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Alberta Chemistry 20-30 Review UnitChemistry ReviewChapter 1 Elements and CompoundsChemistry1.1 Introduction:Science and TechnologyChemistry Define science and technology and explain how the two are related (Fig.2,p9).Concepts/hypotheses and what happens to them as new knowledge is gained.Chemistry,and what it includes.Chemical vs.physical changes(with examples).1.1 Introduction:Science and TechnologyChemistry Observations Quantitative Qualitative Interpretation Theoretical vs.empirical knowledge(with examples)1.1 Introduction:Science and TechnologyChemistry Empirical hypotheses and empirical definitions.Generalizations and Scientific Laws.Law of Conservation of Mass.End 1.11.2 Classifying MatterDefine(with examples):Define(with examples):Matter Matter Pure substances Pure substances Compounds Compounds Elements ElementsChemistryChemistry1.2 Classifying MatterDefine(with examples):Define(with examples):Mixtures Mixtures Heterogeneous mixtures Heterogeneous mixtures Homogeneous mixtures Homogeneous mixtures Solutions Solutions Entity EntityChemistryChemistry1.2 Classifying MatterChemistryChemistryFigure 1,p12.(End 1.2)1.3 Classifying ElementsChemistryDmitri Mendeleev Periodic lawPeriodic table Fig.1,p14(Next Slide).Know the names of each section and where they are located on the table.Families/Groups vs.Periods1.3 Classifying ElementsChemistry1.3 Classifying ElementsChemistry Semi-metals/metalloids1.3 Classifying ElementsChemistry SATP what and why.Metals and non-metals.Make a table comparing the characteristics of each.MetalsNon-MetalsSolid at room temp(except Hg)S,l,or g at room tempMalleable,ductile,bendableSolids tend to be brittleShinyNot shinyGood conductors of heat and electricityPoor conductors of heat and electricity1.3 Classifying ElementsChemistryDefine ductile and malleableIUPAC what is it and why is it needed.Families and series of elements.Be able to locate on the periodic table and describe properties of each group on p16.1.4 Theories and Atomic TheoriesChemistryKnow the definitions and differences between:Theoretical descriptions:Specific descriptive statements based on theories or models.Theoretical hypotheses:Untested ideas.Theoretical definitions:General statements that characterize the nature of a substance or a process in terms of a non-observable idea.1.4 Theories and Atomic TheoriesChemistryKnow the definitions and differences between:Theories:Comprehensive sets of ideas based on general principles that explain a large number of observations.They continually undergo refinement and change.Eg.Atomic TheoryAnalogies:Comparisons that communicate an idea in more familiar or recognizable terms.Eg.An atom behaving as a billiard ball.Models:Diagrams or apparatuses used to simplify the description of an abstract idea.Eg.Marbles vibrating in a box to study the 3 states of matter.1.4 Theories and Atomic TheoriesChemistryAtomic Theories who,what is the model,&a visual analogy for each.Dalton:-Recreated the modern theory of the atom to explain three important scientific laws-Daltons model of the atom was that of a featureless sphere-by analogy,a billiard ball(Figure 2).1.4 Theories and Atomic TheoriesChemistryThomsons Atomic Model Hypothesized that the atom was composed of electrons(negative particles)embedded in a positively charged sphere.1.4 Theories and Atomic TheoriesChemistryThomsons model of the atom is often communicated by using the analogy of a raisin bun.1.4 Theories and Atomic TheoriesChemistryRutherfords Atomic Theory Conducted the famous“Gold Foil Experiment.Shot alpha particles at gold foil and predicted that the particles would be deflected little,if at all.1.4 Theories and Atomic TheoriesChemistryWhat he actually observed:1.4 Theories and Atomic TheoriesChemistry1.4 Theories and Atomic TheoriesChemistry1.4 Theories and Atomic TheoriesChemistryFurther research by several scientists led to creating the concepts of protons,neutrons,and isotopes1.4 Theories and Atomic TheoriesChemistryBohrs Atomic Theory Electrons are found in energy levels around the nucleus.The maximum number of electrons in each energy level is given by the#of elements in each period of the periodic table.(2,8,8,)The last digit of the group number in the periodic table provides the number of electrons in the valence energy level.*See Sample Problem 1.1,p22.1.4 Theories and Atomic TheoriesChemistryFormation of Monoatomic Ions Have your text open to p24 while you listen to the following audio clip.Formation of Ions Audio1.4 Theories and Atomic TheoriesChemistryEvaluation of Scientific Theories:It is never possible to prove theories in science.A theory is accepted if it logically describes,explains,and predicts observations.Once the evidence is collected,a prediction may be verified falsifiedAn unacceptable theory requires further action;there are three possible strategies.Restrict the theory.Revise the theory.Replace the theory.1.4 Summary:Theoretical Descriptions of Atoms and Ions1.4 Summary:Theoretical Descriptions
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