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中考英语词汇运用综合练习20(附答案)1. When Jim won the football game, his parents couldnt help_ at him. (smile) 2. The talent show gave us a big surprise. (five) 3. Th . The nervous expressions on his face makes what he said _. (believe) 4. His uncle would like to have him _ the radio, but he had had it repaired already. (repair) 5.Look at the white clouds and blue sky. The rain_ (stop). Lets go out for a walk. 6. Guo Chuan is the first Chinese_ (realize) the dream of sailing around the world and now we feel sad about the loss of him. 7. The Terrncotta Army is one of the most famous ancient_ in China. (wonder) 8. l forgot to take my English book. The girl next to me shared _ with me. (she) 9. C.co is the largest English portal in China, _ news,business information, BBS, learning material and so on. (provide) 10. Learn to manage your time_ because time is life. (wise) 11. Keep_ and never give up even when things get you down. (s1nile) 12. I learned from my teacher that the moon _ the earth every 28 days. (circle) 13. The trip to Disneyland was _ (simple) excellent. 14.Whats the matter, Jason? Our car nearly crashed into the tree! Sorry! I _ (think) about how to get a high mark in the new game. 15. When l feel sad, I often say to _ (I) that everything is going to be fine. 16. Jacks uncle is planning_ a trip to Dali now. (take) 17. If anyone calls, ask for their phone numbers so that I can call _ back. (they) 18. The_ of the TV talent show can get a chance to act in the movie. (win) I 9. Linda is a _ girl who is always ready to help others. (help) 20. Th e movie reminds the !irl of those 。memories of her childhood. (pain) 21. The boy is very _. He can make something special with paper. (create) 22. It is of you to rush into othersroom without knocking at the door. (polite) 23. You neednt go to a nonnal university and be a teacher like your mum. You are free to make your own_. (decide) 24. Although they缸etwins, their parents treat them _. (different) 25. If you want to change the future, you musl put_ past behind you. (you) 26. Liii Lijiang is so beautiful that I have ever been there _. (two) 27. Thanks to all the_, we have a beautiful and clean city to live in. (clean) 28. China is over 5,000 years old. ft is one of_ countries in the world. (old) 29. Sometimes children should be allowed to fly _ in the sky like birds. (free) 30. If you dont succeed at first, dont give up. Keep _ until you get it right. (try) 31. We should encourage young people to work hard to achieve _ own dreams. (they) 32. It has been cold but experts say its normal for this time of year. (recent) 33. - Mr. Ding, have you heard the good news? Yes. When we heard it, we all felt _ (excite). 34. Tea is produced in many different areas in China. For example, Anxi and Hangzhou are_ (wide)妞ownfor their tea. 35. Look at the sign, there are two different _ (direct), left and right. 36. The doctor tells the children to eat more vegetables and fruit to stay _ (health). 37.You looked(happy) just now. What happened to you? I missed the school bus and arrived late for class. 38. They finally get _ (marry). The story has a happy ending. 39. We try to help people with problems, but they should learn to help _ (they) first. 40. The Great Wall is such a famous wonder that most visitors think it is worth_ (visit). 41. -Do you灿owYuan Longping? Of course. He developed a new type of hybrid rice and solved the problem of hunger. I血nkhe is one of the greatest (hero) in China. 42. Simon and his mother want to make a birthday cake for his grandmothers_ (ninety) birthday. 43. Dogs can be_ to understand difficult orders. (train) 44. The Whites are busy for the coming New Year. (prepare) 45. Everyone should understand the _ of saving water. (important) 46. I believe you will surely _ (success) if you work hard on your lesson. 47. Chinese youths have stronger national_ (proud) than ever. 48. Lily will not go for a holiday unless the task _ (finish) next week. 49. _ (fight) the virus, the government has encouraged more citizens to be vaccinated(接种疫苗)50. Pic灼ngstrawberries with my own hands is quite an _ (usual) experience for me. 51. Thanks to the Internet, more and more _ (faim) can sell their products 01tline now. 52.Do you know that polluted air is very _ (harm) to peoples health? Yes, we should weai masks. 53. I often feel sad in autunm, because_ (eat) tum yellow and then fall from the trees. 54.(pIan) early, and you will have enough time to do the job. 55. The_ (act) kindnessmovesus.Andweareproudofhim. 56. Learning to look after _ is an important step of being independent. (we) 57. A big fu-e happened in our village last night._, many people lost their lives. (lucky) 58. Everyone is good at something, but some people are _ talented. (true) 59. Who ran_ in the school race just now, Bob, Mike or John? (fast) 60. The article gives students some _ about how to stay safe online. (suggest) 61. The _ UN Biodiversity Conference(联合国生物多样性大会)willbe held in Kunming. (fifteen) 62.We should cut
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