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名师归纳总结 精品学习资料 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -yuan, a constructin increase of 17.5% ; local governme on, and effectively educate the broant general budget revenue of 500 million Yua d masses of party members and cadres an, . Painti ng, model culture creates new Ma nd consciously regulate d behavior a nd discipliChur ch community, ne, honesty in politicreating cs a nd cuLake sceni c spot culture e ducation base, received hig lt ure to create a good atmosphere and fresh h eval uation from development e nvironmeprovincial a nt. Althougnd munici pal di sci pline Inspe h we i n impleme nt implementatiction Commission, the peoples on i nde pe nde nt Commission agaidaily spe cial report. Consta nst corruption gui delinntly prom ote indepe ndent Commissi e s aspects made has must effectivei on agai nst corrupti ness, but away from superior on cult ure constr of requiremeucti eon to r ural extends, cre ated esta blished Da nts also exists m ust of dista nce, main a hlin r ural industry performance for: a iy Park indepe s system enouge ndent Commissi h sound, ei on agai nst corrupti ducation, and supervion cult ure positions, forme sion, and preve ntion, and punid ha shs a support service low double ex m nt, aspects l ong -term mechanism alcellent of members lead team, constantly perfe so enough perfect, espe cially in enrollme nt ct and esta bi d work regbli she ulatory ad Park funds a ssets ma nagement, a spe cts also ne ede d strengt henind vill ng; II iage audit supervisi on, and villagers democratic fina ncial, system, strengt he s regulat ory supervision exists lost of Yu wi de, a nd l ost of Yu soft, investigatini ng Park part on ill egal discipli y, a nd Chief, and fi nancial, full i nary ca se of efforts also needepublic, pow d strengterful to guarantees heni ng, i ndivis dual has sectnew rural or and ca construction, by dres also different city rural style clean g overnment i degree exists treat gift, not to benspecti on unit le nefits not do, and mess d of heigdo ht evaluati on of phe nome. non; TThrough the im hree for honeplementati st work i s the on of new sithonest and cle uations a nd an gover new prer nment cultura oblem s in findingtimely enough, treatment measures are not strong enough. To solve these problems, we will proceed from the following five aspect t s of rectification, make sure t e t o implement the provisions of the code. (A) deepe ning the learning, enhance the consciousness of honesty in politics. To create event as an opportunity to Excel and l earning party, further increasing t he governance capability and advance d constructi on, reinforced rules of the broad masses of party members and cadres a wareness, sense of responsibility, sense of honor, improve worki ng ability and level of scientific development. Should make full use of meetings, in particular central group learning opportunit y, further strengthening the study and education of the code, the i ntensive warning education, education the majority of party members and cadres k now n fear, knew fear, honesty in politics of tension the strings, consciousness and enha nci ng the implementation of the initiative. Also, pay attention to apply what theyy have learned, consciously study results into planni ng work, new ideas, 浙江工业大学4A 文化传媒团队new measure s to pr omote work, t he courage to take responsi bility, dare to break hard t o ensure di strict, Governme nt de cisions a nd arra ngements to implement. (B) strengt hening supervi sion, severely punish a cts of violati on. One is to open t he channels of supervisi on. V igorously pr omote the pa rty affairs public, ope n, wi dely accepte d supervisi on by the masses, pay attenti on to social groups a nd publi c opini on supervisi on, the powerful force formed t o urge party member s and leadi ng cadre s properly exercise their powers. Second, strong supervisi on a nd i nspection. Democratic life int o full play, important briefings, re ports relate d to personal matters and eval uation of ca dres study of inner-party supervisory system, a com prehe nsive grasp of gui deline s for the impleme ntation of the independent Commissi on agai nst corr upti on-related cases of leading cadres of party members, focus on stre ngthe ning key areas of pr oje ct sele ction, funding officials monitor, detect a nd rectify the problem, promote honesty i Recently, thn politics. Third, strengthen di e County leadi ng bodies at t sci plinary i t t he county level t i nvestigation. Seriously the imt o carry out three trees practiplementati ce, won of JI .hich is to impr ove the gov erning a bility and pr omoting
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