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高三英语培优时文阅读4班级:姓名:学号:一外刊阅读4: H&京福薪薪花引娶病近日,H&M等品牌去年发布的声明引发了众怒。这些国际品牌抹黑我国新 疆地区“存在强迫劳动。并因此拒用新疆棉花。对此,我们各级机构和平台是如 何应对的? 一起来看今天的文章。H&M Is Erased From Chinese E-Commerce Over Xinjiang StanceFor app users in the worlds most populous country, the worlds biggest seller of fast fashion has effectively ceased to exist.As of Thursday, Hennes & Mauritz!s H&M had been wiped off Chinas leading e-commerce, ride-hailing, daily-deals and map applications, as Chinese consumers continued to rage over the Swedish clothing brands decision to stop sourcing from Chinas Xinjiang region.Criticism of H&M一including calls for boycotts-by Chinese social-media users surged on Wednesday, apparently over the companys statement last year that it was no longer sourcing from Xinjiang, a major cotton producer, because of forced-labor allegations there.Chinese social-media users also have turned their ire on other international brands, including Nike and Adidas.At a daily news briefing on Thursday, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying said allegations of forced labor being used in Xinjiang were malicious lies11 made up by nanti-China forces.H If companies decide not to use Xinjiang cotton, it is their loss, she said.Earn a huge profit in China while slandering China.these kinds of enterprises have no basic business ethics/ wrote state broadcaster CCTV on Weibo, in a post that was forwarded more than 40,000 times by Thursday.Such behavior will only result in Chinese consumers voting with their feet and teaching unruly companies a lesson by boycotting/1 said CCTV.生词好句.erase英freiz vt.抹去;擦除;擦掉,抹掉(笔迹等);清除;消灭 eraser n.橡皮擦1 .e-commerce n.电子商务(简称 电商)e代表electronic.over英sovs与有关;关于;由于;因为There9s no point in arguing over something so unimportant.为这样的小事争论毫无The legal battle was over who should have custody of the child.这场法律之争是有关 谁应该获得这孩子的监护权。2 .stance 英 sta:ns n. 站姿; 立场.app 英aep n.网络应用(application 的缩写)5 .populous英pDpjolos adj.人口众多的;人口稠密的.effectively 英I,fektivli adv.实际上;事实上6 .cease 英si:sv.停止;终止(stop) cease to exist 不复存在.wipe 英waip vt.擦去 wipe off 擦除;擦去7 .hail英heil vt.招手(请出租车或公共汽车停下)hail a cab/taxi 叫出租车ride-hailing 打车8 .daily-deals每日特惠;超值特价;团购9 .rage 英reidj vi.愤怒rage over sth.因某事而发怒10 .source 英so:s vt.采购source from 从采购sourcing n.采购We source all the meat sold in our stores from New Zealand farms.我们店里售卖的 肉,都是从新西兰进口的。All our vegetables are locally sourced.我们所有的蔬菜都是当地出产的。14 .criticism 英 kntisizam n. 批评15 .surge 英S3:d3 vi.激增;升温16 .apparently 英 spaersntli adv. 显然 (obviously)17 .forced-labor强迫劳动(违背本人意志的被迫劳动行为)18 .allegation 英 (seisgeifsn n. 指控;指责;说法(a public statement that is made without giving proof, accusing sb. of doing sth. that is wrong or illegal)19.1 re 英aiar n.愤怒turn one9s ire on sb.将怒火转向某人20.news briefing新闻发布会21.Foreign Ministry 外交部22.spokeswoman 英spooks,womon(女性)发言人spokesman (男 性)发言人spokesperson发言人(中性说法)23 .malicious英ms lijbs adj.恶意的;恶毒的;蓄意的;怀恨的 malicious lies恶意的谎言24 .made up by 编造;炮制(make up的被动用法)25 .anti-China forces 反华势力26 .slander 英slamds v. n.诽谤;中伤;诋毁27 .business ethics商业伦理;商业道德28 .state broadcaster 国有媒体29 .CCTV 中国中央电视台(China Central Television,简称 CCTV)30 .post英post n. v.社交媒体上发布的消息31 .forward 英fb:w9dvt.转发不同的平台上“转发的说法可能会不一样,比方推特上的转发用的是retweet32 .result in sth. 导致;引起(lead to sth.)33 .vote with one*s feet用脚投票(本文指的是无人光顾H&M的线上商店) vote with their wallets用他们的钱包投票34 .teach sb. a lesson 给某人上一课;给某人一个教训35 .unruly英Anru:li adj.无秩序的;难以驾驭的;任性的unruly companies不守规矩的企业词汇挑战(5分一题)得分:1eraseA.adj.简单的, 容易的Bn橡皮擦C.n.安逸;熟练D.v.抹去;擦除2stanceAn标准;规格B.n.站姿;立场Cv .使符合标准D.n.可靠的人;后备 人员3populousA.n.普及,流行B.n.人口C.vt .居住于;构成 的人口D.adj.人口众多的4ceaseA.v.停止;终止B.v.向投以;投 射C.n.奶油Dn印记;图章5wipeA.v.擦去B. adj.野生的c. V.鞭打;鞭策D.adj.宽的;宽阔 的6hailA.n.毛发;头发B.v.招手C.n.尾;尾巴D.adj.合理的;恰 当的7rageA.n.工资,工钱B.n.页,面,张C.n.哲人;圣人D.v .愤怒8criticismA.n.悲观B.n.乐观;乐观主 义C. n.新闻业;新闻 工作D.n.批评9surgeA.n.外表;表层B.v.生存;存活C.v.激增;升温D.v.敦促;催促10apparentlyA. adv.频繁地;经常B.adv.流利地,流 畅地C.adv.有效地;效 率高地”D.adv.显然11allegationA. n.灌溉;水利B.n.指控;指贝C. n.调查,侦查D.n.导航;领航12ireA.n.耳;耳朵B. adj.城市的;都 市的C.vt.刺激,使兴奋D.n .愤怒13maliciousA. adj.恶意的B.adj.容量大的C.adj.有知觉的; 有意识的D.adj.老实的;真实 的14slanderA.n.倾斜;歪斜B.v. n.诽谤C.adj.苗条的;纤 细的”Dn俚语”15postA.n. v.社交媒体 上发布的消息B.v.粘贴;粘合C.n.邮资;邮费”D.adj.过去的;昔 日的16forwardA.adj.向后的; 朝后的”B.v.转发C.adj.向上的;朝 上的D.adj.令人尴尬的; 使人难堪的”17unrulyA.adj.不合理的B.adj.不切实际的C.adj.无秩序的D.adj.无法得到的; 难以获得的18enterpriseA.v.招待,款待B.n.进入;参与;力口 入C.n.大门;入口D.n.企业;事业心19boycottA.n.小屋;村舍B.v.明令禁止;取 缔“C.v. n.联合抵抗D.v.支持;提倡20commerceAn贸易;商业B.n.社区;社会C. n.议论;评论D.adj.贸易的;商 业的语法填空(10分一题)得分:Tenzin, L name in Chinese is Ding Zhen, took the internet by storm after a photographer posted a video of him on Douyin, a domestic version of the TikTok short video platform. M
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