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儿童基金会的一周英文作文_六年级万能英语作文2篇关于”儿童基金会的一周“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:A week for UNICEF。以下是关于儿童基金会的一周的六年级英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。高分英语作文1:A week for UNICEF United Nations Childrens Fund: the United Nations Childrens fund is part of the United Nations. It was established after the European war to help children. As a result of the war at that time, the lives of poor children changed. It is estimated that one million children in the world grow up on their own. They are deprived of their basic rights due to any child disease. Unemployment and lack of education also lead to more and more children growing up without a stable family environment. UNICEF works all over the world. It provides clean water, food and education for children in many countries. It hopes that children will be happy, go to school and have access to education Sell Christmas cards and organize other activities to collect money. It helps governments and families. These unfortunate children should be helped when they are ill, and they should be treated well. 中文翻译: 联合国儿童基金会:联合国儿童基金会是联合国的一部分,它是在欧洲战争后成立的,目的是帮助儿童。由于当时的战争,贫困儿童的生活改变了。据估计,全世界有一百万儿童独自成长,由于任何儿童疾病而被剥夺了基本权利,失业和缺乏教育也导致越来越多的儿童在没有稳定的家庭环境的情况下成长儿童基金会在世界各地工作,它提供清洁的水,许多国家的儿童食品和教育,它希望孩子们快乐,上学,通过卖圣诞卡和组织其他活动来收钱。 它帮助政府和家庭。这些不幸的孩子生病时应该得到帮助,他们也应该得到善待。 万能作文模板2:联合国儿童基金会一周 World Health Organization Tens of thousands of tsunami survivors are at risk of diseases spread by dirty water, mosquitoes and crowding, and the best medicine is plenty of clean water. An epidemic has not yet been confirmed in the vast coastal areas destroyed by the tsunami on Sunday, officials said. They are most worried about diarrhea, cholera, typhoid, Shigella and hepatitis A and E Inflammation and other liver diseases. These diseases are caused by contaminated drinking water or food, bacteria or viruses in sewage. Among people who lack clean water to wash their hands, such as who and who, the United Nations Childrens fund recommends that each person get about five gallons of clean water a day, whos director of crisis operations, Dr David Nabarro, said in a telephone interview from Geneva headquarters that Maldives and Sri Lanka already has a water shortage, and tank cars are needed to provide clean water. In addition, water purification tablets are being sent to affected countries, along with drugs to treat diarrhea and dehydration. Another danger to drinking water is contaminated wells caused by the tsunami. In Colombo, Sri Lanka, the United Nations Childrens fund estimated that drinking water wells in the severely affected areas of the eastern part of the country had been contaminated and must be drained at present. he added that the United Nations Childrens fund had also purchased about one million gallons of drinking water, enough for people to drink, and predicted that The water will be sent to the affected areas on Thursday. 中文翻译: 世界卫生组织(World Health Organization)官员昨日表示,数以万计的海啸幸存者面临着由脏水、蚊虫和拥挤传播的疾病的危险,而最好的良药是大量的清洁水,而周日在被海啸摧毁的广大沿海地区尚未确认有流行病,官员们说,他们最担心的是腹泻病霍乱、伤寒、志贺氏菌病以及甲型和戊型肝炎等肝脏疾病。这些疾病是由受污染的饮用水或食物、污水中的细菌或病毒引起的,在缺乏干净水洗手的人群中,如世卫组织和卫生组织联合国儿童基金会建议每人每天获得大约5加仑的清洁水,世卫组织危机行动主任大卫纳巴罗博士在日内瓦总部接受电话采访时说,马尔代夫和斯里兰卡已经出现水资源短缺,此外,还需要罐车来提供干净的水。此外,水净化药片正被送往受灾国家,同时还有治疗腹泻脱水的药物。 另一个对饮用水的危害是海啸造成的海水污染水井联合国儿童基金会(Unicef)在斯里兰卡科伦坡估计,该国东部受灾严重地区的饮用水井已经受到污染,“目前”必须将其抽干,他还说,联合国儿童基金会还购买了约百万加仑加仑的饮用水,足够人们饮用,并预计这些水将于周四被送到受灾地区。 满分英语范文3:儿童基金会的一周 World Health Organization Tens of thousands of tsunami survivors are at risk of diseases spread by dirty water, mosquitoes and crowding, and the best medicine is plenty of clean water. An epidemic has not yet been confirmed in the vast coastal areas destroyed by the tsunami on Sunday, officials said. They are most worried about diarrhea, cholera, typhoid, Shigella and hepatitis A and E Inflammation and other liver diseases. These diseases are caused by contaminated drinking water or food, bacteria or viruses in sewage. Among people who lack clean water to wash their hands, such as who and who, the United Nations Childrens fund recommends that each person get about five gallons of clean water a day, whos director of crisis operations, Dr David Nabarro, said in a telephone interview from Geneva headquarters that Maldives and Sri Lanka already has a water shortage, and tank cars are needed to provide clean water. In addition, water purification tablets are being sent to affected countries, along with drugs to treat diarrhea and dehydration. Another danger to drinking water is contaminated wells caused by the tsunami. In Colombo, Sri Lanka, the United Nations Childrens fund estimated in Colombo, Sri Lanka, that drinking wells in the hard hit areas of the eastern part of the country had been contaminated and must be drained at present. he added that the United Nations Childrens fund also purchased about one million gallons of drinking water, enough for people to drink. He also said that the United Nations Childrens Fund (UNICEF) also bough
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