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翻译风格论视角下荷塘月色中无主句的英译研究Study on the English Translation of the Non-subject Sentences in Moonlight over the Lotus Pond from the Perspective of the Translation Style Theory摘要无主句是汉语的一大特点,散文中包含很多无主句,且散文具有独特的文体风格。刘宓庆提出的翻译风格论系统的介绍了风格是如何被翻译的。本文旨在从一个新的角度出发,以刘宓庆的翻译风格论为指导研究散文中的无主句英译,看那些翻译大家如何再现原文风格,为我们以后的翻译工作提供新思路。本文的研究对象为张培基和朱纯深所翻译的荷塘月色。从形式标记的词汇标记,句法标记和非形式标记的对应式转码及重建式转码等方面分析两个版本的译文如何贴近源语的风格和他们是如何转换的。本研究从统计荷塘月色中的无主句数量,分析译者如何风格再现,以及他们的翻译对我们有何启示等方面展开研究。得到如下结论,译者的翻译不是单单从某一个标记出发进行的翻译,他们将形式标记与非形式标记相结合,使自己的译文更贴近目的语,更能为受众接受。关键词:翻译风格论;风格标记体系;散文;无主句AbstractNon-subject sentence is a major feature of Chinese. Prose contains a lot of this kind of sentences, and prose has a unique style. The translation style theory was put forward by Liu Miqing and it discussed how to translation the style systematically. From a new angle, this thesis aims to study the English translation of the Liu Miqing in prose with the guidance of the translation style of non-subject sentences, and to see how we can reproduce the original style and provide ideas for our future translation work.The research object of this thesis is The Moonlight of the Lotus Pond, which is translated by Zhang Peiki and Zhu Chunshen. This thesis analyzes how the two translations are close to the source language style and how they are converted from the aspects of the lexical markers of formal markers, the corresponding and recasting of syntactic and non-formal markers and the reconstructed recasting.In this study, the author analyzes how the translators style is reproduced and how their translation can enlighten us from the statistics of the number of The Moonlight of the Lotus Pond. It is concluded that the translators translation is not a single translation from a certain mark, they combine formal and non formal markers to make their translations closer to the target language and more acceptable to the audience.Keywords: Translation style theory; Style markers system; Prose; Non-subject sentence.Contents目录摘要 1Abstract 2Contents 3Chapter One Introduction 41.1Current study of the translation style theory 41.2 Significance 51.3 The structure of the thesis 6Chapter Two Literature review 62.1 Studies of the translation of Chinese non-subject sentences at home 62.2 Studies about Chinese non-subject sentences translation on abroad 82.3 Studies of translation style theory at home and aboard 92.4 Studies on The moonlight of the Lotus Pound at home 12Chapter Three Research design 133.1 The framework of translation style theory by Liu Miqing 133.1.1 Some major terms of style markers system 143.1.2 The theory on the translatability of style 153.1.3 Summary 163.2 Research design 163.2.1Research questions 163.2.2 Research subject 163.2.3 Research method 17Chapter Four Analysis the non-subject sentences translation of Zhang and Zhu from the perspective of the translation style theory 174.1 The statistics of the non-subject sentences in The Moonlight of the Lotus Pound 184.2 The Style Analysis of the non-subject sentences 194.3 A summary 25Chapter Five Conclusion 26Reference 27Chapter One Introduction1.1Current study of the translation style theoryTranslation is an important indispensability activity in nowadays. As everyone knows, translation is a big category. It contains many kinds of aspects of the translation. When we was in the primary school and middle school and the high school, we did some translations often. We translated the ancient poems, like poetry of Tang Dynasty and the Song Poems. We also translated ancient Chinese prose. Though these character are Chinese character, as time goes by, the meaning of same words had changed. This a kind of translation. There are thousands of known languages all overtheworld.Withthedevelopmentoftheworld,noneofthecountrycandevelopment by itself. The communication needs to translate one language into another languages. Translation is not just translated the article word by word, sentence by sentence. The translators need to decode the original languages, and understand the deep meaning of the author. Then the translators need to encode the meaning and connotation into the target language. The translation style theory introduce the process systematiclly.This paper is basic on the translation style theory by Liu Miqing, and the author want to research the translation style of the prose translation by different translators. Many researchers at home did the study about the non-subject sentences translation, like Yang Kunxiong, he put his key point in translations methods and strategies based on the syntax differences between Chinese and English. He also associated with teaching of translation form English into Chinese. And another studies towards the professional articles, the agricultural article, agricultural articles are different from prose or another literary essay. They are more rational, and more scientific. The sentences are illustrat
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