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人教版PEPPEP四年级 (下册) ) 全册课件精品Unit1partBpartApartCUnit2partBpartApartCUnit3partBpartApartCUnit4partBpartApartCUnit5partBpartApartCUnit6partBpartApartCRecycle1Recycle22022/7/4Unit 1My school Part A1.1Warm-upWelcome back to school!2022/7/4Lets sing a song about my school.2022/7/42022/7/4Presentation 2022/7/4谁是小小翻译家?谁是小小翻译家?library 图书馆图书馆 teachers office 教师办公室教师办公室first floor一楼一楼 second floor 二楼二楼homework作业作业 next to 紧邻;在紧邻;在近旁近旁单词新朋友2022/7/4 first floor2022/7/4second floor2022/7/4library2022/7/4tearchers office2022/7/4Where is the tearchers office?Its on the _.first floor2022/7/4Where is the classroom ?Its on the _.second floor2022/7/4Is this the tearchers office?( )A Yes ,it is .B No,it isnt.C Yes,it isnt.B2022/7/4Is this the tearchers office?( )A Yes ,it is .B No,it isnt.C Yes,it isnt.B2022/7/4谁是小小翻译家?谁是小小翻译家?Excuseme.打扰一下。句型新朋友句型新朋友用于某事需要打扰别人是的习惯用语用于某事需要打扰别人是的习惯用语2022/7/4Execuse me!2022/7/4Where is .? 在哪里?在哪里?Its on the second floor. 它在二楼。它在二楼。2022/7/4Is this the teachers office?这是教师的办公室吗?这是教师的办公室吗?No, it isnt. 不,它不是。不,它不是。Practice 开火车读单词,看哪组的小火车开的又快又好!2022/7/4小火车开起来小火车开起来小组熟读课文,小组熟读课文,并分角色表演。并分角色表演。2022/7/42022/7/4Test1. The library is _ the first floor. A in B to C on2. Is this a _? A teachers office B teacher office 3. _ is the canteen? A When B Where2022/7/4选择题选择题CAB连线连线.1. Go to the garden. Play football.2. Go to the teachers office. Read a story-book.3. Go to the playground. Water the flowers.4. Go to the canteen. Hand in the homework.5. Go to the library. Eat some noodles. 2022/7/42022/7/4填空题填空题classrm lbrary hmework f_st sec_dHomework 2022/7/4Readthenewwordsandthephrases fourtimestoyourpartner.Introduceyourschooltoyourparents.2022/7/47/4/2022Unit 1My school Part B1.2Warm-up7/4/2022One, one, one kitten in the sun. Two, two, two baby kangaroos.Three, three, three birds in a tree. Four, four, four pretty wooden doors.Five, five, five bee in the hive. Six, six, six big and little sticks.Presentation 7/4/2022谁是小小翻译家?谁是小小翻译家?playground 操场操场 computer room 计算机房计算机房art room 美术教室美术教室 music room 音乐教室音乐教室forty 四十四十 class 班级;班班级;班 way 方向方向单词新朋友单词新朋友听音乐听音乐 listen to the music一班一班 Class One 这边请。这边请。This way ,please. 7/4/20227/4/2022playground7/4/2022music room 7/4/2022 art room7/4/2022computer room7/4/2022Do you have a library?Yes, we do.No,we dont.询问某人是否拥有某物及其回答询问某人是否拥有某物及其回答have 1. 有,拥有有,拥有I have a book. 我有一本书。我有一本书。2. 吃,喝吃,喝I usually have bread and milk for breakfast.早饭我经常吃面包,喝牛奶。早饭我经常吃面包,喝牛奶。3. 患患I have a bad cold.我感冒了。我感冒了。7/4/20227/4/2022This is our library.7/4/2022That is our playground.How many students are there in your class? 用于询问有多少人或物用于询问有多少人或物7/4/2022Forty-five.how many 用来对可数名词的量进行用来对可数名词的量进行提问,后跟提问,后跟可数名词的复数可数名词的复数形式形式many 许多,许多,用于修饰可数名词的复数形式用于修饰可数名词的复数形式 many books much 许多许多 后加不可数名词后加不可数名词 much milk a lot of 可加不可数名词,也可加可数名词的可加不可数名词,也可加可数名词的复数形式复数形式 7/4/2022learn 学习学习学习做某事学习做某事 learn to do sth.我们在课堂上学习画画。我们在课堂上学习画画。We learn to draw pictures in the class.7/4/2022Practice 开火车读单词,看哪组的小火车开的又快又好!7/4/2022小火车开起来小火车开起来7/4/2022猜单词我最棒猜单词我最棒playground7/4/2022猜单词我最棒猜单词我最棒gymart room7/4/2022猜单词我最棒猜单词我最棒美术教室美术教室小组熟读课文,小组熟读课文,并分角色表演。并分角色表演。7/4/20227/4/2022Test1. How many_are there on the desk?A. book B. books C. bookes2. -Do you have a ruler? -_A. Yes,I do. B. No,I doC. Yes,I dont.7/4/2022选择题选择题BA在每句的错误下画线并改正。在每句的错误下画线并改正。1Welcome to us school. ( )2Its on the one floor. ( )3That is a teacher desk.( )7/4/20227/4/2022填空题填空题1.Ihavea/an_(classroom;artroom)2.Wehavea_ (gym/playground)art roomplayground7/4/2022HomeworkReadthenewwordsandthephrases fourtimestoyourpartner.7/4/20222022/7/4Unit 1My school Part C1.3Lets sing a song about my school again.2022/7/4Warm-up2022/7/4Presentation 2022/7/4谁是小小翻译家?谁是小小翻译家?beautiful 美丽的;漂亮的storybook 故事书hungry 饿的;感到饿的 full 吃饱的单词新朋友2022/7/4beautifulbeautiful 美丽的;漂亮的美丽的;漂亮的The flowers are very beautiful!那些花真漂亮!那些花真漂亮!2022/7/42022/7/4prettyShe is a pretty girl.多用于形容小孩,妇多用于形容小孩,妇女和较细小的东西,女和较细小的东西,语气较弱。语气较弱。2022/7/4storybook storybook 故事故事书 复数复数 storybooks 我有三本故事我有三本故事书。 I have three storybooks。 2022/7/4语文书语文书 Chinese book英语书英语书 English book2022/7/4hungry2022/7/4full 饱的饱的full 反义词反义词 hungry满的满的The bottle is full。瓶子是满的。瓶子是满的。2022/7/42022/7/4How beautiful!句型结构句型结构 What (+a/an)+adj.+n.+主语主语+谓谓语!语!多么漂亮的女孩啊!多么漂亮的女孩啊!What a beautiful girl she is!2022/7/4感叹句感叹句How beautiful!多么漂亮啊!多么漂亮啊!句型结构句型结构How +adj.(a/an) +n. +主语主语+谓语!谓语!多么漂亮的女孩!多么漂亮的女孩!How beautiful a girl she is!2022/7/4Welcone to our school!欢迎来到我们学校!欢迎来到我们学校!Welcone to sp。 欢迎欢迎来到某地来到某地2022/7/41 教室办公室在哪?它在二楼。教室办公室在哪?它在二楼。2 那是计算机房吗?不,不是。那是计算机房吗?不,不是。3 你们学校有图书馆吗?是的,有。你们学校有图书馆吗?是的,有。4 欢迎来到我们学校!欢迎来到我们学校!5 你们班有多少学生?你们班有多少学生?6 这边请。这边请。7 去图书馆。去图书馆。2022/7/4开火车读单词,看哪组的小火车开的又快又好!2022/7/4小火车开起来小火车开起来小组熟读课文,小组熟读课文,并分角色表演。并分角色表演。2022/7/42022/7/4Test2. 你告诉他人这边走时,你因该说你告诉他人这边走时,你因该说 2022/7/4选择题选择题1. 当你欢迎他人到你的学校参观时,你当你欢迎他人到你的学校参观时,你应该说:应该说:A This is our school. B Welcome to our school. A This way,please. B Come here. AB按要求写出正确形式按要求写出正确形式1. you_(形容词性物主代词形容词性物主代词) 2. teacher_(所有格形式所有格形式)3. two_(序数词序数词) 4. fan_(复数形式复数形式) 2022/7/42022/7/4翻译题翻译题1 音乐教室音乐教室 2 二楼二楼3 教师办公室教
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