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模块模块4Unit 12Culture Shock.写出下列必考单词写出下列必考单词基础再现识记类词汇识记类词汇1brief(adj.)_2minority(n.)_3expectation(n.)_4physician(n.)_5tasty(adj.)_6northeast(n.)_简短的简短的少数少数期待期待内科医生内科医生好味道的好味道的东北东北基础再现7manners(n.)_8informal(adj.)_9hankerchief(n.)_10blanket(n.)_11earthquake(n.)_12major(adj.)_礼貌礼貌非正式的非正式的手帕,纸巾手帕,纸巾毯子毯子地震地震主要的;主修的主要的;主修的基础再现表达运用类词汇表达运用类词汇1道歉道歉(vi.)_2表明表明(vt.)_3好奇的好奇的(adj.)_4谦虚的谦虚的(adj.)_5熟悉的熟悉的(adj.)_6出口,输出出口,输出(vt.)_7不公平的不公平的(adj.)_apologizeindicatecuriousmodestfamiliarexportunfair基础再现8低语,耳语低语,耳语(vi.)_9预习预习(n.)_10原谅原谅(vt.)_11盯着盯着(vi.)_12小心的小心的(adj.)_whisperpreviewforgivestarecautious.写出下列单词的变化形式写出下列单词的变化形式基础再现1道歉,认错道歉,认错(n.)_道歉道歉(vi.)_2增加,增加物增加,增加物(n.)_增加,补充增加,补充(vt.)_追加的,附加性的追加的,附加性的(adj.)_3大半,大多数大半,大多数(n.)_主要的;较大的;主修的主要的;较大的;主修的(adj.)_少数少数(n.)_apologyapologizeadditionaddadditionalmajoritymajorminority基础再现4好奇地好奇地(adv.)_好奇心强烈的,奇怪的好奇心强烈的,奇怪的(adj.)_好奇心好奇心(n.)_5伤害伤害(vt.)_伤害,伤口伤害,伤口(n.)_6期待的事物,预期期待的事物,预期(n.)_期待,预料期待,预料(vt.)_curiouslycuriouscuriosityinjureinjuryexpectationexpect基础再现7非正式的非正式的(adj.)_正式的正式的(adj.)_8到达到达(n.)_到达到达(vi.)_9礼貌礼貌(n.)_方式;态度方式;态度(n.)_10出口,输出出口,输出(vt.)_(反义词反义词)进口,输进进口,输进(vt.)_informalformal arrivalarrivemannersmannerexportimport基础再现u活学活用活学活用用所给单词的适当形式完成句子。用所给单词的适当形式完成句子。1Hold your knife and fork in this _And its bad _ to hold them like that man at table.(manner)2_ enough,the strangers _ behavior didnt arouse Toms _(curious)3 Strangely enough, the Prime Minister made a _ speech on such an _ occasion.It was rare for him to do so.(formal)mannermannersCuriouslycuriouscuriosityformal/informalinformal/formal基础再现4Tom _ to Mary for his breaking her glasses,and Mary accepted his _(apology)5He finally _ in Beijing after a flight of three days.We were all pleased at his _(arrive)6The _ of students in this class chose English as their _ subject,while only a _ of them chose math.(major)7Japan _ electrical appliances to Europe but _ wood from Canada.(export/import)apologizedapologyarrivedarrivalmajoritymajorminorityexportsimports基础再现8His son always falls short of his _He _ too much of his son.(expect)9He was badly _ in the accident and he suffered severe _ to his legs.(injure)10“We need some _ information in _ to the information on hand.” he _(add)expectationsexpectsinjuredinjuryadditionaladditionadded.短语熟记短语熟记基础再现翻译下列必背短语翻译下列必背短语1因为某事向某人道歉因为某事向某人道歉_2埋头于做某事埋头于做某事_3避免做某事避免做某事_4坚持要做某事坚持要做某事_5支付得起支付得起_6结束;制止某事结束;制止某事_make an apology to sb.for sth.get down to doing sth. avoid doing sth.insist on doing sth. afford to do e to an end基础再现7对对喜欢喜欢_8归功于归功于_9与与不同不同_10属于属于_11与与相反相反_be fond ofowe to differ frombelong to on the contrary u活学活用活学活用基础再现根根据据括括号号中中的的解解释释,从从课课文文中中找找出出恰恰当当的的短短语语完完成成下下列列句子。句子。1My car broke down on the road,so he _ (free ride) home.2He has _ (be accustomed to) going out for a walk after supper.3The car _ (be the property of) my uncle.4You should _ his advice _(consider.carefully)gave me a liftgot used tobelongs totakeseriously基础再现5If you have to leave tomorrow,I will _ (go to a railway station,airport etc.to say goodbye to sb.) at the airport.6_ (be opposite to) his doctors advice,he went swimming.7He has _ (a lot of) good friends to whom he can turn while in trouble.8I _ _(like) making friends.see you offContrary toloads ofam fond of基础再现9Although he was ill,he _ (demand forcefully) finishing his task.10There is a label_ (be fastened to) each piece of luggage.insisted onattached to.语篇学习语篇学习基础再现.课文内容语法填空课文内容语法填空阅阅读读课课文文,然然后后按按照照课课文文内内容容在在空空格格处处填填入入一一个个适适当当的的词词,或使用所给词语的正确形式完成下面短文。或使用所给词语的正确形式完成下面短文。To avoid getting 1._(confuse) about the British tipping system,you need to check your bill to see if a tip 2._(include) or not.3._it isnt,I suggest leaving 10% of the bill 4._the waiter or waitress5._a bit more if the service is good.Talking of money itsconfusedis includedIfforeven基础再现really easy to exchange travellers cheques at banks or hotels so I advise you to get some of those 6._ you come.I think we should consider staying in the English countryside for a few nights as I know you enjoy hiking. We can wander 7._the fields and even pick a few mushrooms to have with 8._breakfast! I have learnt which ones are tasty and safe to eat so we wont risk getting sick! And dont forget 9._warm coat! It can get pretty cold and 10._ (fog) in this country.beforethroughourafoggy基础再现.话题作文翻译与背诵话题作文翻译与背诵礼礼貌貌对对人人际际关关系系的的和和谐谐起起着着很很大大的的作作用用,但但是是不不同同的的国国家家对对于于礼礼貌貌的的理理解解却却大大不不相相同同。例例如如印印度度人人摇摇头头表表示示同同意意,点点头头表表示示不不同同意意;日日本本人人见见面面就就喜喜欢欢鞠鞠躬躬而而不不是是握握手手。因因此此,在在一一个个国国家家被被认认为为是是有有礼礼貌貌的的人人,可可能能在在另另一一个个国国家家被被认认为为是是无无礼礼甚甚至至是是粗粗暴暴的的。所所以以,我我们们都都要要入入乡乡随随俗俗。一一般般情情况况下下,发发达达国国家家的的风风俗俗习习惯惯更更加加容容易易影影响响世世界界人人民民,更更加容易被接受。加容易被接受。基础再现_Good manners are very important for good interpersonal relation,but what counts as good manners differ from country to country.For example,Indians nod their heads to mean disagreement and shake their heads to mean agreement,Japanese people like bowing to others at the first meeting.As a result,a person considered to be polite in one country might be considered impolite and even rude in another.So we should do as the Rom
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