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Instructor: Dr. YuhShy, ChuangChing Yun UniversityInternational Business DeptChapter 4Managing Within Cultural Contexts2/382005 Prentice HallLearning ObjectivesnExplain why a thorough understanding of culture is important for all mangers.解釋出為何了解一個文化對所有管理者的重要性nDefine culture.文化的定義nExplain how culture affects managerial behavior and practices.解釋出文化如何影響管理行為及實務After studying this chapter, you should be able to:3/382005 Prentice HallLearning ObjectivesnDescribe the role of fundamental assumptions in corporate, regional, or national cultures.敘述出公司、區域及國家文化的基本角色nMap aspects of culture in terms of the extent to which they are deeply held and widely shared. 以文化地圖方面來敘述他們所了解的深度及寬度After studying this chapter, you should be able to:4/382005 Prentice HallLearning ObjectivesnDescribe the key strategies managers can use to create and change culture.敘述管理者用來創造及改變文化的關鍵策略nExplain the differences between and describe the implications of high and lowcontext cultures.解釋高處境與低處境文化涵義的相異性After studying this chapter, you should be able to:5/382005 Prentice HallDefinition of CulturenCulturenLearned set of assumptions, values, and behaviors 學習提出假設, 價值觀, 以及行為nAccepted as successful 接受成功論nPassed on to new comers 傳承給新來的人nCulture begins when a group of people faces a set of challenges 文化起源於一個團體所面臨的挑戰nCulture evolves and changes with time文化的逐漸形成及時代的挑戰6/382005 Prentice HallManagerial Relevance of CulturenImpact of Culture on Behavior 行為上的文化衝擊nHow people observe and interpret the business world around them人們如何觀察及解釋身旁的商業世界nCan lead to different beliefs about “right” behaviors如何將不同事物轉變為對的行為nSubordinates who identify with the culture of a unit or company are likely to try harder to make it successful分公司必須要努力適應以符合與母公司相同的企業文化7/382005 Prentice Hall0%10%20%30%40%50%60%80%70%SwedenHollandUSADenmarkUKSwitzerlandBelgiumGermanyFranceItalyIndonesiaJapanCultural Differences Among Managers“重要的是,一個管理者對於其部屬在工作中所提出的問題須有明確的答案 ”787366534644382723181710Adapted from Exhibit 4.1: Cultural Differences Among Managers8/382005 Prentice HallManagerial Relevance of CulturenCultural diversity in the workplace 職場裡的文化多樣性nGlobalization 全球化nIncreasingly culturally diverse U.S. workforce美國職場日增的文化地多樣 nCulture as a management tool 文化猶如一項管理工具nOnce established, culture guides employee behaviors without overt or constant supervision 文化指引著員工行為,而不必過度監督nManagers must be careful what they instill as the cultural values of the unit (organization) 管理著必須謹慎於組織文化的價值觀9/382005 Prentice Halln人工製品 Artifacts: visible manifestations of a culture such as its art, clothing, food, architecture, and customs 實際物品n價值觀 Values: enduring beliefs that specific conduct or end states which are personally or socially preferred to others 為個人或社會所推崇n假說 Assumptions: the beliefs about fundamental aspects of life lying below the surface, but supporting the culture 不在於表面的基本理念,但呼應著文化Levels of CultureAdapted from Exhibit 4.2: Managing Within Cultural Contexts10/382005 Prentice HallLevels of CulturenCultural assumptions 文化的假說 nCertain cultural values and behaviors are only possible with certain underlying cultural assumptions 某種文化只應對於某種假說nAn understanding of assumptions is necessary to understand, change, or even create a new culture 假說的理解是必須要經由理解、改變,甚至創造一個新的文化Assumptions(Hidden)11/382005 Prentice HallBasic Assumptions and Their Managerial AssumptionsSpecific AssumptionsSpecific AssumptionsManagerial ImplicationsManagerial ImplicationsPeople are meant to dominate the environmentPeople must coexist harmon-iously with the environmentHumansand the EnvironmentFirms should seek positions that allow them to coexist with othersStrategic plans should be developed to enable the firm to dominate its industryAdapted from Exhibit 4.3: Basic Assumptions and Their Management Implications12/382005 Prentice HallBasic Assumptions and Their Managerial AssumptionsSpecific AssumptionsSpecific AssumptionsManagerial ImplicationsManagerial ImplicationsPeople are generally lazyWork is as natural as play for peopleHumanNatureProvide people with opportunities and responsibilities and encourage their developmentImplement systems for monitoring be-havior and establish clear punishment for undesired behaviorAdapted from Exhibit 4.3: Basic Assumptions and Their Management Implications13/382005 Prentice HallBasic Assumptions and Their Managerial AssumptionsSpecific AssumptionsSpecific AssumptionsManagerial ImplicationsManagerial ImplicationsIndividuals have certain rights and freedomsPeople exist because of others and owe an obligation to themHumanRelationshipsCooperation with and contributions to the group should be evaluated and rewardedIndividual performance should be measured and rewardedAdapted from Exhibit 4.3: Basic Assumptions and Their Management Implications14/382005 Prentice HallBasic Assumptions and Their Managerial AssumptionsSpecific AssumptionsSpecific AssumptionsManagerial ImplicationsManagerial ImplicationsPeople create their own destinies and must plan for the futurePeople should react to and enjoy whatever the present providesHuman
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