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1环境安全健康境安全健康 风险评估估EHS Risk Management 2lRisk Management entails:1.Risk assessment of any work activity or trade;2.Control and monitoring of such risks and3.Communicating these risks to all persons involved.Risk assessment - an integral part of risk management. It is the process of:Identifying and analysing safety and health hazards associated with work;Assessing the risks involved andPrioritising measures to control the hazards and reduce the risks.Communication of the hazards to employees Training, Certification, Safe Working ProcedureEvery workplace, including factories, should conduct risk assessments for all routine and non-routine work undertaken.3Risk Management vs. Risk AssessmentRisk RankingSensitivity AnalysisRiskConsequenceFrequencyHazard IdentificationRisk AssessmentCost Benefit AnalysisRisk Acceptance TolerabilityRisk AnalysisRisk ManagementRisk Management4What is the purpose of a Risk Assessment?When should you do a Risk Assessment?Who performs a Risk Assessment?What are the basic step to perform a Risk Assessment? Risk Assessment Questions5Risk Assessment is the process of identifying and evaluating hazards and implementing control measures to eliminate or reduce the potential for loss to: PersonnelEquipmentPropertyEnvironmentRisk Assessment - Definitions02-Jun-226lRisk a combination of the likelihood (probability) and consequences (severity) of a specified hazardous event occurringEach hazard is evaluated in terms of risk (Probability X Consequence = Risk)Risk Assessment - DefinitionsProbability the likelihood that the potential harm or loss will occur (frequency) Consequence the outcome of exposure to an identified hazard (severity)7Hazard an activity, situation, or condition that has the potential for harm in terms of:Risk Assessment - DefinitionsInjuryIllnessDamage to propertyDamage to the environmentThere are at least 14 categories of hazards. Try to write down 5 of them on your list02-Jun-2281.SLIPS, TRIPS OR FALLS at the same level2.SLIPS, TRIPS OR FALLS at height3.STRUCK BY falling, flying, moving objects4.STRUCK AGAINST bumping into, stepping, falling against5.CAUGHT IN, UNDER, BETWEEN, AGAINST moving machinery/objects, collapsing structure6.OVER EXERTION lifting/pulling/pushing objects7.EXPOSURE TO TEMPERATURE EXTREMES heat/cold, objects or substancesHazard Categories98.EXPOSURE TO HARMFUL SUBSTANCES Dust, chemicals, fumes, radiation, noise any route into the body9.CONTACT WITH ELECRICITY10.VEHICLE ACCIDENT11.PROCESS OR PRODUCTION UPSET Blowout, plant or equipment failure12.ENVIRONMENTAL CONTAMINATION Spill13.ERGONOMICS Visual Display units (VDU), and repetitive strain activities14.OTHER (SPECIFY) (Drowning, suffocating, etc.)Hazard Categories02-Jun-2210Any hazards here?Hazard RecognitionWhat are the Risks?02-Jun-2211Risk Matrix02-Jun-2212Risk Matrix02-Jun-2213The Risk Assessment Form02-Jun-2214Existing/Potential Impacts1. Examine each step carefully.2. Identify the hazard(s) associated with each step. Decide who is at riskUse experience or historical informationDiscuss with involved employeesReview safety information (MSDS)3. Number the hazard list to correspond with your steps.02-Jun-2215Hazard Types7. Exposure to Temperature Extremes8. Exposure to Harmful Substances9. Contact with Electricity10. Vehicle Accident11. Process or Production Upset12. Environment Contamination13. Ergonomics (VDUs)14. Other (Specify)1. Slips, Trips or Falls (at same level)2. Slips, Trips or Falls (at height)3. Struck By4. Struck Against5. Caught In, Under, Between or Against6. Over Exertion02-Jun-2216ConsequenceCatastrophic (Score of 5) a hazard that could realistically result in: Multiple fatalities Property or equipment damage in excess of $100,000 (U.S.)Environmentally damaging offsite spill, of reportable quantity, causing major public concern, possible offsite health riskMajor (Score of 4) a hazard that could realistically result in: A single fatality or major injury Property or equipment damage in excess of $50,000-100,000 (U.S.) Explosions or fires requiring outside assistance, radiation releases Chronic spills, possible offsite, non-toxic 55 gal or reportable quantity of hazmat, acute health riskMinor (Score of 2) a hazard that could realistically result in: Injuries involving first aid Minor property or equipment damage $500-10,000 (U.S.) Minor onsite spill, non-toxic, 5-55 gal. . No/minimal foreseeable damage, $500 Negligible onsite spill, non-toxic, 55 gal. or non-reportable quantity of hazmat 02-Jun-2217FrequencyExtreme (Score of 5)Certain that harm will occur. Records or experience indicate daily to monthly occurrenceHigh (Score of 4)Near certain that harm will occur. Records or experience indicate monthly to quarterly occurrenceMedium (Score of 3)Harm will seldom occur. Records or experience indicate a yearly occurrenceLow (Score of 2)Harm will occur on very rare occasions. Records show occurrence at some timeImprobable (Score of 1)Harm is theoretically possible, but improbable. Records or
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