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福师大学英语(2)在线作业一1.The higher the standard of living,_.A.the greater is the amount of paper is usedB.the greater amount of paper is usedC.the amount of paper is used is greaterD.the greater the amount of paper is used专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试技能专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技答案】: D2.It is _ work of art that everyone wants to have a look at it.A.so unusualB.such unusualC.such an unusualD.so an unusual专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试技能专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技答案】: C3.The temperature_, the chemical reaction is being speeded up.A.raisedB.being risenC.risingD.raising专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试技能专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技答案】: C4.It is vital that enough money_to fund the subject.A.be collectedB.must be collectedC.is collectedD.can be collected专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试技能专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技答案】: A5.With John_theres more room in the house.A.to be awayB.been awayC.awayD.was away专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试技能专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技答案】: C6.The patient isnt out of danger. He is _than how he was yesterday.A.no betterB.worstC.not worseD.not more专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试技能专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技答案】: A7.We didnt know his telephone number, otherwise we_him.A.would have telephonedB.must have telephonedC.would telephoneD.had telephoned专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试技能专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技答案】: A8.Although I had read the book assigned by the professor several times, it didnt make any_ to me.A.meaningB.importanceC.senseD.significance专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试技能专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技答案】: C9.I found _ to answer all the questions within the time given.A.no possibilityB.there was impossibilityC.impossibleD.it impossible专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试技能专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技答案】: D10.This is _ I want to tell you.A.itB.thatC.whichD.what专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试技能专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技答案】: D11.To_ an entry visa is very difficult now.A.appeal forB.apply forC.apply inD.appeal in专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试技能专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技答案】: B12._right now, she would get there on Sunday.A.Would she leaveB.If she leavesC.Were she to leaveD.If she had left专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试技能专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技答案】: C13.Hi, is Mary there, please? _A.Hold on. Ill get her.B.No, she isnt here.C.Yes, she lives here.D.Yes, what do you want.专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试技能专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技答案】: A14.The Red Army seized the land and _ it to the poor peasants.A.attributedB.distributedC.contributedD.assigned专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试技能专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技答案】: B15.The country is faced with great problems, starvation_the top of them.A.has beenB.isC.beingD.is being专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试技能专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技答案】: C16.My aunt has lived in New York _ 1995.A.forB.duringC.inD.since专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试技能专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技答案】: D17.Do _you are told; otherwise you will be punished.A.thatB.whatC.whichD.whom专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试技能专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技答案】: B18.Will you _ me a favor, please?A.doB.makeC.bringD.give专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试技能专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技答案】: A19.When spring comes, it gets _.A.warm and warmB.warm and warmerC.warmer and warmerD.more and more warm专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试技能专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技答案】: C 20.He is fond of playing _ piano while his brother is interested in listening to _ music. A./; the B./;/ C.the; / D.the; the 专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试技能专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技答案】: C 21._is a fact that English is accepted as an international language. A.What B.This C.That D.It 专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试技能专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技答案】: D 22.It is politely requested by the hotel management that radios _after 11 oclock at night. A.were not played B.not to play C.not be played D.did not play 专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试技能专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技答案】: C 23.This TV program is very good.Everybody in my family _it. A.to watch B.watches C.watchs D.watched 专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试技能专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技答案】: B 24.Do you know _? A.when does the party start B.whether the party starts C.what time the party starts D.if the party starts 专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试技能专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技答案】: C 25.This year the farmers have produced twice _grain_they did last year. A.as less . as B.fewer . than C.as much . as D.as many . as 专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试技能专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技答案】: C 26.The _ of yourself that you see in the mirror is produced by the reflection of light. A.look B.figure C.image D.appearance 专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试技能专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技答案】: C 27. Who is
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