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关于健康的电子邮件英语范文_初三万能英语作文2篇关于”健康的电子“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Healthy Electronics。以下是关于健康的电子的初三英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。万能作文模板2:健康电子产品满分英语范文3:健康的电子 Im glad to meet you. I entered Binzhou university to study applied physics this year. I graduated from. I worked in Suzhou for many years. My first job was to do PCB maintenance in Suzhou Dafeng electronics company. From to, I continued to expand my business in Suzhou. Sony production line technology management decided to return home after marriage. After working in a chemical plant, I found that this job was not suitable for my training Training and field work in the field of electronic manufacturing experience in this year, I have a comprehensive understanding of the development process of electronic products. Im passionate about continuing my career in electronics manufacturing. Please find my resume in your company. I hope this will help me:). 中文翻译: 很高兴认识你,我今年进入滨州大学学习应用物理,毕业于,我在苏州工作多年了,我的第一份工作是在苏州达丰电子公司做PCB板维修,年到年我继续在苏州拓展我的事业索尼生产线技术管理我决定结婚后回国,在一家化工厂工作过年后我发现这份工作不适合我培训和实地工作在电子制造领域的这一年的经验使我对电子产品的发展过程有了全面的了解。我对继续我在电子制造业的职业生涯充满热情。请在贵公司找到我的空缺简历。 希望这能帮到我:)。- 2 -
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