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本文格式为Word版,下载可任意编辑英语复习指导 英语复习指导(一) 一、词汇与语法 专转本词汇测试的宗旨是检验考生对大学英语根本词汇的掌管程度及实际运用才能,如判断某个词在特定的语言环境中的词义,掌管词与词的正确搭配,识别意义相近或一致词在使用时的轻微区别以及分辩形似义异词等。大量考活力械地背诵词汇,但答题时却收效不大。这是由于他们对词汇测试不甚了解。下面就此作一些分析。 例题分析: 1、She _ us that every would be all right. A. assured B. ensured C. insure D. secure 答案:A 解析:assure、ensure、insure、secure都有“保证”这个意思,但它们有着轻微的。assure强调消释疑虑,题干的意思是“她向我们保证会一切顺遂”,因此理应用assure。ensure强调实实在在的保障,如“The letter ensured an interview.”暗含了有了这封信就确定可以加入面试的意思。insure那么强调事先打定以保证。结果secure那么表示采取措施摈弃负面因素从而保证。 2、She asked me to _ her at 7. A. awake B. awaken C. waken D. The three answers are all right 答案:D 解析:awake,形容词,“醒着的”,动词,“唤醒、醒来”。作为动词,它的用法与wake(up)好像,既可是及物动词,如“My interest awoke when I saw the chance for profit.”(看到有机遇盈利我就有了兴趣)和“The project awoke his interest.” awaken和waken一样,也可作及物和不及物动词,表示“唤醒”和“醒来”的意思。 3、The meeting will begin at 9:00 according to the _. A. calendar B. schedule C. column D. diagram 答案:B 解析:四个选项的意思分别是calendar,日历,schedule,日程安置,column,专栏,diagram,图解。 Schedule还可以作动词,意思是“安置”,如“the flight is scheduled at six”。词组on schedule意为“准时地”。此外还要掌管column一词也可指“体积”。 4、He spoke so quickly; I didnt _ what he said. A. receive B. accept C. listen D. catch 答案:D 解析:catch是一个意项好多的词,可以表示“抓住”“捕获”“赶上车”“感染”等。可用 catch sb. doing ,意为当场抓住某人做某事,如:“She caught me cheating on the test.”。这里catch指“理解”“懂得”。 5、It is said that he _ murder. A. committed B. conducted C. executed D. emitted 答案:A 解析:commit,动词,意为“干、犯(坏事)”。与之相关的词有commitment和committee,“委 员会”。Conduct ,动词,“指挥、引导”。如“He conducts himself quite well these days in school.(他这些天在学校表现不错。)”,“Being the only son, he had to conduct the family business after his fathers death.”。另外,作为动词它还有“传热、传导”的意项。它也可以作名词,意思是“行为、品性”。与之相关的词有conductor,“领队、乐队指挥”、“售票员、列车员”“导体”。Execute,动词,意为“执行”、“处死”,如“to execute a plan”。Executive,形容词,“实行的”,名词,“管理人员”。Emit,动词,“放射、发出”。 6、The door is shut _ and clocked. A. fast B. tight C. firm D. sound 答案:A 解析:fast要这里是作副词,意思是“紧紧地”。除此之外,它还可以表示“完全地”,与sound 好像。Tight和firm假设换成它们的副词形式tightly和firmly在这里也是适合的。Sound也可以作副词,意思是“完全地、彻底地”,如“Hes sound asleep”。 7、Many crops were grown on the_ land. A. barren B. bare C. fertile D. deserted 答案:C 解析:barren,形容词,“贫瘠的”,与fertile构成反义词。Bare,形容词,“赤裸裸的、光秃的”, 如“bare feet(光脚)”。Deserted,由动词desert(抛弃、荒废)的过去分词构成的形 容词,意为“荒废的”。 8、He_ our doubts with a clear explanation. A. set B. settled C. fixed D. established 答案:B 解析:这四个词都有“放在适合的位置”的意思,但各有强调之处。Set强调放置在确定的位置 上,如“set food on the table” ;settle表示放置在稳定、安好的位置上,如“ They settled gradually in their new home ”,也可表示调整从前混乱的处境,此题取的就是这个意项;fix更强调永久性、稳 固性,如“fix a pole in the ground ”;而establish可以表示在将某物放入位置之后加固的进程, 如“Dont remove the tree when it is established”. 9、The dream of a world without war is yet to be_. A. recognized B. filled C. fulfilled D. flourished 答案:C 解析:recognize,动词一,“认出、熟悉到”;Fulfill,动词,“完成、履行”,通常搭配使用的名 词有duty、dream、need等;Flourish,动词,“昌盛、兴旺”,如The business is flourishing. 10、The_ will be used to help young writers to publish their works. A. fee B. capital C. fund D. investment 答案:C 解析:fee,名词,“费用”,指采纳他人的服务后应付的费用。Capital,名词,“资本”。 Fund,名词,“基金、资金”,指为某项事业而筹集的钱。Investment,名词,“投资”, 如foreign investment. 11、My salary is enough to _the family. A. retain B. obtain C. maintain D. remain 答案:C 解析:retain,动词,“保持”,如“The clothing retains its color. (这衣服不掉色。)”。 Obtain,动词,“得到、获取”,如“ I havent been able to obtain that album anywhere. ” 。 Maintain,动词,“保持、维持”,指持续拥有,如“ They maintained their friendship for over forty years. ”。这里maintain 指“抚养”。Remain,动词,“保持”,指处于某种状态不变, 如“ She remained unknown until her death.”。 12、The little boy _ to tie his shoelaces but failed. A. hesitated B. attempted C. managed D. meant 答案:B 5
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