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长风破浪会有时,直挂云帆济沧海。 她福建师范大学21春“英语”语言与文化离线作业(四)辅导答案一.综合考核(共50题)1.The news has just _ that the president is going to visit China next month.A、come downB、come upC、come outD、come about参考答案:C2._ relations at the sentential level refer to construction whose components are linked through the use of conjunctions.A、HypotacticB、ParatacticC、GrammaticalD、Branching参考答案:A3.I am for your proposal that the discussion about future plans _.A.to be put offB.be put offC.should put offD.was put off参考答案:B4.Analogy is often made in English between _ and people who are rude or hot-tempered or people with high intelligence or remarkable power of endurance.A.bearsB.horsesC.monkeysD.foxes参考答案:A5.Stereotyping has its practical uses and limitations, because it helps us better understand what appears to be a mess and at the same time any generalization is very often an overgeneralization. ()A.错误B.正确参考答案:B6.North Americans prefer to sit where they are side-by-side to one another. ()A.错误B.正确参考答案:A7.On your way to the school cinema, you happen to meet Professor Jones walking to the cinema, too. You can greet him by saying Youre going to see the film, arent you? ()A.错误B.正确参考答案:A8.The other day, Mum and I went to St. Jamess Hospital, and they did lots and lots of tests on me, most of them _ and frightening.A、cheerfulB、horribleC、hostileD、friendly参考答案:B9.He made a request _ immediate help.A.atB.forC.onD.by参考答案:B10.In the U.S., it is a compliment to tell someone that he or she has put on some weight. ()A.错误B.正确参考答案:A11.Instructors of intercultural communication believe that the process of communication under conditions of cultural differences can be analyzed and the knowledge about the process of IC and related skills can be taught. ()A.错误B.正确参考答案:B12.It took him several months to _ the wild horse.A.tendB.cultivateC.breedD.tame参考答案:D13.I have no doubt _ he will overcome all his difficulties.A.ifB.thatC.as toD.whether参考答案:B14.Because of his excellent administration, people lived in peace and _ and all previously neglected matters were taken care of.A、convictionB、contestC、consentD、content参考答案:D15.Modern statesmen are often faced with _ problems _ defeated the ancient Romans.A、the same. asB、such many. asC、as. as suchD、such. as they参考答案:A16.Monochronic time systems are characterized by several things happening at once.()A、错误B、正确参考答案:A17.In its narrow sense, culture is _.A、whatever distinguishes one nation from all the other nationsB、the attributes of manC、life way of a populationD、intellectual or academic development参考答案:C18.We didnt know his telephone number; otherwise we _ him.A、would have telephonedB、must have telephonedC、would telephoneD、had telephoned参考答案:A19.English is often referred to as a () language because it uses frequently connectives to indicate the relation between linguistic elements.A.paratacticB.hypotacticC.branchingD.linear参考答案:B20.() is the communicative value an expression has in addition to the purely conceptual meaning.A.Connotative meaningB.Social meaningC.Reflected meaningD.Collective meaning参考答案:A21.The most basic reason why dialects should be preserved is that language helps to _ a culture.A、retainB、relateC、remarkD、review参考答案:A22.We feel it a pity that he didnt live up to _ had been expected of him.A、whichB、all whatC、whatD、that参考答案:C23.I would appreciate _ it a secret.A.your keepingB.you to keepC.that you keepD.that you will keep参考答案:A24.A word processor is much better than a typewriter in that it enables you to enter and _ your text more easily.A.registerB.editC.proposeD.discharge参考答案:B25.As a painter, Ted was very _ about the colors he used.A、specificB、specialC、peculiarD、particular参考答案:D26.Although he had looked through all the reference material on the subject, he still found it hard to understand this point and her explanation only _ to his confusion.A.extendedB.amountedC.addedD.turned参考答案:C27.Jack often complains _ able to communicate with his parents.A、of being notB、of not beingC、being notD、not being参考答案:B28.Hardly had he arrived at the airport _ he was told that the flight had been cancelled.A.thanB.whenC.beforeD.then参考答案:B29.You will see this product _ wherever you go in this city.A、advertiseB、to be advertisedC、adverti
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