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Word毕业季离别的英文名言警句 毕业后,不要坐在教室里听老师讲课,而是开头终身奔波。聚不是开头,散也不是结束。同学们很多美妙的瞬间将永久铭刻在我的记忆中。今日我在这给大家整理了一些毕业季离别的英文名言警句,我们一起来看看吧! 毕业季离别的英文名言话语 1. It seems that all the good and bad times in three years have been fixed on this graduation photo. 2. After being revived by the society, you will find that graduation is not from hell, but from heaven. 3. Thinking in the process of growing up. Friendship is lost, silent, forgotten and lost. Maybe it is still accompanied by insincerity that cannot be avoided in the process of growing up. But how can you and I find the perfect answer about the destination of growing up? 4. Last summer, can we go to never say goodbye? 5. Graduation is a heavy verb; Graduation is an unforgettable noun; Graduation is an adjective to shed tears when moved. 6. The footprints of these six years will accompany me all my life and become my best memories! 7. After graduation, I hope to go where I want to go, where I should go, and I hope to do the most willing thing in the best time. 8. With the past few years, that summer just faded out of life and disappeared into a part of memory. 9. When you are old and white-haired, do you still remember the innocent people who used to run around the playground? 10. I dont know how many stars are obsessed with it. How can I erase this endless attachment with a wave of my hand? Even if the scenery in the future is more beautiful and better, I cant lightly throw away the past and smile. Although life says goodbye to common things, its hard to say goodbye. 11. The endless love thread, the endless vows of Shanmeng, wind around the heart with catkins, and only end up with lovesickness. There is no need to regret, no need to say goodbye, even if the singing gradually dies down, our hearts will always flutter. 12. There is a beauty called youth and a parting called graduation. 13. You will never see my loneliest time, because I am loneliest only when you are not around me. 14. I am not always reluctant to let you go, just always want to see your smile and listen to your laughter. 15. When people travel, they will inevitably encounter thorns and bumps, but after the storm, there will be beautiful rainbows. I hope to see a strong me, and I hope to see a strong brother and sister! 16. Take advantage of the time, take advantage of the youth, take the dream as a horse, work hard and rush to a brilliant tomorrow! 17. We left footprints under the tree-lined, we ate in the canteen, the figure in the study room was still clear, and the library was filled with our breath. After graduation, my memory still lingers in my mind, expecting us to meet again in another year. 18. For the last time, sit in an empty classroom; For the last time, complaining about the hill-like homework; For the last time, laugh with you and lament youth and dreams together. Next summer, it will still be full of people, but its not us. 19. The day of parting is getting closer and closer, and you will never forget the youth and laughter together, reminisce about the vigorous youth, pray for the mood for love, and wish you a bright future. 20. Im afraid I cant get into a good school, Im afraid of parents disappointment, Im afraid of separation in June, and Im afraid that my three-year efforts will be denied by a transcript. 21. Take this step, no matter how helpless you are, it will become a lost memory and a wandering dream. It will gradually become dusty in the contemptuous flow of time, but it will always come to mind quietly in the dead of night. 22. The south wind blows gently again, and the time to get together is in a hurry. Dear friends, please dont be sad, take good care of each other after parting. 23. We have to part and say goodbye softly, with gratitude in our hearts. Thank you for giving me that deep friendship. 24. My friend, dont leave in a hurry, let me look at you again and lean on your shoulder, because it is so strong and warm; I used to cry like a child, leaning on your shoulder, and pouring out my inner sadness and pain with my tears and sobs. 25. Dear baby, take every step in the future. 26. I was ashamed when I first met, but now I am red when I leave. 27. It is fate that brings us together, but friendship that connects us tightly. 28. The running water is in a hurry, and the years are in a hurry. Only friendship will last forever. Goodbye, my friend! Take good care, my friend! 29. Children, you are all grown up. Please remember the teachers words: you should go your own way, and you should learn more by yourself. 30. Years pass by in a hurry, like a dream age, filled with laughter and laughter, dont wave and sigh, feel that the flowers are gone, get up the courage, and dont forget to give each other surprise news. 毕业季离别的英文名言句子 1. In the last summer, I was not in the mood to go to the seasi
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