换位思考在歌唱教学中的重要作用换位思考在歌唱教学中的重要作用摘 要在我国现行的歌唱教学模式中,主要是以教师为主学生为 辅一一即以教师为中心的教学模式。这种教学模式1定程度上限制了学生的主观能动性,而且容易造成学生难以理解,不敢问问题的 现象,这不但会影响师生关系,更重要的是老师的教学会不见成效 如果说老师可以换1种思维,换1个立场,站到学生的位置去想学 习中遇到的问题,想想解决问题的方法,那将会是另外的 1个局 面,在声乐教学中也灌输这样1种换位思考的理念,对声乐教学非 常有利的。本文将从换位思考在歌唱教学中的应用来阐述它的重要 作用。这将有利于解决老师在教学中以白我为中心的灌输式教学理 念的问题;有利于学生对所学知识的理解;有利于教师有效教学; 有利于开掘学生最大的潜质;有利于师生间的沟通,以到达更好更 高的教学目的。关键词声乐教学 歌唱 换位思考Abstract: Teacher-centered teaching model heeps the leading place among all the contemporary singing teaching models. To some extent, this model has limited students subjectice dynamic and led to problems such as difficultles in understanding and hesitation in asking questions. Which affect relation ship betueen teacher and students, what sworse, the teacher s effort is ineffect ive. If the teachers had thought overproblems in another way that is, in the place of the stulents and try to work out pleasible means of solving those problems, the situation wonld be quite different. The practical use of this thinking model is very profitable to singing teaching. This thesis ill ustrates the importance of transpositiona thinking from it s actual use in singing teaching. This thinking model contri utes to the solve of teacher-centered teaching model as well as student s under standing of l earned knowledge, the teachers promoting munication between teachers and students to reach the aim of teaching.Key words: Vocal music Singing Transpositional thinking
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