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爱在康乃馨_感谢妈妈的英语作文400字带翻译五月暖春,传来一阵阵春风,飘来一丝丝甜蜜的花香。当阳光普照到康乃馨盛开的时候,那便是母亲节的到来。一束束鲜花,映照出每一个孩子的笑脸。一首首歌谣,和着粉红色的旋律,飘荡在空中,宛如每一个人都向自己那伟大的母亲倾诉自己对她的爱。warm spring in may brings a gust of spring wind and sweet fragrance of flowers. when the sun shines on the carnations, its mothers day. a bunch of flowers, reflecting each childs smiling face. a song, with the pink melody, floats in the air as if everyone is telling their great mother their love.“谁言寸草心,报得三春晖。”伟大的母亲啊,您为我们付出得太多了。看到您那银白色的头发,您那佝偻的脊背,您那干涸的皮肤,您那宽大的老花眼镜,我不禁泪流满面,您给我太多的爱了,我要拿什么来回报您?who said inch grass heart, reported three chunhui. great mother, you have paid too much for us. seeing your silvery white hair, your bent back, your dry skin, your wide glasses, i cant help crying. you give me too much love. what can i do for you?当我走进商场,看到林林总总的商品,我竟感到一丝无奈,我竟不知道您喜欢什么,爱吃什么,不知道该买什么礼物给您才好。我对您太不了解了脑海里呈现您成天为我们忙碌的身影,在那一刻,我后悔了。我有一个小小的心愿:若有来世,我愿做您的母亲,付出我的一生来给您最大的幸福!但愿康乃馨在此时此刻能向您传达我对您的爱。when i walk into the mall and see a large number of commodities, i feel a little helpless. i dont know what you like, what you like to eat, and what gift to buy for you. i dont know much about you in my mind, you are busy for us all day long. at that moment, i regret it. i have a little wish: if there is an afterlife, i would like to be your mother and give my life to give you the greatest happiness! i hope the carnation can convey my love to you at this moment.暖暖的五月阳光洒向大地,美丽的康乃馨绽放在人间。爱在康乃馨,妈妈,美丽的康乃馨代表我对您的爱。妈妈,节日快乐!warm may sunshine sprinkles on the earth, beautiful carnations bloom in the world. love in carnation, mother, beautiful carnation represents my love for you. mom, happy holidays!
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