n.虾, 小虾 ? shrug vi.耸肩 ? shrub n.灌木 ? shrewd adj.精明的;敏锐的 ? 辅音组合:sl-=“滑动” ? slump ? slippery adj.滑的;滑得站不稳的 ? slide vi.滑动; 滑行 ? sledge n.雪橇, 雪车 ? slip vi. 滑, 滑倒 ? slope n.斜坡, 斜面 ? slang ? 辅音组合:st- =“稳固,平稳,站立” ? Stagger vi.蹒跚 ? statue n.雕像, 塑像 ? stack n.堆, 垛 ? status n.地位,状况 ? stage n.舞台;阶段; 时期 ? still 静止的 ? stable 稳固的 ? steady 稳步的 ? steep 陡的 ? 辅音组合:
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