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Unit 1 I like dogs(Period 1)译林版译林版英语英语四年级上册四年级上册 Lets enjoy Old Macdonald has a farmWhat animals are on the farm?animalsWhat other animals are on the farm?想象一下农场上还会有哪些动物呢?想象一下农场上还会有哪些动物呢?Are they on the farm,too?Yes or No?Do you like them?Lets talkAre they on a farm?Who are they?Where are they?What are they going to talk about?他们将要谈论些什么呢?他们将要谈论些什么呢?Watch the cartoonU1 story timeTry to sayLook at these toy animals,boys and girls.Wow!Listen and tick()()()()()()()()Listen to the tape and tick what they are talking about.听录音,勾出他们谈论的动物听录音,勾出他们谈论的动物Read and findRead the story,find out whose favourite animals they are自读故事,这些动物都是谁喜欢的呢?自读故事,这些动物都是谁喜欢的呢?I like cats.We like dogs.I like pandas.Try to sayTry to sayTry to sayWhy does Mike like pandas?cute and fatLets chantCute,cute dogs!Do you like dogs?Sorry,sorry,I dont.I dont like dogs!Fat,fat pandas!Do you like pandas?Yes,yes,I do.I like pandas!你也可以根据课文内容改编小诗哦!你也可以根据课文内容改编小诗哦!Act it out加上丰富的表情和动作加上丰富的表情和动作表演更生动!表演更生动!Look atI like cuteI like Do you like?No,cute and fat.Read fluently流利的朗读流利的朗读Read fluently and beautifully流利、优美的朗读流利、优美的朗读Act it out with emotions有感情地表演有感情地表演Learning tips还知道哪些?动物相关习惯用语Drawing timeDraw the animals you like.画一画你喜欢的动物,然后在规定时间画一画你喜欢的动物,然后在规定时间内,询问尽可能多的同学,如果他们内,询问尽可能多的同学,如果他们喜欢你的动物就画上一颗喜欢你的动物就画上一颗,看看你能,看看你能搜集到多少颗搜集到多少颗吧!吧!可能用到的句子:Hello,This is a I like Do you like?听磁带,有感情地模仿熟读课文并尝试背诵。听磁带,有感情地模仿熟读课文并尝试背诵。通过查资料的方式,学习更多课外的动物类单词,通过查资料的方式,学习更多课外的动物类单词,下节课向大家介绍。下节课向大家介绍。和别人用英语交流你们喜欢与不喜欢的小动物,和别人用英语交流你们喜欢与不喜欢的小动物,并说说为什么。并说说为什么。Homework
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