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2022年湖南省永州市中考英语模拟试卷第二部分 阅读技能(共两节,50分)第一节 阅读选择(共40分,每小题4分。)阅读下面的材料,从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出最佳答案,并在答题卡上将该编号字母涂黑。1(4分) The Siberian tiger may be the largest cat on Earth.They mainly live in eastern Russias birch (桦木) forests but can also be found in northeast China and possibly Korea.There were once nine tiger subspecies (亚种),but now there are only six:Siberian,South China,Bengal,Sumatran,Malayan and Indochinese.For Siberian tigers and other tiger subspecies,hunting is a major threat while habitatloss is another reason in their population decline.Now the government is building lots of nature parks to protect Siberian tigers.(1)Where does the Siberian tiger live? A.Sumatra.B.Western Russian.C.Northeast China.(2)Which is the reason for their population decline? A.Habitatloss.B.Planting more trees.C.Building lots of nature parks.5(10分)Fahim was only 11 years old when he first met Alberto Cairo in 1993 in a hospital in Kabul,the Afghan capital.At the time,Kabul was caught in a bloody civil war (内战).After his left leg was blown off,Fahim went to the hospital to seek treatment (治疗).There,he met Alberto Cairo,who arrived in Kabul in 1990. Over the next thirty years,Fahim has made many trips to the hospital.During those visits,the compassionate (慈悲的) treatment from Cairo deeply moved him. He is a friend of the Afghan people, Fahim said of Cairo.When Fahim decided to study medicine,it was Cairo who kept encouraging him.Today,Fahim works as a nurse and an anesthetist (麻醉师) in a hospital in Afghanistan. In his early years in Afghanistan,Cairo was shocked by the great number of patients seeking treatment for wounds caused by the war.Each year,the rehabilitation centers (康复中心) treat more than 13,000 new patientsmost of whom,like Fahim,require lifetime treatment.At first,the treatment center only focused on war sufferers (受难者),but Cairo expanded (扩大) its treatment to include all people with disabilities in the country. He made two decisions that have left a lasting impact.One was to employ former patients to work in the treatment center.The second was to organize an athletic group for people with disabilities. My final goal is to let each patient go back to society and live with dignity (自尊), said Cairo.(1)How old is Fahim this year? A.30.B.40.C.43.(2)What did Fahim decide to study when he grew up? A.Medicine.B.Education.C.Science.(3)What change did Cairo make for the treatment situation in the country? A.He gave most of the patients lifetime treatment.B.He treats more than 13,000 new patients each year.C.He expanded the treatment to include all people with disabilities in the country.(4)What is the final goal of Cairo? A.To employ former patients to work in the treatment center.B.To organize an athletic group for people with disabilities.C.To let each patient go back to society and live with dignity.(5)Which part of a newspaper is the text probably from? A.People.B.Entertainment.C.Culture.二、第二节 阅读匹配 阅读下面的短文,从所给的AF六个选项中,选出正确的答案填空,使短文通顺,内容完整,并在答题卡上将该编号字母涂黑,其中选项中有一项是多余的。6(10分)China made COVID19 vaccinations (疫苗) successfully in December 2020.(1) This question has become a common way to greet each other in China. China also sent vaccines to other countries.It sent COVID19 vaccines to 28 countries and gave help to 69 countries in need,Xinhua reported.(2) Pakistan,Mexico and Mongolia are some of them. The leaders of these countries are trying to get their people vaccinated,like Indonesian President Joko Widodo and Chilean President Sebastian Pinera. According to the World Bank,small and mediumsized developing countries are likely to lag behind larger developing and developed countries by a year in vaccinating their people.(3) But some of them dont give their vaccines to help other countries. Many countries cant develop or get a vaccine.China may be the only way to solve their problems.(4) China has joined COVAX (新冠肺炎疫苗实施计划) which is organized by the World Health Organization.This program is going to provide 26 million vaccines for other countries.(5) China has decided to give 10 million vaccines to COVAX,Xinhua reported.A.Have you gotten vaccinated?B.People dont want to get help from these countries.C.Most of these countries are developing countries (发展中国家).D.Most of the rest of the worlds vaccines come from China.E.It is to make sure that all members get the vaccine in the future.F.Some richer countries have already had enough vaccines for their own people.第三部分 知识运用(共两节,20分)第一节 词语填空 通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从各小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案,并在答题卡上将该编号字母涂黑。7(10分)China has the largest population in the world.In order to control the population,China started to(1) the onechild policy in 1979.And it made great success.(2) ,as the time went by,many people saw not only its advantages(3) disadvantages.So in 2016,our government sta
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