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福师大学英语(1)在线作业二_51.Look, this roof is covered with_leaves.A.fallingB.fallenC.fellD.felt专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试技能专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技答案】: B2.Tomorrow is my birthday. _.A.Oh, I have a good idea.B.I am glad you like it.C.Many happy returns of the day!D.You must be very happy.专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试技能专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技答案】: C3.David _himself while he _the machine.A.hurted. was fixingB.hurts. is fixingC.hurt. fixedD.hurt. was fixing专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试技能专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技答案】: D4.We all know knowledge begins _ practice.A.atB.fromC.inD.with专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试技能专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技答案】: D5.Silk _ by Chinese for thousands of years now.A.has usedB.has been usedC.was usedD.is used专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试技能专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技答案】: B6.I didnt see the minister,_ did I see the secretary.A.soB.norC.eitherD.none专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试技能专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技答案】: B7.Come and sit down by the fire. Your hand_.A.feel so coldlyB.is feeling so coldC.feels so coldD.is felt so cold专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试技能专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技答案】: C8.Mark often attempts to escape _ whenever he breaks traffic regulations.A.having been finedB.to have been finedC.to be finedD.being fined专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试技能专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技答案】: D9.I was worried about chemistry, but Mr. Brown gave me an A! _.A.Dont worry about itB.Congratulations! Thats a difficult courseC.Mr. Brown is very goodD.Good luck to you专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试技能专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技答案】: B10.If you have made a decision, please stick _ what you want.A.toB.upC.ofD.for专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试技能专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技答案】: A11.While he was in prison he was not allowed to _ with his family.A.commentB.complainC.communicateD.comprehend专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试技能专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技答案】: C12.One_if one breaks the law.A.will be punishedB.will punishC.is being punishedD.has been punished专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试技能专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技答案】: A13. You should have thanked her before you left. I meant_, but when I was leaving I couldnt find her anywhere.A.to doB.toC.doingD.doing so专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试技能专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技答案】: B14.I admired my classmate Lisa very much. _ her prettiness, she was smart and helpful.A.Except forB.But forC.Apart fromD.In spite of专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试技能专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技答案】: C15.When are they _ in their plan?A.handB.handedC.to handD.give专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试技能专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技答案】: C16.A number of paintings in the castle are believed_in a fire.A.being destroyedB.having been destroyedC.to be destroyedD.to have been destroyed专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试技能专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技答案】: D17.I am sorry_ written you a letter at the time.A.to have notB.to not haveC.not to haveD.not having专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试技能专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技答案】: C18.This test _ a number of multiple -choice questions.A.composed ofB.composes inC.consists ofD.consists in专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试技能专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技答案】: C19.The event _ at the time last year.A.happensB.happenedC.is happenedD.was happened专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试技能专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技答案】: B 20.I have no doubt _ he will overcome all his difficultiesA.which B.what C.that D.if 专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试技能专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技答案】: C 21.The President_ went to see the flood-stricken areas. A.himself B.did C.is said D.has 专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试技能专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技答案】: A 22.He was _ the Nobel prize for his new discovery. A.offered B.informed C.rewarded D.awarded 专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试技能专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技答案】: D 23.You have lovely children. _. A.No, no, no. They are not B.Oh, no, no C.Youre talking too much D.Thanks 专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试技能专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技答案】: D 24.Do you think I could borrow your dictionary? _. A.Yes, you may borrow B.Yes, go on C.Yes, help yourself D.It doesnt matter 专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试技能专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技答案】: C 25.That factory _ nearly 50 years ago. A.has been built B.had built C.was built D.has built 专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试技能专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技答案】: C 26.They are considering _ before the prices go up. A.of buying the house B.with buying the house C.buying the house D.to buy the house 专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试技能专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技答案】: C 27.Our English professor is very_in using chopsticks. A.skilled B.great C.likely D.good 专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试专业技能考试
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