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长风破浪会有时,直挂云帆济沧海。 她福建师范大学21春“英语”高级英语阅读(一)离线作业(四)辅导答案一.综合考核(共50题)1.Our teacher was _ by the funny story.A、nakedB、yieldedC、amusedD、expanded参考答案:C2.The truth will sooner or later _.A.come aboutB.turn outC.come outD.give out参考答案:C3.Although it was raining, _ still worked in the fields.A、but theyB、and theyC、theyD、and yet they参考答案:C4.Betty didnt go to see the film yesterday _ she was ill.A.becauseB.butC.untilD.if参考答案:A5.We _ TV when the telephone _.A.watched; was ringingB.were watching; rangC.watch; ringsD.are watching; rang参考答案:B6.In the discussion some students in our group _a new wa y of protecting the environment.A.came acrossB.came up withC.came onD.came in参考答案:B7.She broke it by accident. _ the whole, she didnt do it _ purpose.A.at, onB.in, onC.on, onD.on,for参考答案:C8.Happy New Year._.A、You are goodB、The same to youC、Glad to see youD、Here you are参考答案:B9.She lied to me because she _ in order not to make me sad.A、mustB、shouldC、had toD、needed参考答案:C10.I _ you for a long time. Where _ you _?A.didnt see; did; goB.didnt see; have; goneC.havent seen; have; beenD.havent seen; have; gone参考答案:C11.She opened the door _ saw nothing _ darkness.A.but, butB.when, exceptC.but, andD.and, from参考答案:A12.Tom will call me as soon as he _ Shanghai.A、arrivesB、will reachC、arrives inD、get to参考答案:C13.I have kept that portrait _ I can see it every day, as it always reminds me of my university days in London.A.whichB.whereC.whetherD.when参考答案:B14.A group _ itself New Hand came to our hometown.A、calledB、callsC、callingD、is called参考答案:C15.There are some mistakes in this composition. If _, please correct them.A.findingB.having been foundC.foundD.find参考答案:D16.Our teacher is strict _ us. He never allows us to write _ carelessly.A、with, thatB、with, such soC、to, suchD、to, so参考答案:A17.Youve done very well, _ a few slight faults.A、but forB、thanks toC、apart fromD、without参考答案:C18.I think it is Jack , _ you, _ to blame.A.rather than, isB.rather than, that isC.more than, areD.less than, who are参考答案:B19.People try to avoid traffic jams by using their own cars, and this _ creates further troubles.A.in allB.in caseC.in turnD.in time参考答案:C20.A peculiarly pointed chin is his most memorable facial _.A、markB、featureC、traceD、appearance参考答案:B21.He will soon_ his disappointment and be quite cheerful again.A、get overB、get out ofC、get awayD、get through参考答案:A22.A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! -_.A.You have some happy holidays, too, sirB.Thank you, sir. The same to youC.Thanks, sir. The best of luck to youD.Thats very kind of you to say so参考答案:B23.The students were participating _ an international energy-saving competition between towns in New England and Canada.A、forB、inC、toD、at参考答案:B24.My uncle _ to see me. He will be here soon.A、comesB、is comingC、had comeD、came参考答案:B25.Under good treatment, Linda is going to beginning to _and will soon recover.A.pick upB.pick outC.turn upD.show up参考答案:A26.I havent seen you for a couple of days. What have you been up _?A.inB.toC.withD.for参考答案:B27.A: So, how is your new roommate? B: She really _. Shes always making loud noises at midnight and when I remind her, she always makes rude remarks.A.turns me overB.turns me offC.turns me downD.turns me out参考答案:B28.Much to my surprise, I found Beijing completely _.A、changingB、to be changedC、changeD、changed参考答案:D29.The judge _ the murderer to twenty years in prison.A、requiredB、orderedC、indicatedD、sentenced参考答案:D30.Much to their joy, the day they looked forward to _ at last.A.comingB.had comeC.cameD.to come参考答案:C31.The box was _ to carry for me.A、much too heavyB、too much heavyC、heavy too muchD、too heavy much参考答案:A32.May I draw it now?_.A、Yes, thanks.B、You are welcome.C、Do, please.D、Yes, you may.参考答案:C33._ your step, Peter, or you might fall into the water.A.Look outB.TakeC.WatchD.Notice参考答案:C34.The number of trees that _ cut down _ 3000 last year.A.were, wereB.was, wasC.was, wereD.were, was参考答案:D35.It is quite necessary for a qualified teacher to have good manners and _ knowledge.A、exten
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