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2021-2022天津市武清区河西务镇初级中学第一学期期末练习八年级英语 一:短语翻译10%1.写下,记下 2.相当好 3.大量,众多 4.一直,总是5.最后,终于 6.想出,想到7.偶尔,一两次 8.肩并肩地9.稍等 10.电子游戏二:单项选择25%1. The city is on _ River Thames and has _ population of about 7,500,000. A. a; the B. the; a C. a; a; D. the; the2. When you see an _ movie, you may be very _. A. exciting; exciting B. excited; excited C. excited; exciting D. exciting; excited3. How about _ the mistakes in red ink(墨水)? A. correct B. correcting C. to correcting D. not correct4. Lots of football fans plans _ the FIFA World Cup. A. to watch B. watches C. watching D. watched5. Lao Shes Teahouse is one of the most famous plays in the _ century. A. twelve B. twenty C. twentieth D. twelfth6. - Tom, how are you feeling today? - Much _. I dont think I can go to school tomorrow. A. better B. worse C. best D. worst7. - I called you yesterday afternoon, but you didnt pick up. - Sorry. I _ an online class at that time. A. take B. took C. is taking D. was taking8. - _ the population of Hong Kong? - Seven million people. A. How is B. How much is C. What are D. What is9. Dont forget _ an umbrella _ you. Its going to rain. A. to take; to B. taking; to C. to take; with D. taking; with10. - Tim played the guitar very well in the school talent show. - I agree. He practices _ it every day. A. play B. playing C. to play D. plays11. Of all the students in my class, Tony writes _. A. the most carefully B. careful C. most careful D. more carefully12. Do you know how much money I _ all these books. They only _ 200 yuan! A. spent; cost B. paid for; spent C. paid for; cost D. cost; spent13. I cant _ the world without the sun. A. develop B. imagine C. produce D. share14. - Someone is singing. Who is it? - It _ be Betty. She always practises singing at this time. A. can B. cant C. must D. mustnt15. - I dont like driving a personal car or taking a taxi. - _ I think riding a bike is a good choice. A. I cant believe it! B. Its bad luck. C. Come on! D. Me neither.16. It will _ rain tomorrow, so I will stay at home and read a book. A. might B. possible C. probably D. especially17. More than _ of the students may see or be in an accident while they are on their way to school. A. two fifth B. second fifth C. two fifths D. second fifth18. Tina agreed _ me English in her free time. A. teach B. teaching C. taught D. to teach19. _ the water is cold, Wei Qinggang jumped into it to save the child. A. Although B. When C. If D. Because20 _ Tom was watching TV, his sister was learning Chinese. A. Because B. While C. Before D. Until21. Alice fell down a deep hole and it was _ dark for her _ see anything in it. A. so; that B. too; to C. such; that D. enough; to22. His words made everyone _. A. laugh B. laughs C. laughing D. to laugh23. When you _ London, you can buy a travel card to travel around the city. A. look after B. warm up C. arrive in D. take away24. -Where would you like to go for your summer holiday, Beijing or Shanghai? - _. I will go to Sanya in Hainan. A. Both B. Neither C. Each D. Either25. Scientists do a lot of research _ pandas produce more babies. A. help B. will help C. helping D. to help三:完形填空10% (2021天津市滨海新区期末)TheNewYeariscoming.Ourclassisgoingtohavea_1_.Whenisagoodtimetohaveit?Ididasurvey(调查).Someclassmates_2_tohaveitonThursdaynight.Butsomeclassmatessaidtheyhadtostudyforthe_3_.WangMeisaidwecouldhavethepartyonFriday.Thatsa goodidea.SowedecidedtohaveitonFriday afternoon.Thereareonlyfourdaysleft.We_4_prepareforitrightnow.Weplanto_5_someofourteachers.Ourmonitorisgoingtobring_6_tothepartywithouttellingthemaboutit.Weresurethattheywillbe_7_.Ithinkofsomegamestoplayattheparty.Ifonewinsthegame,he/shewillgetsomesmallgifts.WangMeiisgoingtoorganize(组织) someshows_8_ singinganddancing.Shouldweaskourclassmates tobringfood? Imafraid_9_weaskthemtotobringfood, theylljustbringsomejunkfood.Sowewillbringsomefruit andvegetables, andwecanmakesaladbyourselves._10_wewill haveagoodtime.Wecantwait.1.A.concert B.festival C.trip D.party2.A.suggestedB.forgot C.wanted D.happened3.A.novel B.test C.acci
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