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目录2014年天津外国语大学801英语语言文学(计算机辅助语言学习方向)考研真题2013年天津外国语大学801英语语言文学(计算机辅助语言学习方向)考研真题2012年天津外国语大学801英语语言文学(计算机辅助语言学习方向)考研真题 2014年天津外国语大学 801英语语言文学(计算机辅助语言学习方向)考研真题I. Chinese-English Translation (40 points)Directions: Translate the underlined three paragraphs in the followingessay into English. Write your translation on the ANSWER SHEET.母亲井陈延禄儿时记忆越来越模糊,惟村中那口老井,仍历历在目,忘却不了。老井建于何时,已无从考证。父亲说,井的年龄比爷爷还大。这口老井建于村子正中,呈圆形,井深五六丈,用石砖砌成,井口长满了青苔。井台上,用两根呈十字的圆木交叉挺起一个木制的辘轳,前面插上一根半弓形的把儿,一根长长的绳子拴着柳罐斗子直垂井底。前来打水的人要双腿叉开,前腿弓起,后脚蹬地,双手握住辘轳把做圆心摇动,任凭那井绳在辘轳上有规则地做圆圈缠绕。老井就吱吱嘎嘎地呻吟,声音低沉、古老、悠长,犹如病重老者的喘息声。当柳罐斗子被提升到进口时,就得腾出一只手抓住它的脊骨,倒到井沿的水桶里。打出的井水清冽纯净,有如泉水般的甘甜。它旱天不枯,雨天不涝,像一位慈祥的老母亲,无论春夏秋冬、风雪雨霜,始终滋养着村里的一辈又一辈。每天人们都要在井边见面,特别是收工以后和到傍晚的时候,担水 的人特别多,吱吱扭扭的响声,扑踏扑踏的脚步声陆陆续续,井台就成为乡亲们沟通的最佳场所。打水的人们非常有秩序,壮的谦让弱的,男的谦让女的,遇上力气小的,就有力气大的过来帮忙摇轳。更多的人在等待的时候,放下肩上的挑子,一屁股儿坐在架在两只桶上的扁担上,从裤兜里掏出纸和旱烟,用手捋着,就卷好一支烟,也顺便友好地捏一撮烟叶,递给没带烟的人。于是人们一边逍遥地吞云吐雾,一边拉着家常讲着故事,开一些无伤大雅的玩笑,惬意的笑声总在井边荡漾。一切疲劳和烦恼在这里烟消云散。此时的牛羊也在黄昏的夕照里慢悠悠地回来了,畅饮着井旁木槽里清净的水,姿态安适。II. Critical Writing (40 points)Directions: Read the following passage and write an essay on it.Reform policies issued by a few provinces and municipalities in Chinaon the Gaokao, or the National College Entrance Exam, in 2014, tend to startwith the English test, such as the lowering of the share of English scores inBeijing and the deletion of the listening comprehension part from the Englishexam in Shandong. The phenomenon has triggered quite a debate over itsimpact on the teaching of English and Chinese in China, on Gaokao itself, onChinas efforts for internationalization, on fairness and some other aspects.Participate in the debate with an essay of around 300 words with a titleof your own choice, a clearly stated view point, and detailed analysis tosupport your view point. Section Eight:计算机辅助语言学习方向部分 (70 points)This section is set for applicants to the MA program of Computer-basedLanguage Learning. Write your answers on the ANSWER SHEET.1. Directions: Please answer the following questions in English andwrite your answers on the ANSWER SHEET.1) Suppose that you have been admitted by a graduate program of aprestigious university and you are invited to a class of first-yearundergraduate English majors to share with them your successful experienceas an English major. What do you think are the THREE most importantpoints you are going to highlight and why?2) Some students are not at all happy during the four years in theEnglish major program because they do not like English and it is their parentswho forced them to specialize in English after high school. As a professionalteacher, how would you motivate such students?3) One professor is popular among her English major students. Whenasked her attitude toward teaching methods, she said that methods are notimportant compared with the teachers English proficiency and that in herteaching experience she either is not aware of what method she is using orrefers to how she had been taught as a student. What is your comment onsuch attitude toward teaching methods?2. Multiple Choice: (10 points)Directions: For each blank bracket in the following questions, there arefour choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the letter that represents the best answer, and write the number of the question and the letter of your choice onthe ANSWER SHEET.1) _ is the physical aspect of the computer that can be seen.A. HardwareB. SoftwareC. Operating SystemD. Application Program2) _ is the brain of a computer.A. HardwareB. CPUC. MemoryD. Disk3) Why do computers use 0 and 1?A. because combinations of zeros and ones can represent any numbersand characters.B. because digital devices have two stable states and it is natural to useone state for 0 and the other for 1.C. because binary numbers are simplest.D. because binary numbers are the bases upon which all other numbersystems are built.4) One byte has _ bits. A. 4B. 8C. 12D. 165) _ is a device to connect a computer to a local area network(LAN).A. Regular modemB. DSLC. Cable modemD. Network Card6) Computer can execute the code in _.A. machine languageB. assembly languageC. high-level languageD. none of the above7) _ is an operating system.A. JavaB. C+C. Windows XPD. Visual Basic 8) _ is a program that runs on a computer to manage and control acomputers activities.A. Operating systemB. JavaC. ModemD. Compiler9) In computer language history, three stages are _A. Machine language, Basic and CB. Binary language, Assembly and FortranC. Machine language, Assembly and C+D. Machine language, Assembly and High-level language10) In computer system, software refers to _A. instructions executed by CPUB. programs manipulated by usersC. data stored on disksD. program, dat
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