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WELCOME TO MY CLASS! MynameisXieYan.YoucancallmeMissXie.IgraduatefromChangshaUniversityofScienceandTechnology.IlikeEnglish,becauseEnglishisabeautifulandusefullanguage.Imaneasy-goingpersonandIlikemakingfriendswitheverybody.Ihavemanyhobbies,suchasdancing,playingbasketball,travelingandsoon.Ihopeyoulllikemeandenjoymyclass.easygoingadj.随和的随和的Self-introduction 自我介绍自我介绍(About me) Useful Sentences:My name is.I graduate from.I like / enjoyIm a My favorite hobby is.I hope / want / thinkMy favorite motto:No pains, no gains.一分耕耘,一分收获。Attitude is everything.态度决定一切。Practice makes perfect.熟能生巧。About EnglishDo you like English?Do you think it difficult? why?Learning English is a big challenge(挑战) or a piece of cake?(小菜一碟)In fact , learning English is interesting.麻豆晒秀 Pk败东西猫和老鼠- 有一个rat(老鼠)非常地fat(肥胖)跳进了vat(缸) 偷吃了salt(盐)变成了bat(蝙蝠) 气坏了cat(猫) 咬破了hat(帽子)一种趣味无穷的英语 方法顺口溜The importance of learning EnglishEnglishatool/bridgecustoms&holidaystrade/transportationtravellingfurtherstudywell-paidjobculturethe most important thing of learning EnglishHaveahighmarkintheCollegeEntranceExamination (高考).Have a better future.English English Study Study - some advice for every student态度决定一切态度决定一切成功源自好习惯成功源自好习惯 好的伙伴,成功一半好的伙伴,成功一半ConfidentStrictActive 一、一、培养学会几个习惯培养学会几个习惯1.LearntousedictionariesandtheInternet.2.Learntotakenotes.在书上做笔记在书上做笔记方框标出新的、重点要记忆短语和词组;波浪线划出好词好句;五角星标出新句型直线+?不懂需要问老师或者同学在笔记本上做笔记在笔记本上做笔记1.课堂笔记记重点单词和短语、语法等;2.课后笔记要将课堂上的内容归纳整理,系统化,做好目录,方便以后查阅。Howtotakenotes?Learn to speakSpeak or read in a loud voice in class. Don t be shy if you want to express yourself in public. If you can speak and read in a loud voice, the whole class will listen to you attentively and you will be full of confidence.LearntoreadREADREAD, read some more,READ things you yourself enjoy.READ, and talk about it.READ very carefully some thingsREAD on the run, most things,Dont think about READING, but .READ二:做到二:做到“二二”习习“四四”多多Prepareyourlessonswellbeforeeveryclass.(预习)(预习)Reviewwhatyouvelearnedintime.(复习)(复习)Readmoreandreaddifferentmaterials.(多读)(多读)Writeasoftenaspossible.(多写)(多写)Talkmoreeitherinclassoroutofclass.(多说)(多说)Turntoyourteachersforadviceandhelp.(多问)(多问)预习预习1、预习生词、预习生词1)正音。)正音。2)记单词的拼写形式。)记单词的拼写形式。3)借助参考)借助参考书或词典来查阅其用法,并适当记录。书或词典来查阅其用法,并适当记录。2、预习对话、课文、预习对话、课文1)要读对话或课文)要读对话或课文2)要独立思考,逐句去理解,)要独立思考,逐句去理解,搞懂文章大意,若遇到不理解的词句,可以借助搞懂文章大意,若遇到不理解的词句,可以借助工具书查阅,或请教他人,或在书上作上记号,工具书查阅,或请教他人,或在书上作上记号,以待课上解决。以待课上解决。SchoolthingsforEnglishclasses: 1. A dictionary/electronic dictionary; 2. Two homework books; 3. At least three notebooks; 4. Color marker pens; 5. A Dictation book.RememberPractice makes perfect(熟能生巧)熟能生巧). Attitude is everything (态度决定一切)(态度决定一切).Try your best. Just do it! Believe in yourselfYou can learn English well. The rules to obey in classJoin in the class Do hands up when you know sth or have some good pointspeak Englishspeak it loudly & clearly.Listen to othersAsk for help if difficultMobiles off Not eating or drinkingNever miss or forget homework (oral, written) 英语国际音标表(英语国际音标表(48个)个)元音(元音(20个)个)单元单元音音 长元音长元音 /i:/ /:/ /u:/ /:/ /:/ 短元音短元音 / / / / / /e/ / 双元双元音音 合口双合口双元音元音 /e/ /a/ / / / /a/集中集中双元音双元音 / /e/ / (Good pronunciation leads to good spoken English .Good pronunciation makes memorizing words quickly.)辅音(辅音(28个)个)轻辅音轻辅音 /p/ /t/ /k/ /f/ / /s/ 浊辅音浊辅音 /b/ /d/ /g/ /v/ / /z/ 轻辅音轻辅音/ts/ / /t/ /tr/ /h/ 浊辅音浊辅音/dz/ / /d/ /dr/ /r/鼻音鼻音 /m/ /n/ / 半元音半元音 /w/j/ 边音边音/ Remember: practice makes perfect!Homework1. 用英语写一篇短文简要介绍自己及自己以前的英语学习方法。(100 words or so)2准备好“四本”,即作业本、听写本,笔记本和生词本。3. 预习第一单元单词和课文。
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