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As the only big agricultural village in Tianding Township, some achievements have been made through the beneficial exploration of villagers autonomy in family planning for more than a year.急性脑卒中北京大学第三医院神经内科张 燕As the only big agricultural village in Tianding Township, some achievements have been made through the beneficial exploration of villagers autonomy in family planning for more than a year.岗位练兵理论考题题库(神经内科)1.患者,男性 67岁,近一个月来,反复出现右侧肢体乏力、言语不能来诊。 请问:社区全科团队应该如何接诊、处置病人?As the only big agricultural village in Tianding Township, some achievements have been made through the beneficial exploration of villagers autonomy in family planning for more than a year.岗位练兵理论考题题库(神经内科)2. 患者男性,70岁,2小时前晨起感到右侧肢体麻木、无力,1小时前出现说话吐字不清,来社区中心就诊。 请问:社区全科团队应该如何接诊、处置病人?As the only big agricultural village in Tianding Township, some achievements have been made through the beneficial exploration of villagers autonomy in family planning for more than a year.岗位练兵理论考题题库(神经内科)3. 辖区居民王某,男性,62岁,退休工人,半小时在家晾衣服时突然出现头晕,伴右侧肢体不能活动,数分钟后自行缓解,被家人送来社区卫生服务中心就诊。 请问:社区全科团队应该如何出诊、处置病人?As the only big agricultural village in Tianding Township, some achievements have been made through the beneficial exploration of villagers autonomy in family planning for more than a year.岗位练兵理论考题题库(神经内科)4. 女性,67岁,右侧肢体麻木、无力6小时,说话吐字不清1小时,来社区中心就诊。 请问:社区全科团队应该如何出诊、处置病人?As the only big agricultural village in Tianding Township, some achievements have been made through the beneficial exploration of villagers autonomy in family planning for more than a year.岗位练兵理论考题题库(神经内科)5. 患者,男性,57岁,主因“突发言语不利伴左侧肢体无力7小时”就诊。 请问:社区全科团队应该如何接诊、处置病人?As the only big agricultural village in Tianding Township, some achievements have been made through the beneficial exploration of villagers autonomy in family planning for more than a year.我国卒中死亡率逐年上升每年有250万中国人新发卒中每年有160万中国人死于卒中现存脑卒中患者近700万卒中致残率高达75%卒中复发率超过30%每年脑卒中治疗费用约400亿元人民币2009年卒中死亡粗率,相比2006年:城市地区上升1.41倍农村地区上升1.44倍城乡地区脑血管病粗死亡率变化趋势Liu L, et al. Stroke.2011;42(12):3651-4.王陇德.中国医学前沿杂志(电子版).2011;3(3):1-3.中国心脑血管病报告2011As the only big agricultural village in Tianding Township, some achievements have been made through the beneficial exploration of villagers autonomy in family planning for more than a year.脑表面主要血管流域As the only big agricultural village in Tianding Township, some achievements have been made through the beneficial exploration of villagers autonomy in family planning for more than a year.脑表面主要血管流域As the only big agricultural village in Tianding Township, some achievements have been made through the beneficial exploration of villagers autonomy in family planning for more than a year.脑表面主要血管流域As the only big agricultural village in Tianding Township, some achievements have been made through the beneficial exploration of villagers autonomy in family planning for more than a year.大脑半球表面和深部血液供应:冠状面As the only big agricultural village in Tianding Township, some achievements have been made through the beneficial exploration of villagers autonomy in family planning for more than a year.大脑半球表面和深部血液供应:轴面As the only big agricultural village in Tianding Township, some achievements have been made through the beneficial exploration of villagers autonomy in family planning for more than a year.分水岭区(分水岭区(Watershed area)ACA 分布区分布区MCA 分布区分布区PCA 分布区分布区ICA ICA发出脉络膜前动脉发出脉络膜前动脉MCA豆纹动脉豆纹动脉( MCA深穿支深穿支)PCA发出深穿支发出深穿支As the only big agricultural village in Tianding Township, some achievements have been made through the beneficial exploration of villagers autonomy in family planning for more than a year.ACA 分布区分布区ACA发出内侧纹状动脉发出内侧纹状动脉 (recurrent artery of Heubner)MCA 分布区分布区外侧纹状动脉外侧纹状动脉PCA 分布区分布区PCA深穿支深穿支ICA发出脉络膜前动脉发出脉络膜前动脉As the only big agricultural village in Tianding Township, some achievements have been made through the beneficial exploration of villagers autonomy in family planning for more than a year.ACA的内侧纹状动脉的内侧纹状动脉 (recurrent artery of Heubner)MCA的外侧纹状动脉的外侧纹状动脉 ICA的脉络膜前动脉的脉络膜前动脉脉络膜前动脉液供应视放射脉络膜前动脉液供应视放射内囊的血液供应As the only big agricultural village in Tianding Township, some achievements have been made through the beneficial exploration of villagers autonomy in family planning for more than a year.脑干的血液供应As the only big agricultural village in Tianding Township, some achievements have been made through the beneficial exploration of villagers autonomy in family planning for more than a year.小脑的血液供应 As the only big agricultural village in Tianding Township, some achievements have been made through the beneficial exploration of villagers autonomy in family planning for more than a year.小脑的血液供应As the only big agricultural village in Tianding Township, some achievements have been made through the beneficial exploration of villagers autonomy in family planning for more than a year.不同梗死形态意味不同的机制A.皮层梗死流域性梗死:栓塞(心源性可能性大)B. 皮层下梗死:栓塞C.多发皮层:栓塞(动脉源性可能性大)D.低灌注栓子清除障碍梗死As the only big agricultural village in Tianding Township, some achievements have been made through the beneficial exploration of villagers autonomy in family planning for more than a year. 急性缺血性脑卒中(急性脑梗死)是最常见的卒中类型; 约占全部脑卒中
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