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英语写作通用示例 1)(94/95/96/01/02) Nowadays people are much concerned with _. Why should we _? Is it necessary for everyone to _? Such questions as these are often asked, especially by those _. The answer to these questions often varies from person to person. Some people argue/maintain that _. There is no denying that _. It is certainly beneficial to people that _. For all the advantages, it also brings its own problems. The main problem with it is that _. Furthermore, _. As nothing can be perfect in the world, we should take proper measures to minimize its negative effects and maximize its positive results. Firstly, _. Secondly, _. Finally, _. 2)(93/97/98/99/2000) A much debate issue these days is whether _ or _. Some people claim that _. Others insist that _. As for me, the former/latter is more acceptable. It is true that _, but the obvious defects are _. Studies have shown that _. Moreover, _. Besides, _. On the other hand, the advantages of _ carry more weight that those of _. For one thing, _. For another, _. In conclusion, _. 【英语写作通用模板示例】 2 / 2
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