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日语名人名言翻译 a loss of cattle and sheep can be recovered, but lost time can not find (the british poet chaucer) 2 wisdom does not have the qualifications, but from the knowledge of the relentless pursuit of life 3 fear is wrong to destroy progress, and cover up the error is avoid the truth 4 huge buildings, there is always a wood stacked up with one stone, why not we do this with one stone? wood i have always done piecemeal, is this (lu xun) 牛羊損失回復、失時間見(英国詩人) 2知恵資格、執拗追跡人生知識 3進捗状況破壊恐間違、隠真実避 4巨大建物、森木積重、常1石上、我1石?木材私常行断片、(迅) 中文意思: 1 丢失的牛羊可以找回,但是丢失的时间却无法找回(英国诗人乔叟) 2 智慧并不产生于学历,而是来自对于知识的终身不懈的追求 3 畏惧错误就是毁灭进步,遮掩错误就是躲避真理 4 巨大的建筑,总是有一木一石叠起来的,我们何妨做这一木一石呢?我时常做些零碎事,就是为此(鲁迅) 被翻译成英语的名言 日语爱情名言带翻译韩文名言翻译英文名言翻译版英语成语带翻译英语经典名人名言(带翻译)伤感的英文名人名言(带翻译)中英翻译名言翻译成英文名言翻译成为英文 2 / 2
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