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本文格式为Word版,下载可任意编辑KRT辐射监测硕士 摘 要 核电站辐射监测系统是与核电站运行工况直接相关的重要系统,它采纳来自固定辐射探测仪表的数据,这些探测仪表监测和操纵穿过不同屏障的放射性传输,测量向环境的放射性排放,监测核电厂的内部辐射及污染水平。辐射监测系统是确保核安好的重要设施,核安好相关监测通道均与放射性物质屏蔽有关,主要是通过测量放射性参数连续监视某道屏障的完整性以养护人员。 大亚湾核电站辐射监测系统采用的是法国MGPI公司在上世纪六、七十年头设计的第一代产品,于1991年投入运行。大亚湾核电站辐射监测系统投入运行以来,各种缺陷和故障便频繁发生,虽然经过运行人员以及设备厂家的不断努力,片面故障得以消释,但大量故障依旧难以制止地持续发生,无法消除,这些故障和误报警对于电厂的运行造成了很大的干扰。随着数字化时代的到来,法国MGPI公司已采用数字化测量技术对其产品举行了全面的升级换代,第一代设备的片面关键备件已中断生产和供给,其他备件也有筹划的逐步地中断生产和供给。现在大亚湾核电站的辐射监测系统设备所用的元器件大多数在市场上已无处添置,库存备件也已储蓄缺乏,即将面临备品备件断货的风险。 为了彻底解决辐射监测系统现存的问题,大亚湾核电站开头辐射监测系统整体改造工程的进程。但是,运行机组举行辐射监测系统的整体改造,大亚湾是第一次,国内也是第一次。国内运行电站和在建电站的辐射监测系统的组成根本一致,但是每个电站辐射监测系统的布局各不一致。如何设计一个最符合大亚湾核电站辐射监测系统的改造方案,它在可用性、安好性、经济性这三个方面理应是最优化的。 通过对国内在役核电站和新建辐射监测系统布局的调研,结合大亚湾核电站、岭澳一期核电站辐射监测系统的运行维护阅历,本文提出了一个改造方案,能够使辐射监测系统在改造后运行的既稳定又稳当,还能节省运行和维护经费。 关键字:辐射监测系统、改造、方案 1 Abstract The nuclear power station radioactivity monitoring system is very important system to the nuclear power station running state. It acquisitioned data from the fixed radioactivity monitoring instrument. This monitor instrument monition and control the activity transmit which penetrated different shielding and measure the activity outlet to the environment and monitor the nuclear power station inner radioactivity and contamination lever. The radioactivity monitor system is important establishment for ensure the nuclear security, the nuclear security related monitor channel is correlatively with the radioactivity shield material, it protect the person which continue measure the radioactivity parameter and monitoring one of the channels shielding integrality by the way. The DAYA Bar nuclear power-station radioactivity monitoring system adopt with product which the France MGPI company designed the 1st in 1960s1970s, and it was running in 1991. There always have many malfunction and deficiency with The DAYA Bar nuclear power-station radioactivity monitoring system. The operator and the manufacture do their best to eliminate many fault, but there still have many malfunction can not eliminate and continue befallen, no way to eradicating. These fault and misalarm have a great of disturb to the power station operating along with the digital era coming, the France MGPI company have already adopt the digital measurement technology to upgrade to its all of product, so the first part of product and important spare assemble is ceased product and providing. And the other assemble will cease product and providing as the schedule. The most of component which the DAYA bar nuclear power-station radioactivity monitoring system used can not order in the market and the spare assemble of the warehouse is lack, it will faced the hazard of the assemble can not order. In order to quite dissolve the exist problem, the DAYA Bar nuclear power station already commencing reconstruct the proceeding of the radioactivity monitoring system. But the operating system integrity reconstruction of the radioactivity monitoring system, which is the first time to the DAYA Bar nuclear power station and the national nuclear power operation station. The national nuclear power station 2 radioactivity monitoring system are same with other building nuclear power stations, but there are different with each power station construction. The optimistical reconstruct scheme of the DAYA Bar nuclear power station is as low as reasonably achievable with utility and security and economical. Though the investigation of the national operating nuclear power station and the building nuclear power station, and combinative with the operation and maintenance experience of The DAYA Bar nuclear power station and LINGAO nuclear power station radioactivity monitoring system, there propose the scheme of reconstruction, it can enable ensure the radioactivity monitoring system running stabilization and the reliability after reconstruction ,and it can saving the outlay of the operating and maintenance. Keywords:the radioactivity monitoring system. Reconstruct. Scheme 3 1 引言 大亚湾核电站位于深圳市东部大亚湾畔,是我国大陆第一座百万千瓦级大型商用核电站,按照“高起点起步,引进、消化、吸收、创新”和“借贷创办、售电还钱、合资经营”的方针,主体工程于1987年8月开工,1994年5月6日全面建成投入商业运行,拥有两台装机容量为98.4万千瓦的压水堆核电机组。大亚湾核电站年发电才能近150亿千瓦时,70%输送到香港,占香港用电量的约25,为香港的昌盛稳定作出了付出。通过核能发电,使得广东和香港两地每年裁减燃煤消耗370万吨,从而大大裁减了导致“温室效应”和酸雨的气体年度排放量,包括二氧化碳排放900万吨、二氧化硫排放17万吨、一氧化氮3万吨,以及空气中的尘埃数千吨。 大亚湾核电站投产以来已连续安好运行14年,各项经济运行指标达成国际先进水平,获得了在美国出版的国际电力杂志评比的“1994年电厂大奖”,成为全世界5个获奖电站之一,也是我国唯一获得这一殊荣的核电站。经过持续技术提升,与投产初期相比,机组年发电量已由可研报告的100亿千瓦时提高到目前的150亿千瓦时。2022年7月,大亚湾核电站完成全部基建贷款本息的还付工作,共累计清偿贷款本息56.74亿美元。截止2022年8月31日,大亚湾核电站1号机组实现安好运行2233天,创造国内核电站单机组安好运行最高纪录。自2022年1月12日以来,该机组连续四个燃料循环无非筹划自动停堆,目前该纪录仍在延续。 核电站辐射监测系统是与核电站运行工况直接相关的重要系统,辐射监测系统的改造应在保证原有设计功能的根基上,采用稳定、稳当、先进的辐射监测设备和信息管理系统,提升辐射监测系统的整体运行状态。 研究一个改造方案,能够使辐射监测系统运行的既稳定又稳当,还可以节省运行和维护经费,这个改造方案是本文所要解决的问题。 2 辐射监测系统(KRT)概述 2.1 KRT系统的功能 KRT系统是与电厂运行工况直接相关的辐射防护监测系统,它执行以下四种 4 功能: 防止核电站工作人员受到高剂量照射。 通过两
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