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PMP美国项目管理认证的模拟考试的样题9A. Analysis of alternatives.B. Revisions/replanning.C. Resource allocation.D. Modification or updating of goals and objectives.E. All of the above.ANS: E 2. The basic terminology for networks includes: A. Activities, events, manpower, skill levels and slack.B. Activities, documentation, events, manpower and skilllevels.C. Slack, activities, events, and time estimates.D. Time estimates, slack, sponsorship involvement, andactivities.E. Time estimates, slack time, report writing, lifecycle phases, and crashing times.ANS: C 3. The project manager must receive reports and briefings from engineers, contracting officers,procurement personnel and marketing people.The project managers communication dilemma is one of:A. encodingB. decodingC. choice of a mediumD. one-way communicationE. All of the above.ANS: E 4. The technique most commonly used to determine the profitability of a project includes _ methods.A. Net present value (NPV).B. Return on investment (ROI).C. Discounted cash flow (DCF)D. Payout time and risk sensitivity analysis.E. All of the above.ANS: E 5. Which of the following are part of the purchasing cycle:A. define needB. prepare and issue purchase orderC. inspect incoming goodsD. All of the above.E. A and B onlyANS: E 6. Which of the following is closest to Jurans definition of Quality:A. conformance to requirements.B. fitness for use.C. continuous improvement.D. customer focus.E. All of the above.ANS: B 7. A project element which lies between two events is called:A. An activity.B. A critical path method.C. A slack milestone.D. A timing slot.E. A calendar completion point.ANS: A 8. Employee unions would most likely satisfy which level in Maslows hierarchy of needs?A. BelongingB. Self-actualizationC. EsteemD. SafetyE. EmpowermentANS: A 9. Management calls a meeting to explain to all employees the new benefits package for the rank andfile. This is an example of:A. Upward communicationB. Downward communicationC. One-way communicationD. Two-way communicationE. None of the above.ANS: C 10. Project management/project planning is most closely aligned with:A. Long range/strategic planning (5 years or more).B. Intermediate range planning (1 to 5 years)C. Short range/tactical planning (1 year or less).D. All of the above.E. B and C.ANS: E
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