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2022 年湖北省宜年湖北省宜昌昌市中考英市中考英语试语试卷卷第一部第一部分分 语语言知言知识识运用(共两运用(共两节节,满满分分 25)第一第一节节(共共 15 题题,每每 题题 1 分,分,计计 15 分)完形填空:先通分)完形填空:先通读读下面短文,掌握其大意,然下面短文,掌握其大意,然后后 从各小从各小题题所所给给的的 A、B、C、D 四个四个选项选项中,中,选选出一出一个个最佳答案最佳答案。 1(15 分)Ever since Mother Nature gave me life,I expected to growtall and big.As a young(1),I was well protected in the forest.I used to(2)a good time with my friends under the blue sky and ( 3)the river.Our only purpose was to stand high.My pal,Tim often said,All I ask for is to be(4)the whole day.More than 300 days passed and we grew straight.Until one day,our( 5 )birthday , people came, moved us from the ( 6 ) and put us on their trucks. I dont want to go! Tim cried.After a long journey,we arrived in a completely different place with(7) green.Here we were planted in a line.(8) the wind blew strongly.I could not even open my eyes to see Tim (9) beside me.So we needed enough (10)to grow thicker and higher to stop the wind.As time went by,we finally(11)much stronger.I could keep my eyes open in the wind!I even found the blue sky was back!This was no longer a nomansland,and hundreds of visitors came here.A man took a picture of us with his (12) ,Thankyou.We can enjoy clear days ( 13 )worrying about sandstorms.A young girl jumping up and down came over and ( 14 ) me.Thank you,she said,Its you that have turned the desert into a green land!Tim and I smiled at each other,feeling (15).The sun was shining brightly in the bluer sky.(1)A.tree(2)A.chooseB.fishB.forgetC.girlC.haveD.boyD.miss(3)A.inB.alongC.underD.on(4)A.smartB.happyC.busyD.thin(5)A.firstB.secondC.thirdD.fourth(6)A.beachB.lakeC.houseD.earth(7)A.allB.nothingC.anythingD.everything(8)A.Though B.UnlessC.BecauseD.Until(9)A.clearlyB.greatlyC.kindlyD.widely(10)A.desertB.windC.sandD.water(11)A.became B.smeltC.soundedD.remained(12)A.radioB.keyboardC.backpackD.camera(13)A.fromB.aboutC.withoutD.of(14)A.askedB.huggedC.invitedD.kicked(15)A.tiredB.boredC.proudD.surprised第二第二节节(共共 10 题题,每,每题题 1 分,分,计计 10 分分) 综综合填合填空:空:根据所根据所给给首字首字母母、上下文或上下文或汉语汉语提提示完成空格中所缺示完成空格中所缺单词单词,使短文完整通使短文完整通顺顺,语语法法正正 确,每个空确,每个空只只能填一个能填一个词词。2(10 分)Ive always run.When I was a k(1),my dad took me to the Olympics and we saw the 400 m final.A runner named Arthur won it and that really shocked me.I remembered it so well.I even wrote ( 2 ) article about it.I was never good enough for the Olympics(3)(我自 己 ),but I tried running.I want to keep fit and like the challengeAfter 27,I began to play t(4).At 65.I started hurdling(跨栏) again.When I was 71 , I won the 200 m hurdling as the oldest person.When I was 80,I b(5)the world record.I would never(6)(改变)my mind.Now Im 89,but I still do a couple of pressups(俯卧撑)once (7)twice a week.To my pleasure,my family all exercise together in our nice(8)( 花园) every day.We own a better life because we have a ( 9 )(健康的)habit.My dream is to run the 100 m at 100only another e(10)years to goand then to live to 120.No matter what comes my way.I will keep it.第二部第二部分分 阅读阅读与写与写作作(共四共四节节,满满分分 55)第一第一节节(共共 10 题题,每每题题 2分,分,计计 20 分)分)阅读阅读下下面面两篇短文,根据短文两篇短文,根据短文内内容容选择选择最佳答案最佳答案。3(10 分)During work hours in Beckers bread shop,the kitchen is especially quiet except the sound of the machine.The quiet environment is not the result of the strict rules , but because all the workers are deaf.They use sign language to communicate with each other from time to time.Beckers shop is in Changsha City,Hunan Province.It sells many kinds of German bread,cakes and coffee.It is very popular for the story of Becker who opened it.Over twenty years ago,Becker and his wife heard about a Chinese public project.It provided language training for the disabled children, but it was short of trainers in Changsha.So they came in 2002 with a common wish to do something meaningful in life.In Changsha,together with other Chinese trainers,they helped children improve their hearing and language pronunciation Every little progress each child experienced was a great encouragement to them, and they achieved their goal in life.After ten years of working for this project , they found that the disabled adults couldnt be independent because they had no professional skills.Then Becker and his wife set up a bread shop to teach these people how to make bread.With their help,all of them were able to live on their own.Luckily,Becker and his wife have also got the support from the localgovernment.More people join them and understand that disabled people can work as well as others when they have the same chances.( 1 ) What makes Beckers bread shop popular according to the passage? A.Its owners story.B.Its quiet environment.C.Its strict rules.D.Its good location.(2)How long have Becker and his wife lived in China? A.For about 10 years.B.For about 15 years.C.For about 20 years.D.For about 30 years.(3)Who does the underlined word they in Paragraph 5 refer to? A.The local people.B.Becker and his wife.C.The Chinese trainers.D.The disabled children.(4)Where can we probably read the passage? A.In a travel guide.B.In a notice.C.In a science repor
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