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挪威留学申请书样式2021怎么写申请书”查看更多 挪威留学申请书样式2021最新 Dear _, To me the written word has always been the most effective medium of communication. It has acted as a reliable canvas for the great writers to express their ideas to me, no matter how fantastical, detailed or controversial, from Bronte's ethereal, vivid descriptions of the Yorkshire Moors during twilight to the terrifying realism of Orwell's vision of a totalitarian future in Nineteen Eighty Four. English as a subject and as a personal interest enthuses me and I wish to pursue my interest for it either in a career in the legal field or an area related to English and communications. From a young age I have always adored reading, diving into works such as Animal Farm, The Hobbit and His Dark Materials, now I take an interest in more adult works such as books by Camus and Cormac MaCarthy. I also am a subscriber to newspapers such as The Guardian, The Irish Times, the current affairs magazine 'The Week' and I purchase the Thursday edition of The Times for its Law supplement. As a subject, English has cultivated my interests for reading and writing. Chaucer's The Wife of Bath particularly evoked my interests during my A2 year, as I was interested in the middle-English style of the language and how, through his fictional character, Chaucer challenged traditional ideals of this era. My work experience involved spending time in a Solicitor's office and shadowing a Barrister; both experiences gave me a greater insight into the legal system and boosted my interest in pursuing law as a future career. I shadowed members of the partnership while they undertook cases and was present at various courts every day in the Laganside Court House. I was very interested by each process and how each Solicitor and Barrister would have built his or her argument while remaining focused and composed during each case. I enjoyed reading through the legal documents on each case, working with Paralegals at the office and meeting various clients. I found this to be an enlightening experience which cultivated my interest in pursuing Law further at University. I have followed my interests in literature and foreign language in the school community through contributing to literary productions as an active member of the Yearbook editorial team for three years and by being selected for the French Debate Team, competing externally on topical debates in French. I have also participated in the French Exchange programme, I have represented my school on European Languages Day teaching French in my local community and through the community link programme where I prepared and taught a weekly French lesson for a primary school class. I subscribe to Le Monde and have spent a week at a Private French school in Beziers and my passion for literature has extended into French literature; L'Etranger by Albert Camus had a strong impact on my perceptions of life, as I was introduced to the theme of Existentialism. Initially, the idea terrified me but I came to understand how we give our lives a sense of purpose through our own actions. As a person, I am very sociable and I enjoy team activities be it sport or other accomplishments, I have completed my Duke of Edinburgh Gold Award, I was a member of Malone Rugby Club where I played for two seasons at under-sixteen level and from under ten to minor level for Bredagh GAC. I am a licensed Special Olympics coach of which I have been made Prefect. I enjoy improving my coaching abilities as a member of the International Coaching group 'Peace Players'. My hobbies include running, swimming and I also enjoy playing guitar and theatre. I am dedicated towards furthering my studies either in the legal field or in English and Communications. I look forward to immersing myself in my chosen study and surrounding myself with like-minded people at University. Yours sincerely, 出国留学挪威国家优势一览 1、北欧风情 海岸线曲折,近海岛屿达15万多个。首都是奥斯陆,港湾海景,特性雕塑,神圣教堂等等。无不洋溢着北欧人特有的直爽豪放。那里有的海盗船博物馆,有两艘世界上爱护得的建于公元9世纪的木制海盗船,感爱好的挚友可肯定要去看看。 2、国富民安 挪威是世界上公认的富国,人均年收入接近4万美元。据联合国有关机构公布的材料,挪威的富有程度在世界上排名第三。在联合国最近一次进行的全球最相宜居住国家的调查中,挪威位居榜首。联合国的这份调查报告称,挪威无论从人均寿命、教化水平还是国内生产指数都高居首位。 3、教化完善 教化质量高,学习环境优越。挪威的教化与欧洲国家是融为一体的,在世界上处于一流先进水平行列,享有很高声望,它的教化文凭被世界承认,挪威有着良好的英语语言环境,很适合中国学生在那里学习。 4、经济景气就业率高 发达的经济水平创建了良好的就业环境。挪威是拥有现代化工业的发达国家,农业人口仅占全国总人口的6.6%,是战后西方少有的无外债国家。经济部门以海上石油、航运、水电、电气冶金、化工、造船和木材加工业较为发达。学习相关专业的学生毕业后均可以在当地找到合适的工作,就业较有保障。 5、签证简单 北欧人特有的爽朗性格也印证在签证上。签证官几乎不太会犯难你,95%以上的签证率足以说明挪威是一个开放的国度。 6、语言学习有保障 去挪威留学,语言是的障碍。可是在非英语国家中,挪威语是最接近英语的,有英语基础的人学习挪威语会比较简单。挪威各地为留学生开设了语言学校,大多数语言学校实行全托式管理,保证外国学生平安舒适。 挪威留学申请要求解读 一、本科申请 虽然并不是很热门,挪威在学生的资格审查上还是比较严格的,本科干脆的入学,目前只针对中学以上的学历的学生开放申请,大家要进入到国内正式的本科中起先学习才有资格。 当然专科在读或者毕业生也可以提出申请,申请者的GPA分数须要在3.0分以上;由于授课是采纳的英国的模式,所以授课的语言也是英语,挪威语只在少部分的院校中有设置。 大家在国内就须要接受英语的专业培训,要努力的提升自己的实力,才有资格提出申
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