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ATTACHMENT TO RESOLUTION No 529, OF JULY 3th, 2009REGULATIONS TO CERTIFY TELECOMMUNICATION EQUIPMENTS REGARDINGELECTRIC SAFETY ASPECTSTITLE I GENERAL DISPOSITIONSChapter I ObjectivesArt.1 - This regulation aims to establish the electric safety requirements to be attended for telecommunication products, to complement the specific requirements of such products, for Certification purposes within the Telecommunications National Agency Anatel.Chapter II ReferencesArt.2 - For this Regulation the following references are adopted:I Anatels Resolution 242, of November 30th, 2000 - Regulation for Certification and Homologation of Telecommunication Products.II - IEC 60950 (2005) - Safety of information technology equipment;III - IEC 61.672-1 (2002) - Electroacoustics - Sound level meters - Part 1: Specifications;IV - ITU-T Rec. K.21 (2003) - Resistibility of subscribers terminal to overvoltage and overcurrents;V - ITU-T Rec. P.360 (2006) - Efficiency of devices for preventing the occurrence of excessive acoustic pressure by telephone receivers and assessment of daily noise exposure of telephone users;VI - Lei N 11.337, of July 26th, 2006 - Presidency of the Republic of Brazil; VII - ABNT NBR-5410 (2004) - Low-Voltage Electric Installations.Chapter III DefinitionsArt. 3. - Definitions adopted in this regulation:I - dBA: measurement unit of acoustic pressure corresponding to 20 times the base 10 logarithm of a ratio of acoustic pressure, calculated or measured with the Ponderation A, and the reference acoustic pressure. In this Regulation, the given value to the reference acoustic pressure is 20 mPa;II - Equipment to be certified (ESC): telecommunication equipment that will be submitted to the tests described in this Regulation aiming its certification;III - Class I Equipment: telecommunication equipment which protection against electric shock is obtained by basic isolation and connection of the equipment to the grounding system building where it is used;IV - Class II Equipment: telecommunication equipment which protection against electric shock is obtained by reinforced isolation, not being necessary to connect the equipment to the grounding system building where it is used;V - Class III Equipment: telecommunication equipment that does not have external telecommunication port and which protection against electric shock is obtained through the power of equipment with voltage less than 42.4 VAC or 60 VDC;VI - Electromagnetic disturbance: Electromagnetic phenomenon able to degrade the performance of the equipment or system, or affect, unfavorably, live or inert materials;VII - Ponderation A: ponderation in the frequency relative to 1000Hz, which values are described in the document mentioned on item III of Art.2;VIII Electric energy terminal: terminal of telecommunication equipments with local supply, where the electric energy destined to its operation is supplied, and on the case of equipments with PLC technology (Power Line Communication), also carries the information;IX - Telecommunication Terminals: terminals of telecommunication equipment where information is carried as well as electricity, in case of tele-feedingequipment, as example: STFC connection terminal, local network terminal (Ethernet), xDSL network terminal, etc. This definition is not applicable to terminals destined to connection with peripherals equipments, such as: RS232 terminal, USB terminal, parallel terminal (printer), etc.;X External terminal: a specific interface of an equipment that connects with conductorsthat extend beyond the building or the homeless (shelter) limits. Example: terminal to connection to the STFC;XI Internal terminal: a specific interface of an equipment that connects with conductorsthat are restricted to the building or the homeless (shelter) limits. Example: local network terminal (Ethernet);XII Fixed switched telephone service - STFC: telecommunication service that, through voice and other signs transmission, is designed to the communication between determined fixed points, using telephony process;XIII - Grounding Terminal: telecommunication equipments terminal through which the electric connection with the grounding system of a building is made;XIV - User: Anybody that uses telecommunication services of collective interest, regardless of services providing contract or subscription towards the Provider.XV - True effective value: effective value of a current or electric voltage that is measured through a method that does not presume a form of waveform (as example, sine) for the magnitude to be measure.Chapter IV ScopeArt. 4. The following disposals are applied to the telecommunication equipments of Category I and to the equipments of Category II and III destined to the installation on the users environment. Other telecommunication equipments installed on the providers environment
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