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复习模块教案第一节40分钟一、教学准备与分析:1、教学内容:学生用书:第三册复习模块第一单元活动1、3、42、教学目标:2.1技能与知识目标:A、 根本要求熟练掌握单词:up, down, past ,turn right ,turn lift ,numbers, run fast, play the flute, swim, draw a dragon, make a cake, play football, jump high, take a picture, ride a bike, row a boat, park. 熟练掌握语言结构:be going +direction. How many? Can you ? Yes, I can. No, I cant . Be going to do sth.B、 初步要求无2.2运用能力目标:能够熟练运用Go straight on. Turn right/left.描述他人走的路线,给他人指路。能够运用Can you ?句型询问他人的情况,并用Yes,I can./No, I cant.进行答复。2.3 素质教育目标: 通过问路以及指路的活动,培养学生独立解决问题的能力以及乐于助人的精神。培养学生在小组活动中积极与他人合作,相互帮助,完成学习任务的能力。培养学生乐于与人交往,在交往中了解自己及他人的能力。3、教学重点:同根本要求4、教学难点:无5、教学任务:A、 学习任务: 熟练掌握单词:up, down, past ,turn right ,turn lift ,numbers, run fast, play the flute, swim, draw a dragon, make a cake, play football, jump high, take a picture, ride a bike, row a boat, park. 熟练掌握语言结构:be going +direction. How many? Can you ? Yes, I can. No, I cant . Be going to do sth.B、 运用任务:1、Find a secret place.2、What are you going to do in the park. 6、教学用品:录音机(带)、图片、单词卡二、课堂教学程序:1、启动:3分钟呈现任务:Today, I am going to take you to a secret place. Later you will fide the answer. 1 Say a song from Module 3 Unit 22 Chant: up up ,go up down down ,go down left left, turn left right right ,turn right straight on straight on ,go straight on 2、导入:T: What am I doing? Ss: I am turning left.请学生来做T:What is he/she doing?Ss:She is .3、呈现:Lets listen to the tape,what are they doing?4、操练与指导1Repeat after the tape.2Listen to the tape and write the numbers.学生汇报Its picture3Listen and repeat.4T:I can jump high.What can you do ?Ss:I can (Ask several students to answer)T:Can you swim ?Ss :Yes,I can ./No ,I cant.生生对话5Game :We are the best partner.同桌之间以拍手的形式进行边问边答“Can you ride a bike?/row a boat?/take pictures?Yes ,I can.或No, I cant.节奏可由慢到快,先小组活动,然后上台比一比,谁说的最好,最多而且不间断。评选出最正确组合。6完成学生用书,活动3调查表,学生根据自己的情况来涂色或画勾。教师进行全班提问,Who can run fast?/play the flute?/swim?/draw a dragon?学生举手表示Yes, I can .教师接着提问How many ?/How many students can run fast?学生答复。7利用数字卡片或手势复习数字。游戏:小组对抗赛。这是一个训练学生听认数字的游戏,教师将数字和英文书写打乱分贴在黑板的两侧,左边如果是数字,右边就是英文单词,教师说一个数字,这两位学生就立即摘下教师所念的数字,摘的对而快的得两分,对而慢的得一分,不对的不得分,在教师说第一个数字的时候,各组的第二个学生应上前等候,第一个学生摘下数字后,游戏接着进行。8Lets have a rest.We are going to go to the park.5、完成运用任务1 Find a secret place. 给学生展示一个路线图考验学生的综合运用能力。教师说口令或学生根据教师的口型发口令,学生画路标,最终来到secret place公园。T: What are you going to do in the park?First lets see Amy, Lingling, Sam what they are going to do .Have the students listen and match.Amy她们已经给我们了一些建议。Now ,what are you going to do in the park.6、完成运用任2、What are you going to do in the park.快乐的休闲时光。四人小组合作并展示对话来到公园他们是怎样度过快乐时光的7、复习总结:请学生总结今天复习的内容。第二节 40分钟一、教学准备与分析1教学内容学生用书:复习模块第2单元活动1、2、3、4活动用书:复习模块第2单元活动1、3、42教学目标2.1技能与知识目标A根本要求:熟练掌握月份的描述及天气状况的词汇熟练掌握现在进行时熟练掌握Can I have some?语言结构及其答复Yes,you can。/Sorry,you cant。熟练掌握食物名称B初步要求无C复习稳固:复习词汇:January,February,March,April,May,June,July,August,September,October,November,December复习食物名称。复习Can I have some?语言结构及其答复。2.2运用能力目标运用所学语言点完成对各月份的描述。运用已学知识点表述自己对食物的愿望并对他人请求予以答复。运用所学语言结构对他人正在做的事情进行描述。2.3素质教育目标使学生逐步形成用英语参加综合活动的兴趣和能力。培养学生互相合作的精神,培养大胆、自信、活泼的性格。使学生逐渐形成学习词汇和稳固已学知识的策略。3.教学重点同根本要求4.教学难点无5.任务设计C、 学习任务:熟练掌握月份的描述及天气状况的词汇熟练掌握现在进行时熟练掌握Can I have some?语言结构及其答复Yes,you can。/Sorry,you cant。熟练掌握食物名称D、 运用任务:快乐的聚会6.教学用品:录音机/带、邀请信、各语言结构条、有奖竞赛题、小奖品。二、课堂教学程序1、启动:Chants:Make a cakeCan I have soup?2、导入:T:Cake,rile;Soup and fruit,Theyre nice food Do you like food?Look,heres an invitation3、呈现:T:“Im going to hold a party today。Wish youll enjoy the party. There are many kinds of food waiting for you,But I need your helps,Ling ling。4、操练与指导:T:Can you jive me some words or sentences about food?由学生回忆所有与吃的有关的音词One by one回忆与食物有关的句子,学生汇报,教师贴句子,请小老师来领读。Quickiy Response:指句子,学生拍桌子读句型。Passing Game:以Can I have some soup?为背景,由慢到快,哪儿同座位2人共同完成对话。将Can I?与Do you?都融入游戏中T:Oh,Im hungry.I want to eat something.Lets go to the party.ok?听录音,答复下列问题:a.What is mum doing? b. What is dad doing? c.What is sam doing? d. What is daning doing? e.What ane they doing f.What is lingling doing? g. What is Amy doing? h. What is grandpa doing? i. What is grandpa doing?听录音,跟读。T:Oh,why not asking your friends to come to linglings pary?教师给出示范与一名学生打 “What are you doing?小组活动:打 。展示2-3组5、完成运用任务 T:Our friends are Coming. Lets begin our party. Youd better take care of your friends.学生活动表演对话T: Look, 有奖问答! 教师呈现竞赛题:January February March April May June July August September October November December A. There are 31 days in J_B. There are 28 or 29 days in F_C. There are 3
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