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Word四年级英语上册第五单元教案 使同学能听、说、读、写和正确运用词汇cloudy, rainy, snowy, sunny, windy; 句子 :Hows the weather today ?一起看看四班级英语上册第五单元教案!欢迎查阅! 四班级英语上册第五单元教案1 教学目标: 1.学问目标 能把握描述天气的词汇cloudy, rainy, snowy, sunny, windy。 能口头运用句型Hows the weather today ? Its sunny. 2.力量目标 通过学习培育同学依据实际状况描述天气的力量。 3.情感目标 培育同学敢于开口说英语的乐观性。 重点难点: 使同学能听、说、读、写和正确运用词汇cloudy, rainy, snowy, sunny, windy; 句子 :Hows the weather today ? Its_ 使同学在真实的情境中敏捷运用句型Hows the weather today ? Its_ . 教具预备: 磁带,录音机,单词卡片 教学过程: 。Greetings. -What day is it? -It is Friday, April eleventh. -What day is tomorrow? -It is Its Saturday,April twelfth. (设计意图:同学复习问候用语和日期表达方法。) 。Review: Show the students the pictures in the cards and ask the students to say the words one by one. T: Whats this? S:Its rain. (设计意图:同学复习snow,wind,rain,cloud,sun几个名词,引出cloudy,rainy,snowy,sunny,windy的学习,并为对比名词和形容词做预备。) 。 New Concepts: Step1:Show the pictures of the new words. T:Look at the picture.The weather is rainy. Its rainy.Say together!(板书rainy) Ss:Rainy. T:Whats the meaning of it? S1:下雨的。(同学拼读、练习读单词。) 老师用彩粉笔把y板书在rain后面,同学对比发觉它们的差别。 (设计意图:同学通过比较,初步了解本课中的天气词汇与上一课学习的名词的联系。) Step2.Teach windy,rainy,cloudy and sunny. 老师引导同学在wind,rain,cloud,sun的后面加上y,把它们变成形容词,并让同学试读出单词。 留意特殊强调sunny的不同。 (设计意图:加强新旧学问之间的联系,让同学发觉学习的规律,把握学习的方法。) Step3:Play games 1. “Whats missing?”(sunny/snowy/cloudy/rainy/windy.) 2.“Guess the words” 猜单词嬉戏 ( 老师扣起单词卡片,同学猜。) Step4:Show the students the pic tures of the weather and practice. -Is it rainy? (Is it a rainy day?) -No. Its sunny. / Yes. Its rainy. (老师和同学示范,为对话练习做预备,同时把课本上的第一部分充分练习。) Step5:Practice in their groups. Step6:Check up the dialogue. Step7:Teach “Hows the weather today?” T: Hows the weather? (出示一张天气图片) Ss: Its rainy. T: Hows the weather today? Ss:Its sunny.(同学依据当天的天气回答。) 板书句子-Hows the weather today? -Its sunny (设计意图:同学学会使用Hows the weather today? Its _.句式问答天气。) Step8:Listen to the tape.Try to find the questions: a.What day is it? b.What day is tomorrow? c.Hows the weather today? Step9:Answer the questions. Step10:Read after the tape toghter. 。 Enrichment Step1:Demonstrate T:What day is today? S:Its Friday,April eleventh. T:What day is tomorrow? S:Its Saturday,April twelfth. T:Hows the weather today ? Is it Sunny? S:Yes,its sunny. / No,its cloudy. (设计意图:同学在编对话的过程中,综合运用所学的学问。) Step2:Practice in pairs. (小黑板出示下列句式) -What day is today? -Its Friday,April eleventh. -What day is tomorrow? -Its Saturday,April twelfth. -Hows the weather today ? Is it Sunny? -Yes,its sunny. / No,its cloudy. Step3:Present their dialogues and the teacher should praise the students. 。Class Closing 做活动手册 同学总结本课所学内容,布置课下作业。 板书设计: Lesson13 Hows the Weather Today? sun sunny Hows the weather? Its _. cloud cloudy rain rainy wind windy snow snowy 四班级英语上册第五单元教案2 一、教学目标 1、能听、说、认读单词warm/cool/hot/cold/weather report 2、能听、说、认读句子:Good morning. This is the weather report.Its in. 3、能够简洁介绍天气状况,做小小气象员。 二、教学重点: 理解和把握单词warm/cool/hot/cold/weather 三、教学难点: 我国各地的天气状况;单词weather report的发音 how is the weather today句型的把握。 四、教学预备: 课件,老师卡片,一根做天气预报的指挥棒 五、教学过程: 1、导入新课:同学们能谈论下今日的天气吗用英文,今日我们就来学习英文中怎么谈论天气。 2、板书: How is the weather today? 3、老师可以出示关于天气状况的日历表,给同学讲解weather的意思。 4、把How is the weather today?和It is .谈论天气的句型给同学进行讲解。 5、教会同学本课重点单词:cloud 、wind 、sonw、 rain、 sun、warm、hot、cold、cool单词。 6、进行一段小对话 Guessing game : Warm or cold? A:Its cold or warm in our classroom. B:Its warm.Now Lets play a game. A:Its warm or cold in Beijing? B:Warm. A:Its _ in Hainan. Is it warm/cold in Hainan? B:No. A:Its hot in Hainan.教读单词hot. B:ts hot. Id like some watermelon. What would you like? A:Id like some. 7、为巩固所学单词,老师可以让同学读下列儿歌: Lets chant Weather, weather, weather report. This is the weather report. This is the weather report. Cold, cold, its cold in Harbin. Warm, warm, its warm in Beijing. Hot, hot, its hot in Hong Kong. Cool, cool, its cool in Lhasa. 六、教学结束: 布置同学背诵本课单词,把握如何谈论天气句型。 四班级英语上册第五单元教案3 教学目标: (1)学问目标 1.学习本文主要新单词:cry break monster 2.学会运用核心句型 Did you?Yes, I did. / No, I didnt. (2)力量目标 1.了解使用一般过去时的一般疑问句。 2.能用一般疑问句来询问过去发生过的事情。 (3)情感目标 了解西方儿童的课余文化生活,学会关怀别人,学会顽强的面对生活中遇到的困难。 教学重点: 能正确运用核心句型 Did you?
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