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Wordjoinin六年级上册第四单元教案 教 学 设 计 3. Check the ansers 1, The children went to Mr Snows house 2, They found a ladder in his garden. 3, They called the police 4, The police came quickly. 5. They put the ladder away. 5,The children and the police saw a man at the window. 6. The man wanted to get down the ladder. 7. He fell from the window 8, The man broke his leg. 三、Consolidation 1. Listen and point 2. Listen and read 3. Using the picture to retell the story板 书 设 计 Unit 4 Accidents people: police man children a man go-call-come-put-see-want-fall-break went-called-came-put-saw-wanted-fell-broke 作业 1,Read the sentences as frequently as possible 2, Three or four students in one group try to act the story out. 教学 反思 - 1 -
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