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深圳之旅英文作文每去一个地方都是有值得去写的,那么怎么写一篇英文的呢?下面请参考吧!深圳之旅英文作文in the three days trip in shenzhen, i was interested in the central and southern part of the city, which are the heavens for most visitors。在深圳旅行的三天,我对市中心以及城市的南部感兴趣,这是对大多数游客的天堂。i started my trip at the east gate shopping mall。 this area is a fascinating shopping center。 on the two sides of the streets, there are different shops selling all kinds of commodities。 almost everything was on sale, so i bought a lot of souvenirs for my friends。 after that, i went to visit diwang building, the symbol of shenzhen。 it looks so tall and grand。 it has 69 storeys。 as you are on the top of the building, you can overlook the whole city。我的旅程是在东门购物中心开始的。这是一个令人着迷的购物中心。在街道的两侧,在不同的商店里出售着各种各样的商品。几乎所有的东西都很便宜,所以我买了很多纪念品给我的朋友。在那之后,我去了地王大厦,那是深圳的象征。它看起来是那么的高大宏伟。它有69层。在楼房的顶部,你可以俯瞰整个城市。next morning, the sun smiled gently, so i went to dameisha, the seashore of shenzhen。 i swam in south china sea and walked on the sandy beach。 it was so relaxing。 i moved on, stopping at xiaomeisha, another beautiful seaside resort of the city。 there i just picked up some seashells and ate some delicious sea food。 in the late afternoon, i visited zhong ying street, which is the landmark of shenzhen and hong kong, so that i could enjoy an elegant picture of the exotic world。第二天早晨,阳光很温和,所以我去了大梅沙,是深圳的海滨。我在中国的南海游泳,在沙滩上散步。令人感到如此的放松。我我继续往前进停在了小梅沙,它是这座城市的另一个漂亮的海滨度假村。在那里我只是捡了一些贝壳,吃了一些美味可口的海鲜。傍晚的时候,我去了中英街,它是深圳和香港的标志,所以我能享受到一张具有异国情调的世界的精美照片。my final stop was the gold coast。 from there, i could see the highrise buildings and skyscrapers of hong kong。 they look so modern。 it seemed like i entered into a foreign country。我的最后一站是黄金海岸。从那里我可以看到高层建筑和香港的摩天大楼。他们看起来很现代。我好像是去到了国外。after my threeday trip in shenzhen, i left there with great lingers。 “how time flies when were having fun, i said to myself。 i really didnt want to leave。 if one day i retired from work, i would buy a villa near the seashore in shenzhen, so that i could always spend my happy time at the seaside。在我为期三天的深圳旅行后,我恋恋不舍的离开了那里。“我们玩得很开心的时候时间过得真快”,我对自己说。我真的不想离开。如果有一天我退休了,我想在深圳附近的海边买一栋别墅,这样我就总可以在海边度过快乐的时光。
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