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关于除夕的英语美文朗读_初一万能英语作文3篇关于”除夕的朗读“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Reading aloud on New Years Eve。以下是关于除夕的朗读的初一英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。高分英语作文1:Reading aloud on New Years Eve Eating out sometimes were tired of homemade meals, sometimes we dont want to cook, and then we choose to eat out. It may be a bit expensive, but its fresh and its eaten in a pleasant environment. Now, more families want to eat out on New Years Eve. Its reported that this years new years Eve, many people welcome it. Its really fun and easy to eat in restaurants in the new year. 中文翻译: 在外面吃饭有时我们厌倦了自制的饭菜有时我们不想做饭然后我们选择在外面吃它可能有点贵,但它是新鲜的,在一个愉快的环境下吃现在,更多的家庭想在除夕夜外出就餐据报道今年的除夕夜,很多人欢迎在新的一年里,在餐厅吃饭真的很有趣很容易。 万能作文模板2:除夕夜大声朗读 Ninas story a long time ago in China, there was a terrible beast called Nian. Its name means it has sharp teeth, huge claws, and a very mean roar. It lives in the wilderness, but every new years Eve, it will sneak into the village to scare everyone. Even the animals have been afraid of new years Eve for many years, until a wise man told me They are afraid of three things: noise, fire and red. The next time, the villagers beat drums as loud as they could. They lit all the firecrackers and dressed in red from head to toe. They ran a long way and never came back. Since then, people began to celebrate New Years Eve, no longer afraid of the custom of wearing new clothes. Sticking red couplets and setting off fireworks are still the 15th family food and good luck festival to celebrate the Chinese New Year. 中文翻译: 尼娜的故事很久以前在中国,有一种叫“年”的可怕的野兽,它的名字意味着它有着锋利的牙齿,巨大的爪子,还有一种非常卑鄙的咆哮,它生活在荒野中,但是每到除夕,它都会潜入村子里吓唬每一个人,就连动物们也对除夕夜恐惧了很多年,直到一位智者告诉他们,年害怕的三件事:喧闹、火灾和红色。下一次念来时,村民们尽可能大声地击鼓还击,他们点燃了所有的鞭炮,从头到脚都穿上了红色的衣服,年跑得很远,再也没有回来过。从此,人们开始庆祝除夕夜,不再害怕穿新衣服的习俗,贴红对联和燃放烟花仍然是庆祝中国新年的第十五个家庭美食和好运的节日。 满分英语范文3:除夕的朗读 New years Eve is the last night of the last month of the lunar calendar, followed by the first day of the Spring Festival. The Chinese name of the Spring Festival refers to the past year. We will welcome the new year at the turn of the new year. All festivals and celebrations focus on praying for good luck. In ancient China, during the Zhou and Qin Dynasties, there was a ceremony called Da Nuo exorcising ghosts, also known as New Years Eve. People called the day before the new years Eve as new years Eve. Therefore, the eve of the Spring Festival has always been the night of the year. In this warm night, new years Eve is the most unforgettable night. The night comes Young people holding a match to light firecrackers, a child with one hand to plug the ear, the other hand to light fireworks, other children cover their ears impatiently waiting for the joy of fireworks, the elderly older, they still remember a childhood had a wonderful spring festival: family Superman Festival, stay up late to welcome the new year is the three major activities on New Years Eve. 中文翻译: 除夕是农历最后一个月的最后一个晚上,紧接着是春节的第一天,春节的中文名称是指过去的一年,我们将在新年之交迎接新的一年。所有的节日活动或庆祝活动都以祈福为重点中国古代周秦时期,皇宫在农历新年时,会有一个叫“大诺驱鬼”的仪式,也叫“除夕”,人们把除夕的前一天叫做除夕,所以春节的前夜一直是一年的夜晚,在这个温暖的夜晚里,除夕夜是最流连忘返的夜晚,夜晚来临的年轻人拿着一根火柴点燃鞭炮,一个孩子用一只手堵住耳朵,另一只手靠着点燃烟花,其他孩子捂着耳朵不耐烦地等待着烟花的快乐老年人年纪大了,他们还记得小时候过的一个多么美好的春节:家庭超人祭、熬夜迎新年是除夕夜的三大活动。- 4 -
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