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长风破浪会有时,直挂云帆济沧海。 她福建师范大学21春“英语”高级英语(三)离线作业(二)辅导答案一.综合考核(共50题)1.It was courageous enough for Galileo to () the falling object theory developed by Aristotle, the authoritative Greek scientist.A.advanceB.defyC.justifyD.translate参考答案:B2.The food was pided () according to the age and size of the children.A.equallyB.proportionatelyC.sufficientlyD.adequately参考答案:B3.The wreckage of the exploded car _ the traffic.A.interferedB.interpretedC.disruptedD.corrupted参考答案:C4.“How often have you seen cases like this? ” one surgeon asked another. “Oh, _ times, I guess, ” was the reply.A.hundred ofB.hundredsC.hundreds ofD.hundred参考答案:C5.We stopped for a coffee break and () working fifteen minutes later.A.resumedB.consumedC.presumedD.assumed参考答案:A6.Excuse me, sir. Could you please tell me what number I should dial to get the ().A.throatB.verseC.conductorD.operator参考答案:D7.She know a lot of young man, but it is not easy to choose a/an () one who is both rich and attractive.A.diligentB.qualifiedC.eligibleD.elegant参考答案:C8.He was () about the spring outing, but he came back quite depressed and said he should not have joined in it.A.enthusiasticB.fantasticC.courageousD.discouraged参考答案:A9.This is a poem about _ life in the American West.A.bayB.chamberC.frankD.dozen参考答案:A10.A _ change in policy is needed if relations are ever to improve.A.severeB.violentC.drasticD.strict参考答案:C11.The historical events of that period are arranged _.A.in alphabetical orderB.in an alphabetical orderC.in the alphabetical ordersD.in alphabetical orders参考答案:A12.My mother came here only for a _ stay. She should fly to Los Angeles the next day.A.shortenedB.prolongedC.prematureD.transient参考答案:D13.With the help of the government, a large number of people () after the flood in 1991.A.survivedB.suspendedC.sufferedD.subfected参考答案:A14.Give me your telephone number () I need your help.A.whetherB.unlessC.so thatD.in case参考答案:D15.The unpleasant taste _ in his mouth for hours.A.lingeredB.prolongedC.restedD.vanished参考答案:A16._the children to bed, she began to correct the students exercises.A.SendingB.Being sentC.sentD.Having sent参考答案:D17.It is () in the regulations that you can take 20 kilos of luggage with you.A.laid uponB.laid outC.laid upD.laid down参考答案:D18.I () to speak to you all these days.A.wantedB.have wantedC.shall wantD.shall be wanting参考答案:B19.The noisy was so () that only those with excellent hearing were aware of it.A.dimB.gentleC.faintD.definite参考答案:C20.Modern man faces dangers completely unknown _ his predecessors.A.forB.toC.ofD.by参考答案:B21.Once you put the folk tale _, it will be very popular.A.in white and blackB.in black and whiteC.by white and blackD.with black and white参考答案:B22.The person _ I complained is the manager.A.whoB.to whomC.whomD.to who参考答案:B23.Without the _ materials imported from abroad, Japan can hardly produce anything.A.storeyB.valuableC.spareD.raw参考答案:D24.She did it _ our effects to stop her.A.in regard toB.with regard toC.regardingD.in spite of参考答案:D25.Work paid according to the amount done puts a premium _ speed and not _ quality.A.in, inB.of, ofC.on, onD.from, from参考答案:C26.I have heard about Mr. Smith but I am not acquainted _.A.ofB.byC.withD.over参考答案:C27.I just managed to () a quick breath before I was sucked under the water by the passing boat.A.gainB.possessC.grabD.snatch参考答案:D28.The ( )is nearly dead, so I can not start the car again.A.beanB.beamC.bakeD.battery参考答案:D29.Through long power lines electricity goes ().A.to the place neededB.there it is neededC.where it is neededD.which it is needed参考答案:C30.In order to increase our output, we need to import more production _.A.facilitiesB.hensC.votesD.artists参考答案:A31.The airplane took off soon. It was like being on an old train _ from side to side and going faster and faster.A.surroundingB.foregoingC.swayingD.frowning参考答案:C32.The Olympic Committee has drawn up strict rules for the athlete to_.A.go onB.go withC.go withoutD.go by参考答案:D33.In Nearly any country, there always exists a () gap between the old and the young.A.generationB.helicopterC.noticeableD.ounce参考答案:A34.The _ is nearly dead, so I can not start the
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