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2022年考博英语-北京大学考试名师点拨押题密卷(含答案详解)1. 单选题The effect of electric technology had at first been anxiety. Now it appears to create( )_.问题1选项A.boreB.boredC.boredomD.bordom【答案】C【解析】考查词语辨析。A、B、C个选项属于同根词。空格前是create动词,因此应填入名词。bore“孔;令人讨厌的人”;bored“无聊的;烦扰”,没有名词用法;boredom“厌倦;令人厌烦的事物”;bordom属于错词。句意:电子技术的影响最初是给人带来焦虑。现在它似乎在制造。因此C选项符合题意。2. 单选题When he was in junior high at fourteen, his intelligence was such that he( )among undergraduates than among schoolboys.问题1选项A.would fit better inB.would have fitted in betterC.fitted better inD.would have fitted better【答案】B【解析】考查语法知识。根据句意:当他14岁上初中时,他的智力如此之高。后文的比较说明“amongundergraduates”是说话人的主观看法,而不是真实情况,因此句子为虚拟语气。表示与过去事实相反时用“would have”。be fit in 表示“适合”。因此B选项符合题意。3. 单选题_ active in commerce or the professions, most of the wealthy were not self-made, but had inherited family fortunes.问题1选项A.Except forB.DespiteC.AsD.Though【答案】D【解析】考查词语辨析。except for“除之外”;despite“尽管”,介词属性;as“如同”;though“尽管”。句意:大多数富人活跃在商业或职业领域,并非白手起家,而是继承了家族财富。B选项意义相通,despite不能用于形容词前,选项D符合题意。4. 单选题( )only one moving soul in the center of all the orbits that is the sun which drives the planets the more vigorously the closer the planet is.问题1选项A.As existsB.Although existingC.There existsD.Where existing【答案】C【解析】考查语法知识。C选项的there exist 是there be句型的变形。需认清句中关系词that 的先行词是one moving soul。因此C选项符合题意。5. 单选题Being born in the summer could give you a sunny disposition for life. And a winter birthday might cast a permanent shadow_your happiness, scientists believe.问题1选项A.throughB.crossC.beneathD.over【答案】D【解析】考查固定搭配。cast a permanent shadow over“给投上阴影;使减弱”。句意:出生在夏天可以给你的生活一个阳光的性格。科学家们认为,冬季的生日可能会给你的幸福蒙上永久的阴影。因此选项D符合题意。6. 单选题As the silent film( )sound, so did the sound film( )color.问题1选项A.cried out for. cried out forB.cry out for. cry out forC.had cried out for. cried out forD.had cried out for. cry out for【答案】D【解析】考查语法知识。综合选项,可看出后半句是部分倒装结构,因此第二空应填动词原形,可排除A和C选项。前半句描述的事情发生在后半句之前,因此时态应使用过去完成时表示,D选项符合题意。7. 单选题Love was in the air in a Tokyo park as normally staid Japanese husbands gathered to scream out their feelings for their wives, promising _ and extra tight hugs.问题1选项A.attitudeB.multitudeC.gratitudeD.latitude【答案】C【解析】考查形近词辨析。attitude“态度,看法”;multitude“群众,多数”;gratitude“感激”;latitude“维度,界限”。句意:在东京的一个公园里,空气中弥漫着爱的气息。平时不苟言笑的日本丈夫们聚集在一起,大声表达他们对妻子的感情,表达感激之情,并给她们一个拥抱。选项中仅C选项与feelings相关,因此符合题意。8. 单选题( ),wireless communications will increasingly become part of the fabric of everyday life.问题1选项A.In years to comeB.Since coming yearsC.For years to comeD.Over coming years【答案】A【解析】考查短语辨析。In years to come“在未来的几年中”;since coming years无此表达方式;for years to come无此用法;over coming years无此用法。因此A选项符合题意。9. 单选题( )you promise you will work hard, ( )support you to college.问题1选项A.If only. will IB.Only. I willC.Only if. will ID.Only if. I will、【答案】C【解析】考查语法知识。观察第一空的选项,if only“只要;但愿”后面一般用虚拟语气;only if“只有”后用倒装。再综合题干可判定此题使用倒装句结构。因此C选项符合题意。10. 单选题New research suggests gossip could actually lower_and help people overcome the frustration of seeing someone doing something wrong and getting away with it.问题1选项A.pressB.blessC.cressD.stress【答案】D【解析】考查形近名词辨析。lower在句中表示动词用法,后面空格处应填名词。press “压;新闻”;bless无名词用法;cress“水芹”;stress“压力”。句意:新的研究表明,流言实际上可能会降低并帮助人们克服看到有人做错事却没受惩罚的挫败感。因此选项D符合题意。11. 单选题_ a ticket for the match, he can now only watch it on TV at home.问题1选项A.Obtaining notB.Not obtainingC.Not having obtainedD.Not obtained【答案】C【解析】考查非谓语动词。由后半句可知“他现在只能在家看电视”,即未买到比赛的票是既成事实,并且此事实对现在产生了影响,因此应该使用现在完成时态。主语he与动词obtain之间是主动关系,所以使用现在分词的现在完成时态。因此C选项符合题意。12. 单选题Since no one could ( ) his scribbling, the chief editor decided to replace him with another columnist.问题1选项A.encodeB.decipherC.clearD.identify【答案】B【解析】13. 单选题It is one of the ironies of Western man that he has never felt( )invention as a threat to his way of life.问题1选项A.any concern withB.any concern aboutC.any concern inD.any concern at【答案】B【解析】考查固定用法。concern about sth. or sb.是固定用法,因此只有选项B符合题意。14. 单选题As it turned out to be a small house party, we _ so formally.问题1选项A.need not have dressed upB.must not have dressed upC.did not need to dress upD.must not dress up【答案】A【解析】考查虚拟语气。neednt have done表示本不必做某事,却做了。句意:早知道是个小型家庭聚会,我们本不必穿这么正式。因此A选项符合题意。15. 单选题One of the recurrent frustrations and tragedies in the history of thought is caused by the uncertainty _ to solve a given problem by traditional methods previously
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