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长风破浪会有时,直挂云帆济沧海。 她福建师范大学21春“英语”高级英语阅读(二)离线作业(二)辅导答案一.综合考核(共50题)1.-How did your students express their thanks to you on Teachers Day? -A gift together with many flowers _sent to me.A.isB.areC.wasD.were参考答案:C2.His continuous failure revealed his _ to handle the matter.A、abilityB、capabilityC、unabilityD、inability参考答案:D3.The dog _ the rabbit but could not catch it.A、ceasedB、chainedC、checkedD、chased参考答案:D4.I dont think it advisable that Tim _ to the job since he has no experience.A、is assignedB、will be assignedC、be assignedD、has been assigned参考答案:C5.When you buy anything expensive, never forget to ask for the _ from the shop.A、renderB、trustC、receiptD、tale参考答案:C6.You have greatly _ us. What you have done is not what you told us about several weeks ago.A、disappointedB、desertedC、clarifiedD、opposed参考答案:A7.His speech was hard to understand because he kept jumping from one topic to _.A.otherB.the otherC.the othersD.another参考答案:D8.-I dont mind telling you what I know. - You _. Im not asking you for it.A.mustntB.may notC.cantD.neednt参考答案:D9.When cooking supper, _.A、there was a knock on the doorB、someone was knocking at the doorC、we heard a knock on the doorD、we heard someone is knocking at the door参考答案:C10.When heated, water changes into _.A、solidB、vapourC、liquidD、air参考答案:B11.When heated, water changes into _.A.solidB.vapourC.liquidD.air参考答案:B12.He always leaves _ for all the words he does not know in his translation.A、blanketsB、blindC、blackD、blanks参考答案:D13.He said in his letter that he would _ some photographs but I couldnt find anything in the envelope.A.caseB.doubleC.encloseD.nonsense参考答案:C14.The car _ halfway for no reason.A.broke offB.broke downC.broke upD.broke out参考答案:B15.-The woman biologist stayed in Africa studying wild animals for 13 years before she returned. -Oh, dear! She _ a lot of difficulties!A.may go throughB.might go throughC.ought to have gone throughD.must have gone through参考答案:D16.The World Trade Center is often called a _ Building, because it is made up of two identical buildings.A、AlikeB、FolkC、TwinD、Former参考答案:C17.He is deeply _ in the trouble of his company.A、involvedB、occurredC、packedD、represented参考答案:A18.Water and air are _to human beings. We can not live without them.A、harbourB、functionC、definiteD、essential参考答案:D19.She often talks with a _ appearance but in fact she is always telling lies.A.tidyB.sincereC.worshipD.merry参考答案:B20.The relationship between employers and employees has been studied _.A、originallyB、extremelyC、violentlyD、intensively参考答案:D21.You have nothing to _ by refusing to listen to our advice.A、gainB、graspC、seizeD、earn参考答案:A22.According to the air traffic rules, you _ switch off your mobile phone before boarding.A.mayB.canC.wouldD.should参考答案:D23.She gave him a _ that she could not come to his party.A、mistressB、shootC、neckD、hint参考答案:D24.As a commander, you should not _ the soldiers to unnecessary danger.A.expressB.explodeC.ecploitD.expose参考答案:D25.Since the matter was extremely _, we dealt with it immediately.A.toughB.tenseC.urgentD.instant参考答案:C26.-The woman biologist stayed in Africa studying wild animals for 13 years before she returned. -Oh, dear! She _ a lot of difficulties!A.may go throughB.might go throughC.ought to have gone throughD.must have gone through参考答案:D27.The man in the corner confessed to _ a lie to the manager of the company.A、have toldB、be toldC、being toldD、having told参考答案:D28.Both O.J.Simpson and Jim Brown have been _ as the greatest players in the history of football.A.rankedB.recordedC.stockedD.stripped参考答案:A29.The manager spoke highly of such _ as loyalty, courage and truthfulness shown by his employees.A、virtueB、featuresC、propertiesD、characteristics参考答案:A30.This movie has a _ ending. You can not imagine who will be killed finally.A、dramaticB、originalC、considerableD、temple参考答案:A31.The financial support is decided not only according to your GRE score, but also according to your _ in college.A.performanceB.policyC.smartD.statement参考答案:A32._ worries me the way he keeps changing his mind.A.ThisB.ThatC.WhatD.It参考答案:D33.One day I _ a n
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