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英汉对照(多篇)第18篇:英汉对照导游词 长白山北坡导游词 女士们、先生们 你们好Ladies and gentlemen , good morning !欢迎您来到吉林省长白山国家级自然保护区旅游观光welcome to Changbai Mountain Natural Reserve in jilin province我是这里的导游员As your guide非常高兴能有机会陪同各位一道参观游览长白山its my pleasure to visit Changbai Mountian with you 我愿意竭诚为您服务衷心祝您旅行愉快 Im willing to provide good service for you with sincerity and wish everyone has a good time here! 敬爱的邓小平同志游览长白山后说不登长白山终生遗憾Our respected leader Deng Xiaoping , after visiting Changbai Mountain , said that it would be a lifetime regret without climbing the Changbai Mountain 是的我想诸位今天游览长白山后会有更加深刻的体会.Indeed, I believe all of you will have more impreive experience after the visit 长白山将是您生态旅游、回归自然的首选旅游胜地。 It will be your first choice of ecotourism and to return to nature .现在大家跟我来到的是长白山北坡山门后Now, we at the gate of the north slope of Changbai Mountain .朋友们您现在已进入了举世闻名的长白山国家级自然保护区My friends , you have entered in the world-renowned Changbai Mountain National Nature Reserve我现在简单地向大家介绍一下长白山保护区的情况。Let me give you a brief introduction of the reserve 长白山自然保护区建立于1960年Changbai Mountain Natural Reserve was founded in 1960 ,1980年加入国际人与生物圈保护区网被列为世界自然保留地1986年被列为国家级森林与野生动物类型的自然保护区2022年5月经国家旅游局正式批准为国家5A级旅游景区2022年8月经国家地质遗址保护领导小组批准授予长白山国家地质公园资格。2022年11月长白山入选中国十大休闲胜地 界限分明的垂直植被景观带。It was included into the World Network of Biosphere Reserve and listed as the world Natural Reserve in 1980,and as the National Forest and wild life Protection Administration as the National 5 cla-A tourist attraction in May ,2022 and by Natural Geological Relics Protection Leading Group to confer it as the National Geological Park in August ,2022,.In November of 2022, |Changbai Mountain was selected as “China s top leisure resort” 从山脚到山顶虽然只有几十公里的行程There is only ten meters long from the feet to top 但垂直分布的景观带却好像经历了欧亚大陆从温带到极地几千公里的变化but the vertical landscape belt seems to has experienced about thousands of kilometers changes in Euria from subtropical to polar 游客可以在几个小时之内感觉到从温带到寒带的不同自然景色tourists can enjoy various natural sceneries from frigid zone to temperate zone within hours.如同游历了半个世界经历了春夏秋冬四季一样真可谓是一山分四季十里不同天。It just like have happened for half a century and experienced from spring to winter .the mountain has different views in four seasons and has various climates within kilometers 第19篇:建设和谐世界(英汉对照) 建设和谐世界 The Building of a Harmonious World 我们提出推动建设和谐世界,符合当今世界发展潮流和各国人名的共同利益与愿望,体现了中国政府和人民致力于世界和平与进步的坚定信念。 We call for and promote the building of a harmonious world, which is in line with the trend of the times in the world today and reflects the common interests and aspirations of people acro the globe.This embodies a firm commitment on the part of the Chinese government and people to work for world peace and progre.建设和谐世界,就是要在政治上平等明珠,经济上互利合作,文化上交流共进,通过国与国之间的友好合作,共同应对全球性的传统和费创痛安全挑战,实现世界的持久和平与共同繁荣。 In order to build a harmonious world, there must be political equality and democracy, mutually beneficial economic cooperation, and cultural exchanges that promote common progre, and countries of the world must work together in friendly cooperation to addre traditional and non-traditional global security threats and bring about lasting peace and common prosperity for the whole world. 面对复杂多变的国际形势,我们要高举和平、发展、合作的旗帜,坚定不移地走和平发展道路,坚定不移地奉行独立自主的和平外交政策,坚定不移地在和平共处五项原则基础上同世界各国和睦相处,捍卫国家的主权、安全和利益,维护我国发展的重要战略机遇期,为全面建设小康社会、加快推进社会主义现代化营造良好的外部环境。 In the face of a complicated and fluid international situation, we need to hold high the banner of peace, development and cooperation, firmly adhere to the path of peaceful development, steadfastly pursue and in dependent foreign policy of peace, maintain friendly relations with other countries based on the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, safeguard Chinas sovereignty, security and interests, ensure that China is able to take advantage of this period of important strategic opportunities, and create a favorable external environment building a moderately prosperous society in all respects and accelerating socialist modernization. 第20篇:外贸采购术语英汉对照 外贸采购术语英汉对照 第一部分: custom made:需指定制造的产品 first priority:最高的优先级别 PPR( Premium price request):高于标准价格采购请求 RFQ(request for quote):报价请求,询盘 ESI(Early supplier involvement):供应商早期介入 cost modeling:成本模型 STD price:标准价格 Stock-out cost:缺货成本 awarded supplier:指定供应商 escalate to higher level:提交上级处理 cut hard order:手动下订单 customer demand pull-in:客户需求提前或增加 Distributor:分销商; Manufacturing:厂商; Broker:经纪商。(紧急情况下启用,价格较高。) EAU (Estimated annual usage):预估每年需求量 line down:停产 APQP(advanced product quality planning):指产品在量产前对如何实现产品以及如何进行质量控制看展的策划活动。 PPAP(production part approval proce):生产件批准程序,是指第一次生产样件时向客户提交一系列文件记录清单,如样品检测报告, FMEA,工艺流程图,控制计划,图纸等等,要提交的资料根据客户要求进行,提交后客户将确认OK后方可进行试生产阶段。 EOQ(economic ordering quantity):经济订购数量,EOQ= (A:单位时间净需求S:每次订购费用U:商品单位成本C:储存成本) EDI(electronic data interchange):电子数据交换。 第二部分: 1.R&D (research and design) 研发 2.APS (automated purchasing system)自动采购系统 3
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