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冀教版九年级下冀教版九年级下Lesson 52The Power of a SmileUNIT 9 Communication123467891051112答案呈现答案呈现131415difficultiesdiningadaptuniversalsomehowCBBCBsimplyacceptedespeciallyworsedoing提示:点击 进入习题答案呈现答案呈现1617181920notice; standingknow about; facefind a way to; at oncedifficult to accept; member ofdone much research; on答案呈现答案呈现262728BCD2930CD313233BDA3435CB2122232425He lost part of his moneyThis is only a good beginningI have difficulty with the planDid you try any of these waysHow strong the power of a smile is答案呈现答案呈现363738more than ten secondsI will look myself up and down in order to see if there is anything wrong with me.Because they want to show the love that words cannot express. /To show the love that words cannot express.3940It is often said that eyes can speak.如果没有出错如果没有出错, 你会对看着你的人生气。你会对看着你的人生气。.根据句意及所给提示填空。根据句意及所给提示填空。1. We may meet many d while we are learning English, but we cant give it up.2. The students have their meals in the d room.3. 【2021承德隆化期末】You shouldnt worry about your son. He can _(使适应) to his new school life easily.ifficultiesiningadapt4. Smiling is a _ (普遍的) language in the world.5. I will tell you the good news _ (以某种方式), by e-mail or by WeChat.universalsomehow.用所给单词的适当形式填空。用所给单词的适当形式填空。6. I dont want to move away _(simple) because I like living here.simply7. Whatever happened, we _(accept) it and tried our best to beat it.accepted8. Marco was impressed by Beijing, _(especial) the Summer Palace.especially9. His forgetfulness was getting even _ (bad). His wife was worried about him.worse10. Youd better sell the old ones or give them to other people after _ (do) some repair.doing.单项选择。单项选择。11. I saw Jim enter his office _ a big smile _ the face.A. with; in B. on; inC. with; on D. in; onC12. The club I _ will represent(代表)our school to _ the competition against other clubs from different schools.A. join in; join B. join; take part inC. join in; take part in D. join; joinB13. Jenny, how do you feel in the new company? Not bad. I _ the environment soon and my workmates are very friendly.A. get to B. adapt toC. have to D. come toB14. There will be no winner in the trade war between China and the US. I agree. If we cant avoid it, the relationship will get _ as time goes on.A. better B. badlyC. worse D. worstC15. (易错题)Please have a rest with your eyes _ . Its not good to keep looking at the screen for a long time.A. close B. closedC. open D. openedB【点拨点拨】close作动词时意为作动词时意为“关闭关闭”, 作形容词时意为作形容词时意为“亲近的亲近的; 亲密的亲密的”; closed 为形容词为形容词, 意为意为“关着的关着的”; open既可以作形容词又可作动词既可以作形容词又可作动词, 意为意为“开着的开着的; 打打开开”; opened 为动词为动词open的过去式或过去分词。根据的过去式或过去分词。根据语境语境“长时间盯着屏幕看是没有好处的长时间盯着屏幕看是没有好处的”可知可知, 闭着眼闭着眼睛休息一下。故选睛休息一下。故选B。.根据中文提示完成句子。根据中文提示完成句子。16. 我做作业如此认真以至于我都没有注意到老师站在我旁边。I did my homework so carefully that I didnt _ my teacher _ beside me.noticestanding17. 你们必须了解我们现在不得不面对的形势。You must _ _ the situation we have to _ now.know aboutface18. 你最好马上找到一个完成这个任务的方法。Youd better _ _ _ _ finish the task _ _ .find a way to at once19. 关于这个报告我们已经在网络上做了很多调查。We have _ _ _ on the report_ the Internet.done much researchon20. 很难接受他成为我们其中的一员。It is _ _ _ him as a _ _ us.difficult to accept memberof.连词成句。连词成句。21. of, lost, part, he, money, his_.He lost part of his money22. this, good, only, a, beginning, is_.This is only a good beginning23. the, plan, have, I, difficulty, with_.I have difficulty with the plan24. ways, did, try, these, any, you ,of_?Did you try any of these ways25. the, strong, smile, power, of, is, how, a_!How strong the power of a smile is. 完形填空完形填空【2021深圳深圳】。It started 30 years ago with a squirrel. A few months after I had moved into a downtown _26, my next-door neighbor, Nicole Figaro, knocked, asking for help with a squirrel that had gotten into her flat.26. A. house B. flat C. street D. areaBI frightened the unexpected _27 away and made a new friend. Soon Nicole was inviting me over for dinner or _28 home-made food at my door.27. A. customer B. hostC. guest D. enemy28. A. selling B. makingC. posting D. leavingCDWhen I went to my beach house, Nicole helped _29 my mail and water my plants. And when she traveled as a flight attendant, I did the same for her.29. A. look for B. copy downC. pick up D. hold outCWherever she went, shed _30 to bring me wonderful gifts, but her smile has been the greatest of all.30. A. forget B. keepC. think D. rememberDIn 1997, I had a lovely child and it was Nicole who took care of me and him. Years later, I returned the favor. I helped out when her husband was sick, _31 her and giving her support. More and more, we drew inspiration from each other.31. A. helping out B. staying withC. smiling at D. depending onB_32, the pandemic hit. My husband was out of work and my son couldnt be back to Britain because of the virus.32. A. Especially B. ActuallyC. Generally D. UnluckilyDI was _33 about them. Nicole helped my family to prepare for the pandemic and shared necessities with me. Without her, I couldnt go through _34 times.33. A. worried B. madC. nervous D. serious34. A. exciting B. simpleC. difficult D. good
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