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2022 年年辽辽宁省宁省营营口口市中考英市中考英语试语试卷卷第一第一部部分分 选择选择题题 I.单单项项选择选择(共共 20 分,每小分,每小题题 1 分)从分)从下下列各列各题题 的的备选备选答案答案中中选选出一个最佳答案出一个最佳答案。1(1 分)Confucius wasgreat teacher and thinker.Yes,were still influenced by his ideas today.()AaBanCtheD/2(1 分)Lucy,is thisdictionary?No,it isnt.is in my bag.()Ayour;YoursBmy;MineCyour;Mine Dmy;Hers3(1 分)In China,we use red paper for hongbao because red means good luck.Oh,thats interesting!I want to know more Chinese.(AeventsBpoliciesCfestivalsDtraditions)4 (1 分)Su Yiming got his gold medal of 2022 Beijing WinterOlympicsthe afternoon of February 15th.()AonBinCatDfor5(1 分)Lily was angry because Jerry ateof her twelve apples secretly.Now she has only four left.()Aa quarterBone thirdCa halfDtwo thirds 6(1 分)In the war against COVID19,the Chinese government ismaking great efforts to make sure the vaccine (疫苗)is takenthroughout the country.()AhardlyBdeeplyCwidelyDsimply 7(1 分)Im sobecause the interview is coming.Dont worry!Maybe listening to some soft music is helpful.(AshyBactiveCnervousDserious)8(1 分)My pen friend knows a lot about Chinashe has neverbeen here.()AalthoughBifCbecauseDuntil9(1 分)My parentsto buy me a new bike if I pass the finalexam.()ApromiseBrememberCforgetDexpect 10(1 分)Listen!news report Betty is giving!Everyone likesit very much.()AHow boringBHow wonderfulCWhat a wonderfulDWhat a boring 11(1 分)一 Mum,Ive signed for a package.Whats in it?一Im not sure.Itbe a present from your uncle.()AcantBmustCmayDneed 12(1 分)Middle School students should learntime and makegood use of every minute.()Ato wasteBto chooseCto recordDto manage 13(1 分)Our country develops really fast.Yes.,it has made great achievements in many areas.()AIn the endBFrom now onCAs a resultDIn fact14(1 分)David is very productive andfive books in the pastten years.()AwritesBwroteChas writtenDis writing15(1 分)一 I dont know how tothe old clothes.一You can give them away to the charity.()Asell outBtake awayCgive backDdeal with 16(1 分)With the help of 5 G technology,the apps on the smart phonecan providehelp for users than before.()AfewerBweakerCworseDmore17(1 分)A speech on robotsin the school hall next Friday afternoon.()Ais givenBwill be givenCwas givenDhas been given 18(1 分)一 Jane,could you please tell me?一I take exercise at least an hour every day.()A.how you keep healthy and strongB.when you joined the swimming clubCwhere you do exerciseDwho you play tennis with19(1 分)Hedoes not reach the Great Wall is not a true man.()AwhomB/20(1 分)Shall we go fishing?CwhichDwho.The wind is too strong.Lets stay at home and readbooks.()AGood ideaBI agree with youCDont be sillyDNo problemII.完形填空(完形填空(共共 15 分,每分,每题题 1 分分)21(15 分)One day a little boy asked his father,What does the word great mean?Who are great people and(1)do they become great?The father asked his son to bring two plants and then told him toplant one of them(2)the house and the other outside the house.The boy did as his father said.The father asked his son,Which one of the two plants do you think will be(3)and bigger?The boy replied,The plant inside the house will be safer,(4)it will grow bigger,while the plant outside the house is not safe at all.No one will be there to (5)it.It may be eaten byanimals.The father smiled and said,Lets wait(6).We will know the answer.Then the boy(7)for study and after four years he came back to his house.He said to his father,Look,(8)happens to this plant inside the house and it is safe.When the boy went outside,he was very(9)to see a big tree.The boy couldnt believe his eyes.He couldnt(10)how the plant outside was able to grow much bigger than the plant inside the house.The plant outside the house faced four(11)and many difficulties!the father(12)to his son why the plant outside was bigger.The plant inside was safe,it didnt face weather changes,and it didnt get proper(13),so it didnt become big.Here is the(14)to the question about being great:(15)a great person,one must have failed many times,experienced many difficulties and overcome those difficulties.After that,he is ableto become great.(1)A.howB.whyC.whenD.where(2)A.besidesB.oppositeC.behindD.inside(3)A.strongerB.saferC.nicerD.weaker(4)A.butB.orC.soD.because(5)A.look afterB.come across C.take awayD.cut down(6)A.seriouslyB.carefullyC.activelyD.patiently(7)A.waitedB.lookedC.leftD.asked(8)A.somethingB.nothingC.everything D.anything(9)A.excitedB.satisfiedC.pleasedD.surprised(10)A.realiseB.understandC.considerD.accept(11)A.seasonsB.chancesC.yearsD.choices(12)A.smiledB.apologizedC.turnedD.explained(13)A.protection B.sunlightC.careD.water(14)A.resultB.answerC.wayD.reason(15)A.To choose B.To saveC.To findD.To become.阅读阅读理解(理解(共共 20 分,每分,每题题 1 分分)根据短文内容,从根据短文内容,从各各题题的的备选备选答答案中案中选选出一出一个个最佳答案最佳答案。22(5 分)Universal Beijing ResortUniversal Beijing Resort is a widely expected theme park.There areseveral allnew attractions(景点)along with the best rides,and shows from around the world.Here are some of the most popular and interesting choices.Wand(魔杖(魔杖)MagicRhythm Drifters (流浪者(流浪者)Feel what it is like by
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