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英文介绍遵义会议,Zunyi Conference英语短句,例句大全遵义会议,Zunyi Conferencel)Zunyi Conference 遵义会议.Zunyi Conference And The Confirmation Of Mao Zedong S LeadershipIn The Central Committee Of CPC;遵义会议与毛泽东在中央领导地位 确实立.An Exploration Of The Underlying Causes Of ZunYi Conference And Mao Zedong S Leadership Establishment;遵义会议与毛泽东领导地位确 立的原因探析1 .Zhou Enlai S Role In The Success Of Zunyi Conference;周恩来对遵义会 议成功召开的作用新探英文短句/例句1.1 ts Correction Was The Achievement Of The Tsunyi Meeting.这种纠正 是遵义会议的成绩。2 .A Preliminary Study Of Zhang Wentian S Thought OfFighting AgainstThe Left Adventurism;张闻天遵义会议前反左,思想初探3 .Zunyi Conference And The Confirmation Of Mao Zedong S Leadership In The Central Committee Of CPC;遵义会议与毛泽东在中央领导地位 确实立.An Exploration Of The Underlying Causes Of ZunYi Conference AndMao Zedong S Leadership Establishment;遵义会议与毛泽东领导地位确 立的原因探析.Zhou Enlai S Role In The Success Of Zunyi Conference;周恩来对遵义会 议成功召开的作用新探4 .Zunyi Conference-Milestone Of Maturity Of CPC Leadership;遵义会议中国共产党领导能力成熟的里程碑1 .On Mao Zedong S Contribution To The Party S Construction Theory From The Zunyi Meeting To The Breakout Of The Anti-Japanese War;遵 义会议至抗战前毛泽东对党建理论的贡献.An Enlarged Meeting Of The Political Bureau Of The Central Committee, I.E., The Zunyi Meeting, Was Convened, Marking The Beginning Of Comrade Mao Zedongs Leadership.就开中央政治局扩大会议,即遵义 会议,才开始了毛泽东同志的领导。8 .The Zunyi Meeting Was Held From Januaryl5 Tol7 In Zunyi, Guizhou Province, At Which Comrade Mao Zedongz S Leadership In The Whole Party Was Established.遵义会议于是15日至17日在贵州遵义召开,确 立了毛泽东同志在全党的领导地位。9 .From Zunyi Meeting To The Sixth Plenary Session Of The Sixth Central Committee Of CCP-A Key Phase For The Maturity Of The Party;从遵义会 议到六届六中全会一一党走向成熟的关键时期11.Of Course, As Far As The Central Committee Is Concerned, It SolvedThe Question Of How To Make Revolution At The Zunyi Meeting.当然就 我们党的中央来说,如何革命的问题,遵义会议就解决了。12 .From Chen Duxiu To The Zunyi Meeting, Not A Single Leading Group Was Truly Mature.从陈独秀起,一直到遵义会议,没有一届是真正成 熟的。13 .Historically, Our Party Never Had A Mature Central Leadership Before The Zunyi Meeting. It Was Only After The Zunyi Meeting That The Collective Leadership Of The Party Began To Take Shape.在历史上,遵义 会议以前,我们的党没有形成过一个成熟的党中央。14 .Great Historic Contribution, Precious Spiritual Wealth-For The 70th Anniversary Of Zunyi Meeting;伟大的历史贡献珍贵的精神财富纪念遵义会议召开七十周年15 .The Exploration Of Causes Of The Wrong Political Line About Wang Ming S Left11 Deviation Unsolved In Zunyi Meeting;遵义会议未彻底解 决王明左倾政治路线错误原因探析.lt Was Only After The Zunyi Meeting That The Collective Leadership Of The Party Began To Take Shape. That Leadership Was Composed Of Comrades Mao, Liu, Zhou, Zhu And Ren Bishi.我们党的领导集体,是从 遵义会议开始逐步形成的,也就是毛刘周朱和任弼时同志,16 .This Has Been Proved By Our Experience Over The Past Twenty-Seven Years Since The Zunyi Meeting Held In January 1935.从九三五年月 遵义会议以来,二十七年的历史证明,我们的党中央是一个好的党中 央。17 .These Errors, Too, Were Corrected At The Tsunyi Meeting, And The Party Was Thus Able To Make The Turn To A Correct Cadres Policy And To Correct Organizational Principles.这些错误,也因遵义会议得到了纠正, 使党转到了正确的干部政策和正确的组织原那么方面来了。相关短句/例句Zunyi Meeting遵义会议1 .The Zunyi MeetingVictory Of Democracy;遵义会议民主的胜利2 .Great Historic Contribution, Precious Spiritual WealthFor The 70thAnniversary Of Zunyi Meeting;伟大的历史贡献珍贵的精神财富纪念遵义会议召开七十周年.On Mao Zedong S Contribution To The Party S Construction Theory From The Zunyi Meeting To The Breakout Of The Anti-Japanese War;遵 义会议至抗战前毛泽东对党建理论的贡献3)The Zunyi Meeting 遵义会议l.The New Progress Of Researches On The Zunyi Meeting In Recent Years; 近年来遵义会议研究的新进展4)Zunyi Meeting Resolution遵义会议决议l.We Have Carried Out A Research Into The Region Involved In Zhaxi Meeting: MJimingsansheng(Cockcrow Heard In Three Provinces)l,And TheDate And Place For Bo Gu To Hand Over His Power,And The Adoption OfZunyi Meeting Resolution.对扎西会议涉及的“鸡鸣三省”地域和博古 交权、通过遵义会议决议时间、地点的研究说明:中央政治局常 委分工是1935年2月5日在云南省威信县水田寨花房子进行;遵义 会议决议是1935年2月8日在威信县大河滩庄子上中央政治局会 议通过。5)Site Of The Zunyi Conference 遵义会议会址6)The Center OfAdministration And Conference In Zunyi City 遵义市行政 暨会议中心l.KEY WORDS/ Deliberation, Blending Into The Surroundings, Goodtaste, Some Features, The Center OfAdministration And Conference In Zunyi City ABSTRACT/ During Design And Construction Of This Building, The Designers Deliberate The Shape, Materials And Details, Thus Creating A Tasteful Building Bl.通过对遵义市行政暨会议中心的设计和建造过程 的回顾,介绍了设计人如何通过形体、材料、细部节点的精心推敲,创 作出与环境相融合的高品质办公建筑;同时介绍了设计方法和设计团 队组合的一些特点。
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