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英语翻译考试(多篇)第20篇:英语翻译 Busine Advertisements 商务广告 翻译技巧 1.直译法 l Big thrills.Small bills.大刺激,小消费 2.意译法(取原文内容而舍弃形式,容许创造但原文信息应该保存) l Behind that healthy smile, theres a Crest kid. 健康笑容来自佳洁士 3.创译法(摒弃原文翻译,进行重新创造,表层意义少有相似之处,但具备更高的意境,更强的感染力) l A great way to fly. 飞跃万里,超越一切。(新加坡航空) 4.增补法(对原文关键词词义进行挖掘、引申、扩充) l Crest Whitens Whites. 佳洁士牙膏使牙齿白上加白。 l Everything you heard is true.真材料,真感受,真服务。 5.浓缩法(针对原文不够精炼、信息过剩的文本使用) l Wherever you are.Whatever you do.The Allianz Group is always on your side.安联集团,永远站在你身边。 6.四字法(中文习惯,言简意赅、寓意深长) l We lead.Others copy.我们领先,他人效仿。(理光复印机) l Prepare to want one.众望所归,翘首以待(现代汽车) 7.不译法(广告口号原文短小精悍时,难以译出同样惟妙惟肖的对应句时采用,效果:出奇制胜) l NEC Multimedia welcomes you home.(Slogan: ) just imagine这里变成你家。(NEC Multimedia) l Open your eyes to the world (Slogan:) The worlds news leader.CNN 国际新闻网让您放眼看世界(口号:) The worlds news leader.Practice: 情系中国结,联通四海心 l Unicom connects Chinese. l Your emotions in a Chinese knot, connecting you to the whole world. l Chinese Knot, linking you and me. l Small deposit, Big return. 小额存款,巨额收益。(银行) l The choice is yours.The honor is ours. 任君选择,深感荣幸。(汽车) l Focus on life. 瞄准生活。(奥林巴斯) l Thats my way. 踏上个性之路。(莱尔斯丹女鞋) l Come to New York and See the world.If you are looking for the place that has everything, theres only one place to visit, and thats New York.Its a whole world in a city. 来纽约,看世界。如果你想寻找包罗万象之地,只有一处可以造访那就是纽约:一座城市,一个世界。 广告公司 跟踪服务 Advertising agency follow-up service Vending machine slice of life 自动售货机 实景真人 特写 生活片段 special effect 特技 Live action 展台 feature articles booths GPS Full showing GPS 全面登场 GPSGlobal Positioning System Grandchildren-raising fees Childs slave Empty-nest family Sponsorship fee Tuition and incidental fees Tutoring center Baby-sitter SECTION 1 l 书面商务广告的结构 Headline 表现广告主题的短文或短句 Body text 广告主体, 对标题做出详细解释与说明 Slogan 一则广告中最醒目、最引人注目的部分 SECTION 2 体会下列广告的翻译,并说出它们分别是哪些企业的广告用语。 (1) Making a big world smaller. 把世界变小了。(德国汉沙航空公司) (2) Diet cares more than the doctor.药补不如食补。 (食品广告) (3) Compact and Impact.体积虽小,颇具功效。 (旅行箱的广告) (4) Let the rainbow in the sky, Send his twin brother to you To keep your spirit high.天上彩虹,人间长虹。 (“长虹”电视机的广告) (5) Maxam erases years from your skin.岁月的小细纹不知不觉游走了。 (“美加净”的广告) 你能翻译出下列常见的广告语吗? (1) Make yourself heard. 理解就是沟通(爱立信) (2) Start ahead. 成功之路,从头开始(飘柔) (3) Connecting people. 科技以人为本(诺基亚) (4) Lets make things better. 让我们做得更好(飞利浦) (5) Good to the last drop 滴滴香浓,意犹未尽(麦斯威尔咖啡) (6) Poetry in motion, dancing close to me 动态的诗,向我舞近(丰田汽车) (7) Ask for more. 渴望无限(百事流行鞋) (8) The choice of a new generation.新一代的选择(百事可乐) (9) 要买房,到建行。 Wanna a house of your own? Buy one with our loan.(10)没有最好,只有更好。 Good better best, never let it rest.请判断以下广告语运用的修辞方法并体会其翻译。 (1) EBEL, the architects of time. EBEL手表,时间的设计师。(拟人) (2) Wherever it hurts, well heal it.不管它哪里疼痛,我们都会使它愈合。(夸张) (3) Make Time For Time.阅读时代能为您赢得时间。(双关) (4) Live well, Snack well.美好生活,离不开香脆的饼干。(排比) (5) M If you drink, dont drive. 翻译为“严禁酒后驾车。”,就要比“如果你要开车就不要喝酒,如果你喝了酒就不要开车。”效果要好,因为汉语读者习惯于这种强制性表达。 再如:Thieves love crowds; watch your wallet, bag, and camera.汉语习惯于从留意可疑人员方面入手来提醒顾客注意扒手,因此可翻译为:“谨防扒手!”,而不能照字面意思来翻译 二、要注意行文简洁、流畅 由于广告受到时间、空间和顾客的心理接受程度等诸多因素的制约,往往要求行文简洁、流畅。翻译时也应满足此特点的要求。 例如:Finest food, most attractive surroundings, and friendly disposition.有人翻译为:最好的食物,最吸引人的环境,友好的接待。但这显得不够简洁,从一定程度上也损害了广告的效果。我们可以改译为:风味独特,环境幽雅,服务周到。 再如:The unique spirit of Canada. 品加拿大酒,体会加拿大人的精神。 How does your garden grow? 我们帮你绿化家园。 三、要注重广告的功能效应 翻译时,要结合广告的目的物及其动机目的,有条件地发挥创造性,不拘泥于原文的形式,大胆地突破,充分发挥汉语的语言优势,利用汉语的谐音、押韵和节奏感等特点来翻译广告语。 例如:Think once.Think twice.Think bike. 翻译为:左想想,右想想,还是自行车最理想。 A mars a day helps you work, rest and play. 一天加一码,工作休闲更潇洒。 Its the taste.雀巢咖啡,是你期望的味道。 Pepsi-cola hits the spot, Twelve full ounces, thats a lot, Twice as much for a nickel, too, Pepsi-cola is the drink for you. 百事可乐将较真,质保优来量保份,如实经常饮此品,身强体壮病无根。 译文解析 l Somewhere in the worldin dense jungle, or basking desert, or polar wasteland an explorer could even now be navigating by dead reckoning.For this task, an absolutely reliable time-piece is eential.在这个世界的某个地方 在热带丛林中,在酷热难挨的沙漠里,抑或在极地的荒原上,一位探险家可能正借助仪器测定方位。这时,绝对可靠的计时器可是生命攸关的啊! l Ever since its introduction in 1926, the Rolex Oyster has been the choice of explorers and adventures.The virtual indestructibility of the Oyster case and utter reliability of the movement it contains have ensured that countle oysters have accompanied their wearers into history books.自从劳力士1926年问世
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