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选修六Unit 1 Art课 前 三 言 两 语it is easier to follow/understand reading a novel 基 础 知 识 梳 理typicalevidentattemptfigurescholarappealreputationexhibitionmasterpieceeffectivelyappealingAttemptingfiguresevidentlyeffectivefaithfulfaithfullyadoptedadoptionpossessionpredictionpredictorpreferenceaimlessaimlesslyfaithfaithfullyfaithfulaimlesslyaimlessadoptedadoptedadoptionpossessedpossessionpossessionpredictedprediction抽象的;深奥的摘要常规的;传统的;因循守旧的技术;方法;技能阴影;影子荒谬的;可笑的争论的;争议的当代的;同时代的确切的;特定的脆弱的;容易生病的;精致的过敏性的;过敏的精细的;易碎的;脆弱的香的;令人愉快的巧合(的事);(事情、口味、故事等)相合永久的;持久的所以;因而敢作敢为的;侵略的;好斗的卓越的;杰出的;极好的署名;签字未遂的;未得手的人影attempt to do sth.scores of.appeal toas a consequenceconcentrate onontoatoon the other handlead toa great dealby coincidencedepend/rely on byonatowould not have won the first prize Near the playground is the newlybuilt stadium shorteningtravel time to half an hour重 难 考 点 探 究aiming/aimedto promoteaimingaimlesslyto teachAiming towith the aim ofAimed atpossessionspossessionpossess/be in possession of/take possession of be in the possession ofatto climbmade an attempt at passing/to passattempted to pass/at passing the exam n人物n.数字vt.认为n体形n.人影figure it out figure on going abroad fortoappealing to setappealed toapply foranothersecondlyon the other handOn the one handstandsis includedcomesOn the top of the hill stands an architecture dating back to 核 心 素 养 达 标possessionliesAttempting aimed/aimingto payWithouttoout onOnbyhas been madeHaving been predictedpreferenceadoptionare acceptedbeginningbecauseto lookbutto paintconcentratesusingthemwhatsculptoradopt many superb typical techniquescarving figuresscores ofaims to appealtoattempts to sell upThank you for watching!
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