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课题与教学内容Unit 3 Lets paint 课时安排 Three教学目标知识技能1.Can say and aurally understand:How are you?Im fine.Fine.Very well ,thank you.Thanks.2.Can listen read and say these words :blue,green,red,purple,yellow,white,black,brown,pink and orange.过程方法 Through out game and cards to learn the new concepts.情感态度 Tell Ss that we should be a polite person.教学札记教 学 过 程 设 计预设教学路径预计学生活动备择方案The first period Lets talk Step1 Warm up and revision 1.Sing a song . 2.Revise “Everyday English”. All stand up and sing the song “Head ,shoulders ,keens and toes” with actions . Make coversation. S1:Hello.Good morning.Good afternoon. S2:Whats your name? S3:My name is . .教 学 过 程 设 计预设教学路径预计学生活动备择方案Step 2 New concepts 1.PesentationT:(To all Ss )Hello,boys and girls .How are you?2.Practice. 1).Play a game .Throw a ball and ask:How are you? 2)Play the tape. 3)Group work Step 3 Class Closing Sing a song . On the Bb: How are you? Fine ,thank you. Ss :Hello,Miss Dong.Fine,thamk you. S:Fine ,thank you. The S throw the ball again and ask:How are you? Listen to the tape and read the dialogue after the tape. Ss in small groups read the dialogue Sing “How are you” after the tape.Tell Ss that the Chinese meaning of How are you?and Fine ,thank you. The second period Lets learn Step 1 Warm up and revision1. Greet the Ss :Hello,boys and girls .How are you? Ss:Hello,Miss Dong . Fine ,thank you.教 学 过 程 设 计预设教学路径预计学生活动 备择方案2. Oral practice.3. Review the words about the school things . Step 2 New concepts 1.Presentation Show a picture of a rainbow .Point and teach these words:blue,green,red,yellow and purple. 2.Play the tape . 3.Practice 1) Guess what colour it is Use the colour paper.Put the paper behind and ask :What colour is it? 2) Draw the rainbow. Prepare some markers and big paper. Volunteers stand up and show a school thing and say:I have a _. Look at the rainbow and read the words after the teacher. Listen to the tape and read the words after the tape.In two groups .If the S can guess right the group that he in can be added one score. Each group send a student come in front.The other Ss read the words the teacher show and the Ss in front listen and use the right colour to draw . The S can also ask the other Ss what it is .Two times later Ss can instead of the teacher.教 学 过 程 设 计预设教学路径预计学生活动 备择方案 3)Lets do. 课题与教学内容Unit 1 Hello! Part A 课时安排 Three教学目标知识技能1. Can understand and say:Hello.Hi.Goodbye .Bye-bye .Im .2. Can listen and read :pencil,pen,crayon,ruler ,eraser,pencil-case,bagbook,sharpener.3.Can listen and do the actions after the commands.Show me .过程方法Through out real objects ,toushi and games to learn the new words .情感态度English is used widely and its very important . 教学札记教 学 过 程 设 计预设教学路径预计学生活动备择方案The first period Lets learnStep 1 Greeting T:Hello,boys and girls . Step 2 New concepts 1.Prestentation T:HelloHi.Im Miss Dong . (In Chinese )Youre old friends.But I want you to have some new friends.Introduce Mike,Chen Jie,Bai Ling to Ss. Ss:Hello,Miss Dong. Ss introduce themselves like that:HelloHi.Im. Say :Hello or hi to them. 教 学 过 程 设 计预设教学路径预计学生活动备择方案 2.Practice3.Play “Guessing “game. 4.Play “jiguchuanhua”. 5.Prestentation “goodbye and bye” Put a bag on the shoulder use the gesture and say “Goodbye” 6.Listen to a song “Hello”. Play the tape for the song . Step 3 Class closing Homework: Use the toushi .Ss say hello or hi ,Im Sarah.Im Chen Jie. Four Ss stand in front of the class.One of them say “Hellohi”.Let the other Ss guess who it is .If right say”Yes,Im.”If wrong say “No,Im.” Ss in two groups .When the Ss get the flower and the music stops .He She should say “Hello,Im .” Ss:Bye ,Miss Dong . Books open .Listen and sing after the tape. Say “hello or hi”to their friends.Prepare the school things we should Pair work S1:Hello,Im.Goodbye. S2:Hi,Im Bye.教 学 过 程 设 计预设教学路径预计学生活动 备择方案 Say “goodbye”use next class. Ss:Goodbye ,Miss Dong . The second period Lets learn Step 1 Warm up 1.Sing a song. 2.Revision Step 2 New concepts1. Prestentation Use the real object to teach the new words:pen,pencil,ruler,eraser,crayon. 2.Practice 1)Read the words and find the objects. Sing “Hello”song . S1:Hello,Im.Goodbye. S2
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